Provinces that use Volume I of the National College Entrance Examination

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The National College Entrance Examination Examination Center of the Ministry of Education has ordered five sets, which are the National Volume I, National Volume II, National Volume III, New College Entrance Examination Volume I, and New College Entrance Examination Volume II. The following is a small compilation of provinces that use the New College Entrance Examination Volume I nationwide. I hope you like it!

Which provinces are included in the 2023 New College Entrance Examination Volume 1

National Volume A: Yunnan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan and Tibet

National Volume B: Henan, Shanxi, Jiangxi, Anhui, Gansu, Qinghai, Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Ningxia, Xinjiang, Shaanxi

New College Entrance Examination Volume I: At present, the provinces using the National College Entrance Examination Volume I are Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangsu, Hebei, Shandong, Hunan and Hubei. On September 30, 2022, Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education issued a document announcing that the Chinese, mathematics and foreign languages will begin to use the national volume in 2023, which will lead to the situation that eight provinces use the same set of papers.

New College Entrance Examination Volume II: Hainan, Liaoning, Chongqing

Independent proposition: Tianjin, Beijing, Shanghai

Due to the differences between the national college entrance examination reform and the local college entrance examination, the national college entrance examination papers are divided into seven categories, including the national volume 1, 2, and 3, the national volume 1 and 2 of the new college entrance examination "3+3", and the independent test paper of the new college entrance examination "3+1+2".

There are volumes A and B in the whole country, while the new college entrance examination "3+1+2" is volume I, and the new college entrance examination "3+3" is volume II.

Why not use a set of test papers for college entrance examination

1. The progress of college entrance examination reform is not synchronized

First of all, the reason why the national college entrance examination has not been implemented is that the reform progress of college entrance examination across the country is not synchronized and consistent. China's reform of the college entrance examination has been in progress, but the reform of the college entrance examination is not synchronized across the country, but is explored and tried in different regions. In some areas, the reform of the college entrance examination is faster, while in some areas it is slower, which fully reflects the characteristics of "crossing the river by feeling the stones". The experience formed in the college entrance examination in various places will be comprehensively applied and popularized. If everyone chooses the same set of test papers, it will not reflect the progress of the reform of the college entrance examination everywhere, and it is also easy to cause confusion for college entrance examination students everywhere.

2. In order to take care of the examinees in the provinces and cities

There are many key universities in China located in such big cities as Beijing and Shanghai. If the whole country adopts the same test paper, for those provinces and cities with a large number of people taking the college entrance examination every year, such as Henan and Hebei, the examinees in these regions will fill up these key universities, and the local examinees of key universities will lose their advantages, For the local government, it is definitely not agreed. It is also for the local government to take care of local examinees to adopt the provincial and municipal self proposition for the college entrance examination.

The Importance of the New College Entrance Examination Reform

First, select talents scientifically. The second is to promote the healthy development of students. Third, safeguard social fairness.

In terms of reforming the enrollment system, the key contents include two aspects:

First, colleges and universities have gradually implemented a comprehensive evaluation and diversified admission mechanism based on the unified college entrance examination and high school academic level examination results. The second is to accelerate the implementation of classified enrollment and registration of vocational colleges, reflecting the characteristics of vocational education. Some students who apply for higher vocational colleges may not take the college entrance examination, and the school will enroll them according to their high school academic level test results and career orientation test results.

According to the top-level design of these reforms, and then follow up a series of supporting reforms, actively and steadily promote, will be conducive to eliminating the drawbacks of "one exam determines life", reducing the pressure on students to take the exam, reversing the exam oriented education tendencies such as "what to take the exam to learn" and "score by score", promoting the healthy growth of millions of students, promoting the scientific selection of talents in various colleges and universities, and promoting social fairness and justice.

Lily in the wind 2024-06-16 17:05:23

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Pinyin: s  n ch ü n hu ī.


Meng Jiao, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote in The Wanderer's Ode: "The line in the mother's hand, the jacket of the wanderer's body; the seams are tight before leaving, and the mind is afraid of returning late. Who can say that the heart of grass can be rewarded by the three spring glow?"


The mother used her needle and thread to make clothes for her son. Before leaving, the clothes were sewed closely, afraid that his son would come back late and his clothes would be damaged. Who dares to say that children's weak filial piety like grass can repay their motherly kindness like the spring sun?

Word notes:

1. Traveler: In ancient times, it was called a person who traveled far away.

2. Yin: Poetic name.

3. Pro: About to.

4. Fear: worry.

5. Go back home.

6. Who said: a "difficult general". Speak, speak.

7. Inch grass: grass. Here is a metaphor for children.

8. Heart: semantic pun refers to the stems of plants and trees as well as the wishes of children.

9. Reward: Reward.


Deep maternal love bathes children all the time. However, the most memorable moment for Meng Jiao, a vagrant who has always been displaced and has no fixed residence, is the painful moment when mother and son separated. This poem describes the ordinary scene of a loving mother sewing clothes at such a time, but it shows the poet's deep inner feelings.

The first two sentences, "The line in the mother's hand, the coat of the wandering son", are actually two phrases, rather than two sentences. In this way, from people to things, we can use the two most common and common things, "line" and "clothes", to closely link "the loving mother" and "the wandering son", and write the feelings of the mother and the son that depend on each other. The next two sentences, "Before leaving, I am afraid of returning late", describe people's actions and attitudes, and focus on the mother. Here, through the depiction of the action and psychology of the loving mother making clothes for the wandering children, we can deepen the love between mother and son. At this moment before leaving, the mother's thousands of stitches and threads were "closely stitched" because she was afraid of her son's "delay". It is through the details of daily life that a loving mother naturally reveals her deep and sincere feelings. Simple and natural, kind and touching. There are neither words nor tears here, but a pure love overflows from this common scene.

The first four sentences use the line drawing technique without any modification, but the image of a loving mother is really moving. The last two sentences are the sublimation of the first four sentences. With the intuition of the people involved, they have a deeper meaning: "Who speaks in grass, will be rewarded by the three Chunhui." The author expresses his mind and sings the praises of maternal love heartily. These two sentences use the traditional technique of comparison. Children are just like grass, and maternal love is like the sunshine in spring. The suspended contrast and vivid metaphor express the ardent emotion of the red son to his mother from the bottom of his heart.

This is an ode to maternal love. Under the circumstances of failure in the official career, the poet experienced the inconstancy of the world and was depressed for life, so he felt the value of family love more. "Poetry comes from the heart, and often comes out of the heart" (Su Shi's Reading Meng Jiao's Poems). This poem is fresh and smooth, though it is free from caricature and sculpture. The rich and mellow beauty of its poetic flavor can be seen in its simplicity.

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There is no need to follow others' advice, which means: don't say what others say, and follow your own advice. It describes that there is no assertiveness and following the voice.
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From Jin Cai Songnian's "Gousheng Tongyan Gaofu": "When the trough bed crosses the bamboo spring spring, the people will follow my example someday."
Near righteousness: follow the advice and pick up wisdom.
Antinomy: Be independent and outspoken.
Usage: as predicate, attribute, adverbial; Refers to the lack of assertiveness.
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