What are the advantages and disadvantages of the targeted training of non commissioned officers

Selected answers

The advantage of the targeted cultivation of non commissioned officers is that being admitted by the targeted cultivation of non commissioned officers school is equivalent to getting the number of enlisted officers in advance. In this way, as long as the assessment is passed, the non commissioned officers can be enlisted. There will be no competition, and they will enjoy the relevant treatment of active duty non commissioned officers.

Analysis of Advantages and Disadvantages of Directional Cultivation of Non commissioned Officers

1. Advantages of training non commissioned officers

Low admission score: generally, the admission score is not much higher than the junior college level, which has disadvantages for the results, but students who want to take the military academy exam are a good direction.

Diploma: After graduation from the Targeted Sergeant School, in addition to the assignment of sergeant posts, they will also issue graduation certificates. After retirement, you can still rely on your diploma to find a job, or you can take the college to undergraduate examination.

Employment is relatively easy: now whether it is civil service examination or enterprise employment. Better places require a bachelor's degree. In terms of academic qualifications, college level students will be greatly restricted in this regard. However, joining the army and including the training of targeted non commissioned officers can solve the problem of employment. In this regard, directional non commissioned officers have great advantages.

2. Disadvantages of training non commissioned officers

School age does not count as military age: the study time during the 3-year period of directional training does not count as military age, which is also the main reason why many people think that directional non commissioned officers are a pit.

The training is too hard: the purpose of targeting non commissioned officers is to cultivate talents for non commissioned officers, so they will train in strict accordance with the requirements of the army during the training. Many people feel sorry because their physical strength is insufficient and the training is too hard to last.

Implementation of elimination system: NCO students are eliminated during school. They will be regularly assessed for various qualities of students. If they fail to pass the review, they cannot enter the army. People without willpower should be carefully selected.

Employment prospects of targeted non commissioned officers

Because the majors learned by the targeted non commissioned officers in school are all in line with the post development needs of the army. Therefore, when they enter the army for internship in the last year, they are usually assigned to corresponding units or posts. The knowledge learned by the targeted non commissioned officer university is useful in the army.

Directional NCOs in the army mainly follow the technical line and develop in the direction of technical sergeants. Because of the high starting point of their professional skills, as long as they train hard and strive for perfection in the army, they will serve as "coach squad leader" or "sergeant staff officer" in the army within a few years. It is mainly to develop in the direction of "technician".

Technicians have no upper limit in the development space of the army. That is to say, as long as they master professional skills, they have a full opportunity to work in the army until they are transferred to another job, or retired month by month. After all, with the growth of his service life, he has more and more experience, and his ability to deal with problems and troubleshoot is stronger and stronger, so he can naturally have a foothold in the army.

As long as the targeted non commissioned officers have served in the army for 12 years, they will meet the conditions for relocation. Since the promulgation of the Law on the Protection of Ex servicemen, the legitimate rights and interests of ex servicemen have been further protected. More and more demobilized soldiers have been placed in institutions with staffing, and the placement work is more and more secure and decent.

Dust Flyer 2024-05-24 12:54:22

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In the sediment of Chibi, there is a broken halberd that has not rusted completely. I found it was a relic of the Battle of Red Cliff after my own polishing. If it had not been for Dongfeng's convenience to Zhou Yu, Cao Cao would have won the battle, and Er Qiao would have been put in the Bronze Sparrow Terrace.
Creation background:
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