Ranking and score line of Henan liberal arts universities (reference for liberal arts in 2024 college entrance examination)

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Which liberal arts universities in Henan can apply for an examination? This article will show the ranking of Henan University of Liberal Arts and the lowest admission score in 2023, which is 465~602 points, for college candidates of liberal arts in the province in 2024.

1、 Ranking of Henan University of Arts

Among the liberal arts universities such as "finance and economics, comprehensive education, politics and law, and normal education" that will enroll liberal arts students in the 2023 college entrance examination in Henan Province, the list of universities and enrollment majors that are located in Henan Province and rank among the top ten in the admission score line is as follows for reference by Henan liberal arts candidates in 2024.

No.1: Zhengzhou University

The enrollment majors are Economics, Marxist Theory, Pedagogy, Chinese Language and Literature, Journalism and Communication, History, Business Administration, Public Management, Library and Information and Archives Management, Philosophy, Law, English, Russian, German, Japanese, and Humanities Experimental Classes

Second place: Zhengzhou University (Sino foreign cooperation)

The major of enrollment is economics

3rd place: Henan University

The enrollment majors are economics, Chinese language and literature, journalism and communication, history, geographical science, philosophy, economics, law, ideological and political education, Chinese language and literature, English, world history, accounting

4th place: Henan University of Economics and Law

The enrollment majors are economics, finance, economics and trade, sociology, foreign language and literature, business administration, public administration, tourism management, economic statistics, digital economy, insurance, credit management, law, intellectual property, Chinese language and literature, secretarial science, Russian, journalism, radio and television, advertising Network and new media, information management and information system, real estate development and management, accounting, financial management, human resources management, auditing, agricultural and forestry economic management, logistics management, e-commerce, e-commerce and law, preparatory classes, discipline inspection and supervision

5th place: Henan Normal University

The enrollment majors are law, sociology, Marxist theory, pedagogy, public management, tourism management, philosophy, economics, investment, international economy and trade, political science and administration, international politics, ideological and political education, pedagogy, preschool education, Chinese language and literature, Chinese international education, English, Russian, French, Japanese, translation Radio and Television, History, World History, Archaeology, Geography, Business Administration, Accounting, Financial Management, Human Resources Management, Cultural Industry Management, Labor and Social Security, Preparatory Courses

6th place: Henan University (Nursing)

The major of enrollment is nursing

7th place: Henan University of Science and Technology

The enrollment majors are law, Chinese language and literature, history, business administration, economics, finance, international economy and trade, ideological and political education, English, Japanese, and business English

8th place: Henan University (Puyang Institute of Technology jointly established with Puyang City)

The major of enrollment is Chinese language and literature

9th place: Xinyang Normal University

The enrollment majors are law, ideological and political education, pedagogy, Chinese language and literature, English, history, geographical science, accounting

No. 10: Luoyang Normal University

The major of enrollment is Chinese language and literature

2、 Henan University of Arts Score

The table below shows the minimum admission score of all liberal arts undergraduate universities in Henan Province in 2023. Zhengzhou University, with the highest score, will score 602 points in 2023. Nanyang Normal University (Sino foreign cooperation) with the lowest score (higher charge) will score 465 points in 2023.

