Memories of past painful Acacia cannot be forgotten (memories of past painful Acacia cannot be forgotten)

Selected answers

1. Remembering the painful lovesickness in the past can not forget the song: "New Love"

2. If the heart is tired, the tears will dry.

3. This deep feeling is hard to give up.

4. I used to have it forever.

5. I can't see you at dusk.

6. This love will never be difficult.

7. May we embrace again in the afterlife.

8. How to love someone forever?

9. I don't know how to face everything.

10. Remembering the painful lovesickness in the past

11. Why do you make my heart beat?

12. How can you love?

13. You should know tonight.

14. Love is hard.

15. Music

16. If the heart is tired, the tears will dry.

17. This deep feeling is hard to give up.

18. I used to have it forever.

19. I can't see you at dusk.

20. This love will never be difficult.

21. May we embrace again in the next life.

22. How to love someone forever?

23. I don't know how to face everything.

24. Remembering painful lovesickness in the past

25. Why do you make my heart beat?

26. How can we love?

27. You should know tonight.

28. It's hard to love.

29. Remembering painful lovesickness in the past

30. Why do you make my heart beat?

31. How can we love?

32. You should know tonight.

33. Love is difficult.

Time told me not to look back 2023-12-03 14:06:03

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Rising sun, Chinese vocabulary. Pinyin: x ù r ì, meaning: the rising sun.
Origin: "Poem · Wind · Pao with Bitter Leaves": "When the wild geese sing, the rising sun begins to dawn."
example sentence:
1. Wei Fuxuan's Song of Rising Sun: "The future is not so bright, and the rising sun shines on all sides."
2. The Thirty Rhymes of Huizhen Poems by Tang Yuanzhen: "The splendor is still rising, and the rising sun is becoming more and more brilliant."
3. In the poem "Walking on the lake at dawn" written by Huang Jin of the Yuan Dynasty, "Walking on the lake at dawn is very important, and the rising sun is half green."
Synonyms: morning light, morning sun, morning sun, sunrise.
Antonyms: sunset, sunset, setting sun, setting sun.

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come from:
1. The Book of Songs - Tang Feng - Bustard Feather: "Su Su Bustard Feather is gathered in the bud."
2. "The Book of Songs, Xiaoya, Bianbian": "If it rains and snows, first gather the graupel."
3. Mei Cheng's Seven Hair: "Chase devious beasts and collect light birds."
4. Han Feizi Jielao: "When the rain falls, the wilderness is quiet."
5. One of Du Fu's poems "Narrating the Ancient Times": "People in the city gather every day, and compete with each other for taper knives."
6. The Book of Songs, Songs of Zhou Dynasty, and Small Life Insurance: "If you are not worthy of your family's difficulties, you will find it in Polygonum."
Usage: as attribute, adverbial.
Example: Xie Taifu's cold snow day collection, talking about the text with his children.
Sentence making:
1. The mayor was very proud of himself. He came to the market.
2. Perhaps for a mature market project, this is part of its normal life cycle.

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