The reason why children don't want to do homework

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There are many reasons why children don't want to do homework. One is that children lack interest in learning, so they don't want to waste time on homework; Second, because children are under too much pressure to learn, teachers assign too much homework every day, and children can't finish it at all; Third, because there are too many extracurricular classes, children have no rest time at all, so they gradually become bored with school.

The reason why children don't want to do homework

1. Lack of interest

The reason why the school requires students to do homework after they go home is actually a process of reviewing the knowledge they learned that day. During the learning process, only timely review can consolidate the knowledge they learned. Therefore, this homework has to be written. However, the problem is that the form of this homework is not attractive enough for children, either copying or various exercise books. There are too many interesting things around children than doing homework. If the homework is not interesting enough, children's energy is difficult to concentrate.

2. High pressure in school

Today's children are under great pressure to learn. After all, their academic performance is also linked to the teacher's performance, and the teacher dare not relax. Children stay at school for 8 hours a day. In addition to class and homework, it is false for them to say that there is no pressure. It was not easy to wait until school was over, but there was still a lot of homework after returning home. The child instinctively resisted homework and procrastinated if he could.

3. Too many extracurricular classes

Nowadays, parents pay special attention to their children's education. They are afraid that their children will fall behind. They have also signed up for various remedial classes for their children. In order to let parents see the learning effect, the remedial classes will naturally assign homework. For children, there are enough homework in school, and they also have to deal with homework in extracurricular classes. As time goes by, children will get angry when they see homework, and it is easy to have school weariness.

What to do if the child doesn't want to do homework

1. Create atmosphere

In fact, some children do not love homework, but lack of learning atmosphere at home. For example, if the child is doing homework while Baoma is watching TV, the child will naturally not concentrate on his study. At this time, Baoma must give her children a good learning atmosphere, turn off the TV in time, and it is best to study with them. You can look for a book to read, so that the child will be embarrassed to play again and will obediently do his homework.

2. Keep quiet

In addition to the learning atmosphere, a quiet environment is also very important. If the child is doing his homework, but someone at home is listening to music, the child must be unable to concentrate. When children start to do homework after school, Baoma and her family must cooperate and try not to make any noise.

3. Develop a habit

For children who don't like to do homework, Baoma must help them develop the habit of doing homework on time. It's better to do homework immediately after school, and don't let the children play first, so it's hard to stop. If children are given a specific time to do homework every day, they will form the habit of doing homework on time.

The reason why children don't want to do homework is as above. Parents can choose appropriate education methods according to their children's specific conditions. Only in this way can children get rid of the idea of not doing homework.

Time is quiet 2024-06-13 14:07:49

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