School name subject two thousand and twenty-three
Zhengzhou University Liberal arts six hundred and two
Zhengzhou University
(Sino foreign cooperation)
Liberal arts five hundred and ninety
Henan University Liberal arts five hundred and ninety
Henan University of Economics and Law Liberal arts five hundred and seventy-one
Henan Normal University Liberal arts five hundred and sixty-six
Henan University
Liberal arts five hundred and sixty-five
Henan University of Science and Technology Liberal arts five hundred and sixty-three
Henan University
(Jointly with Puyang City
Puyang Institute of Technology)
Liberal arts five hundred and fifty-nine
Xinyang Normal University Liberal arts five hundred and fifty-eight
Luoyang Normal University Liberal arts five hundred and fifty-seven
Nanyang Normal University Liberal arts five hundred and fifty-two
Zhengzhou Aviation Industry
School of Management
Liberal arts five hundred and fifty-two
Henan University of Economics and Law
(With the people of Henan Province
Joint Office of the Procuratorate)
Liberal arts five hundred and fifty
Henan University of Science and Technology Liberal arts five hundred and forty-nine
shangqiu normal university Liberal arts five hundred and forty-eight
Henan University
(Sino foreign cooperation)
Liberal arts five hundred and forty-seven
Anyang Normal University Liberal arts five hundred and forty-seven
Zhoukou Normal University Liberal arts five hundred and forty-seven
Henan University of Economics and Law
(Higher charge)
Liberal arts five hundred and forty-seven
Henan Police College Liberal arts five hundred and forty-five
Luoyang Normal University Liberal arts five hundred and thirty-nine
Nanyang Normal University Liberal arts five hundred and thirty-seven
Xinyang Normal University Liberal arts five hundred and thirty-six
Henan University of Science and Technology
(With Sanmenxia Municipal Government
Joint School of Applied Engineering)
Liberal arts five hundred and thirty-four
Xinyang Normal University
(Medical care)
Liberal arts five hundred and thirty-one
zhengzhou normal university Liberal arts five hundred and thirty-one
Anyang Normal University Liberal arts five hundred and twenty-nine
Henan University of Science and Technology Liberal arts five hundred and twenty-eight
Xinyang Normal University
(Sino foreign cooperation)
Liberal arts five hundred and twenty-six
Henan University of Economics and Law
(With the Russian people
Youyi University)
Liberal arts five hundred and twenty-five
shangqiu normal university Liberal arts five hundred and twenty-four
Zhoukou Normal University Liberal arts five hundred and twenty-four
Huanghuai University Liberal arts five hundred and twenty-three
Henan Institute of Finance Liberal arts five hundred and twenty
Pingdingshan University Liberal arts five hundred and nineteen
Xinxiang University Liberal arts five hundred and nineteen
Pingdingshan University
(Medical care)
Liberal arts five hundred and sixteen
Henan College of Animal Husbandry Economics Liberal arts five hundred and fifteen
Anyang Normal University
(Sino foreign cooperation)
Liberal arts five hundred and fourteen
Nanyang Normal University
(Non local campus)
Liberal arts five hundred and twelve
Huanghuai University
(Sino foreign cooperation)
Liberal arts five hundred and ten
shangqiu normal university
(With Shangqiu Vocational Technology
College Joint Office)
Liberal arts five hundred and nine
Zhoukou Normal University
(Higher charge)
Liberal arts five hundred and six
shangqiu normal university
(Sino foreign cooperation)
Liberal arts five hundred and three
Henan Kaifeng Technology
Media College
Liberal arts five hundred and two
Henan University of Science and Technology
Sumy International College
Liberal arts five hundred and one
Xinyang University Liberal arts five hundred
Henan College of Animal Husbandry Economics
(Higher charge)
Liberal arts four hundred and ninety-eight
Henan College of Animal Husbandry Economics
(Sino foreign cooperation)
(Talent Campus)
Liberal arts four hundred and ninety-eight
Zhengzhou Shengda Economy and Trade
School of Management
Liberal arts four hundred and ninety-two
Zhengzhou Sias University Liberal arts four hundred and ninety
Zhongyuan University of Science and Technology Liberal arts four hundred and ninety
Zhengzhou University of Economics and Trade Liberal arts four hundred and eighty-seven
Zhengzhou Business University Liberal arts four hundred and eighty-five
Zhengzhou University of Finance and Economics Liberal arts four hundred and eighty-four
Anyang University Liberal arts four hundred and eighty-two
Shangqiu University Liberal arts four hundred and eighty-one
Shangqiu University
(School of Applied Science and Technology)
Liberal arts four hundred and seventy-nine
Henan College of Animal Husbandry Economics
Karol International Institute of Technology
Liberal arts four hundred and seventy-eight
Zhengzhou Sias University
Kansas International College
Liberal arts four hundred and seventy-two
Henan Normal University
(Sino foreign cooperation)
Liberal arts four hundred and sixty-six
Nanyang Normal University
(Sino foreign cooperation)
(Higher charge)
Liberal arts four hundred and sixty-five
persevere 2024-05-21 12:01:56

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2. Preface to Sending Li to Pangu: "My heart is deep, and I can show you its beauty."
3. "Xunzi": "Narrow and narrow, broad outline."
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