What subjects do you need to take in computer upgrading?

Finally woke up with a smile
Selected answers

The subject of the unified examination of all subjects is politics, English and a professional basic course.

1. Literature and history: politics, English, college Chinese.

2. Art: Politics, English, Introduction to Art.

3. Science and engineering: politics, English, advanced mathematics (I).

4. Economic management: politics, English, advanced mathematics (2).

5. Legal science: politics, English, civil law.

6. Pedagogy: politics, English, educational theory.

7. Agronomy: Fundamentals of politics, English and ecology.

8. Medicine: politics, English, and medicine.

9. Sports: politics, English, education theory.

10. Traditional Chinese medicine: politics, English, college Chinese.

Data of Dr. Sun Zhan:

According to the provincial quota for college to undergraduate enrollment issued by the Ministry of Education, outstanding fresh graduates of ordinary colleges are selected to participate in the unified examination organized by the Provincial Education Examination Institute in the second semester of the third grade before graduation (some provinces are pre five years old schools), and are selected to enter ordinary undergraduate colleges for two-year undergraduate study, After graduating from junior college, you can enter the undergraduate colleges with corresponding majors in your province;

They also enjoy the same treatment as ordinary undergraduate students. Upon graduation, they will be awarded the undergraduate diploma and degree certificate of ordinary higher education, and will be issued employment registration certificates.

The application objects of the unified enrollment for upgrading from junior college to undergraduate are only the current ordinary full-time junior college graduates. The application conditions are excellent junior college graduates, which are different from provinces, cities and schools.

Some provinces, cities and schools require English Level 3 or above (Shanghai is Level 4), no failure record, and the reported majors must match the majors they have learned. Some provinces, cities and schools do not have this requirement. For details, please refer to the policies of each province in that year. Unified college entrance examination can only be applied to undergraduate colleges in the province, and cross provincial application is not allowed. According to the Department of Policies and Regulations of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, the upgrading of junior college students to undergraduate students in general colleges and universities is an ordinary full-time degree in the national unified enrollment plan, and the first degree is a bachelor's degree.

It is suggested that those who major in computer network technology should take an examination of their own major, such as computer science and technology, information management and information systems. For the knowledge of the specialty learned in the junior college, it is meaningful to upgrade to a higher level.

Computer network includes computer and network. Computer is also called electronic computer, commonly known as computer. It is a modern intelligent electronic device that can run according to the lead chain program and process massive data automatically and at high speed. A computer composed of hardware and software without any software is called a bare metal machine. Common forms include desktop exciplex computer, notebook computer, mainframe computer, etc. More advanced computers include biological computer, photon computer, quantum computer, etc. The network is to use physical links to connect isolated workstations or hosts together to form data links, so as to achieve the purpose of resource sharing and communication. Therefore, computer network refers to a system that interconnects multiple autonomous computer systems with different geographical locations and their external networks through communication media, and realizes resource sharing and information transmission under the management and coordination of network operating system, network management software and communication protocol

Soar in the sky 2024-06-17 15:57:23

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