What are the advantages and disadvantages of the 2024 high school art exam

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In 2024, whether the high school art exam is good or not will vary from person to person. The talented people will be more powerful if they take the art exam. For the students whose college entrance exam results are not very outstanding, choosing to take the art exam will give them a choice to go to 211 or 985 key universities. Students can only take the art exam for two students who do not want to go or want to read one or more books. If their family conditions permit, they can choose to take the art college entrance exam.

How about taking the art exam in high school

Whether the high school walking art exam is good or not depends on personal choice, and there is no unique answer. If you think you really have artistic talent, dance well, draw well, or are good at art design and performance, it is a good thing to take the art exam to realize your artistic ideal.

Taking the art examination, a large part of which is to fulfill one's artistic dream. The purpose of the art examination is to enter a good university to continue professional learning and master professional skills. It is an affirmation of one's major and a choice of the future major. The art examination is indeed a good way to go for examinations whose cultural achievements are not particularly good, Because the cultural requirements of arts majors are more than 100 points lower than those of ordinary arts and science majors;

However, it is a shortcut to a famous school for candidates who have good cultural achievements but can not reach the famous school.

If you are from an ordinary family, you should think carefully about taking the art exam. Learning art itself costs a lot of money. Now many training classes for dancing, musical instruments and painting are often tens of thousands, which is a big expense for examinees with ordinary families. Especially for the art examinees who study painting, some good everyday materials such as brushes and pigments are expensive and expensive, which can be said to be a waste of money and a great test of family circumstances.

Advantages and disadvantages of high school students taking the art examination


For students who are not particularly excellent in the college entrance examination, they can choose another way to go to 211 key universities. They can only take two exams and do not want to go, but want to read one or duplicate. Those whose family conditions permit can choose to take the art exam. Candidates who are naturally fond of art can satisfy their pursuit of art by following the path of art candidates.

One more chance to study. When filling in the application form, the art majors were enrolled in batches in advance. The art examinees wanted to see if they could pass the exam because they liked art. But for some reasons, there was no ideal university for the art examinees. When filling in the application form, they could also choose to fill in the general college entrance examination. Both undergraduate and professional courses were optional.


Learning art and participating in art training is bound to affect the study of cultural courses. Fortunately, after the end of the art exam, there is still more than three months to review cultural courses, but the results will certainly be affected a little. The cost of learning art is large, and it needs a lot of financial support. It needs to be considered by art examinees themselves.

Forget the past 2024-05-23 14:02:12

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