What is financial value

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Financial value is the net profit created by an enterprise for shareholders in a short period of time, and also reflects the ability of the enterprise to pay dividends. Generally, the financial value of an enterprise not only includes the overall profitability and cash flow stability of the enterprise, but also includes the ability of the enterprise to create the entire cash flow in the future.

The financial value of enterprise operation is affected by both the internal environment and the external environment. Among them, the internal factors refer to the corporate governance structure, investment decision-making methods, financing decisions and the corresponding dividend policies; The external environment includes macro environmental impact and micro environmental impact. External macro factors have an important impact on the promotion of corporate financial value, which can determine the development and direction of corporate strategy. When facing the external micro environment, enterprises need to formulate relevant and reasonable policies to improve the environment of the entire external market and make the entire market change in the direction most conducive to the development of financial value.


What is the value of finance?

When I first entered the workplace, a leader I personally respected said to me that finance is the dashboard in the cab, which can clearly record every detail in the driving process and guide the driver to make the most correct judgment.

With the gradual accumulation of work experience, more and more people feel that the leader's statement is very correct.

If a company is regarded as an aircraft, then finance will not be the engine, because it cannot generate enough power for the aircraft to take off; Finance will not be the wing, which will not generate enough buoyancy to keep the aircraft flying. Finance will not be the pilot, which will not control the whole aircraft; Finance is the dashboard in the cockpit of an aircraft, which can always tell managers what has happened in the operation of an enterprise.

After understanding that finance is the dashboard in the cab, we can understand that one of the functions of the finance department is to present data to everyone and analyze data from various perspectives.

However, in many cases, there will be some problems in the calculation of many data. The main reasons are as follows: First, the financial department and the business department record their own data. There is no collaboration between them, and the logical dimensions of the data are inconsistent; Second, the business does not record data at all, only financial records. However, if the business cannot understand the data recorded in the financial dimension, it will be said that the data in the financial record is wrong. This is the case for the enterprise I worked for.

I don't want to evaluate business here. What I want to say is that in this era, if financial personnel define their work as bookkeeping, it is outdated and irresponsible to the enterprise; The financial personnel need to actively communicate with the business and understand the business links and processes. Only when they understand the essence of the business can they make better records and internal control. Otherwise, they will be derailed from the actual situation. At the same time, the financial personnel should also timely submit some financial data analysis to help the business department make a good plan.

In short, don't just record the results mechanically, but help the business department to implement and plan the strategy in advance, and finally help the business department to improve the results.

Therefore, as a department with centralized data, how to help enterprises avoid risks and promote enterprise development is the core value of the financial department.

Speaking of this, there is another problem. As far as I know, in many enterprises, it is difficult for senior executives to see management reports. This is the case in enterprises before me. First, senior executives cannot see management reports; Second, the executives have no sense of reading the statements;

There is a saying that finding no problem is the biggest problem. Sometimes, only you know what you want? Only then can you know who can provide you with the data. So generally speaking, as long as the management knows what data they want to see and puts forward new demands, the subordinates will try to change their original working mode to update the data indicators. Otherwise, it is difficult for us to ask all our financial personnel at the basic level to be the worms in the minds of the executives and know what the leaders want.

If the senior executives do not put forward more requirements to the finance department, and the quality of the personnel in the finance department does not improve quickly, the daily management report of the enterprise will gradually deviate from the actual business, and the daily data analysis will lose the function of providing decision-making advice. Such a vicious circle will only lead to the gradual abandonment of the finance by the management, and into a cold place, The financial department eventually becomes a bookkeeping and fund management department; This is the sorrow of an enterprise's management and the sorrow of a financial department.

Finally, I often hear a saying that the company has no money and no profit because the finance is too unprofessional to do anything.

