What are the registration conditions for assistant economists

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The economist examination refers to the national unified examination system for professional and technical qualifications of economics, which is organized, outlined, tested and scored by the whole country. So what are the conditions for an assistant economist to register? Now let's look at the relevant information together with the editor.

Application conditions for assistant economist

To apply for the primary qualification examination of economics, one of the following conditions shall be met:

1. Get a high school degree or above, and have been engaged in professional work for at least one year.

2. According to the document spirit of the former General Office of the Ministry of Human Resources "Notice on the Arrangement of Qualification Examination and Examination Work for Some Professional and Technical Personnel", fresh graduates who participate in the primary qualification examination for economics in this year and have not obtained academic certificates at the time of registration shall hold valid certificates (such as student cards) that can prove that they can graduate in the examination year And the graduation certificate issued by the university, and sign up for the examination according to the prescribed procedures and requirements.

What is the title of assistant economist

Assistant economist is a junior professional title.

Assistant economist is the popular name of junior economist. In fact, it is the same. It is a lower level qualification certification than intermediate economist.

Economist is a kind of professional title, a person engaged in the economic field. Like engineer, it is a kind of professional title. Just like engineer, there are electrical engineer, architectural engineer and mechanical engineer, the profession of economist is also quite broad, including finance, business administration, tax, real estate and other industries, This is just a kind of assessment on the working ability of people engaged in economic work, more just a kind of assessment on the ability of human resources, not limited to a certain job or work.

Is Assistant Economist Easy to Take an Examination

For the 15 majors involved in junior economists, the examination points are all derived from the textbooks and syllabus. The questions are extracted from the question bank, not involving mathematical models. The examination focuses more on the examinee's thinking ability and reading ability. Therefore, it is not difficult to complete the examination as long as you are familiar with the examination points in the textbooks.

The examination for junior economists consists of two subjects, one is Basic Economic Knowledge, and the other is Professional Knowledge and Practice, which are all composed of objective questions. Basic Economic Knowledge includes single choice and multiple choice, while Professional Knowledge and Practice includes single choice, multiple choice and case questions.

Silent Knight 2024-06-03 13:52:05

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2. Tang · Lu Zhao's Ode to Dance: "Kuang means to squat with graceful steps, and then know the ambition of a swan. He does not follow the common customs."
3. The first part of Zheng Guangzu's "Wang Can Climbing the Tower", Yuan Dynasty: "Great men rely on the aspirations of swans and are based on the talents of heroes.".
4. The Biography of Zhang Ding and Zhang Gui in the Northern History: "When they are depressed and have not met, they can also know that they have lofty aspirations!"
5. Song · Lu You's poem "Miscellaneous Books in the Nunnery": "The aspiration of swans on the ridge of abandoned farmland, the sound of phoenix in the Changxiao Mountain."
6. Yu Dafu's poem, "In the autumn, when a diplomat was dismissed for trying to rush eastward, I don't know when to return home", said: "The swallow doesn't know the ambition of the swan, and the phoenix will cherish the feather wound!"

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Vital capacity: refers to the total amount of gas exhaled after a try to inhale. It is the maximum ventilation volume of a breath and can reflect the potential capacity of the ventilator in a certain sense.
50 meter run: It is a sports event that can reflect the ability of fast running and reaction.
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1 minute rope skipping: the purpose is to train lower limb endurance and coordination.
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50m × 8 round trip: it is a common indicator that effectively reflects the development level of students' agility and endurance quality.
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