In response to this statement, I would like to say that an enterprise has no money. Broadly speaking, there are only two reasons: first, there are a large number of receivables that cannot be collected in daily operations, or the enterprise's operations are very poor and cannot sign new orders; Second, enterprises cannot find investors, obtain funds in the financing market or lend money to financial institutions.

I often say that business is the cause and finance is the result; The person who said the previous sentence overestimated the ability of the financial staff. Finance can not create income, and finance can not create profits, so the previous sentence is totally nonsense. The real reason is the business itself, not finance.

What is the core value of the financial department?

1. It is to provide professional analysis and report for operators, and carry out early prediction, process accounting and analysis, and later control of enterprise capital operation.

2. In the process of creating enterprise value, the financial department belongs to the supporting department, providing financial resources support for its operation, supervising the consumption of financial resources, and reflecting its operating results. The vision and core values of the financial department should be the concrete embodiment of the corporate vision and core values.

3. Development data

The true core values of the enterprise must meet the following standards:

1. It must be the true situation of the core team of the enterprise or the entrepreneur himself. It is the idea that entrepreneurs practice and adhere to in the process of enterprise management. For example, some enterprises have the word "integrity" in their core values, but they do not show integrity in the actual business process, which is not their core values. From this perspective, core values cannot pursue fashion. Some of the core values of Fortune Global 500 companies may not be your core values, such as innovation, people orientation or the pursuit of better. It can be part of your value system, but not necessarily your "core" values.

2. The core refers to the most important key concept. The number should not be too large, usually five to six.

3. The core values must be the spiritual norms that truly affect the operation of enterprises and stand the test of time. Therefore, once determined, it will not be easily changed.

Responsibilities of financial supervisor:

1. Responsible for the overall financial and accounting work of the company;

2. Responsible for formulating and improving the company's financial and accounting systems, systems and methods;

3. Review the original documents of the company and handle daily accounting business;

4. Prepare accounting vouchers for the sales company and register accounting books;

5. Prepare the Company's accounting statements and submit them to the Deputy General Manager and General Manager in charge before the 10th day of each month.

6. Analyze and inspect the Company's financial revenue and expenditure and budget implementation;

The financial supervisor shall also organize the relevant personnel of the department to work with the relevant departments to formulate rules and regulations for the enterprise to handle various property related accounting affairs, and coordinate the implementation of all departments. Strictly implement financial discipline to prevent and stop illegal behaviors.

What is the relationship between the current price and the financial price?

Financial price, in fact, is the price in the traditional sense and the monetary form of value; The current price refers to the price actually implemented in the current economic life.

Development materials:

Cross border remittance method:

1. The current price refers to the price actually implemented in the current economic life. It is the monetary manifestation of the real commodity value or value transformation form. It is the medium to transmit the real market information. Including the current purchase price of agricultural and sideline products, the factory price of industrial products, the retail price of state-owned and supply and marketing cooperatives, and the trade price of urban and rural fairs. In China, the current price is generally determined by the state or the superior competent authority according to the relevant national policies, market supply and demand and other factors. The current prices are used in planning and statistics of the gross output value, national income, taxes, profits and other value indicators, which can reflect the current operating results of the enterprise and the entire national economy in a timely manner, and provide a basis for analyzing and studying various price systems, price forms and price policies.

2. Price refers to the value of unit goods or services, and its level is determined by the market supply and demand relationship. That is, the price is the unit value (unit price). Price is the transformation form of the exchange value of commodities in the circulation process. In the process of economics and business, price is a value figure set for goods, services and assets in the form of currency. In microeconomics, price is one of the important variables in the redistribution of resources between demand and supply.

In the daily application of modern society, price generally refers to the price or payment that the buyer needs to pay when conducting transactions.

In modern market economics, price is generated by the interaction and balance between supply and demand. In classical economics and Marxist economics, price is the external embodiment of the intrinsic value of commodities. In fact, these two statements exist dialectically and work together in production activities.

Two dependencies for one lifetime 2024-06-18 16:46:14

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