Ancient character Zhu Ling: the founding general of the State of Wei buried by Luo Guanzhong

Proud snow and setting sun
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The 21st chapter of Romance of the Three Kingdoms, a small climax in the early stage of the whole book, "Cao Cao Boils Liquor on the Hero Guan Gong Gains City and Slashes Carts". In this chapter, the first and last time Cao Cao and Liu Bei, two powerful enemies, launched a thrilling contest step by step in the peaceful way of "tasting wine and discussing heroes". Both Cao Cao's outspoken and domineering arrogance, and Liu Bei's concealing his talents and being resourceful and resourceful, fully reflect their characteristics of being a traitor in troubled times. In particular, their comments on heroes from all walks of life are like a miniature preview of the whole history of the Three Kingdoms. Their insight into human nature and grasp of current events are classic. Maybe because Cao and Liu are so dazzling, any other characters on the same stage will inevitably be covered up unless they have a certain aura. Zhu Ling was one of these unlucky people who came on the scene immediately after the "Hero of Liquor Cooking". At that time, in order to break away from Cao Cao's control, Liu Bei borrowed troops from Cao Cao for the reason of crusading Yuan Shu. To monitor Liu Bei, Cao Cao sent Zhu Ling and Lu Zhao together to "assist". But when Liu Bei defeated Yuan Shu, he sent Zhu and Lu to Huixudu with a jade seal, forcing Cao to send a letter to the Xuzhou prefect at night. However, due to hasty preparation, Che Zhou was killed and Xuzhou fell. Zhu Ling's second appearance in the romance was in the battle between Cao Cao and Ma Chao. At that time, Zhu Ling and Xu Huang, another famous general under Cao, acted together to harass Ma Chao's Hexi Camp. Since there are only a few appearances, and each appearance is a supporting role, Zhu Ling has not been able to "make contributions" in the minds of readers, resulting in a generation of famous generals "failing", leaving only a vague shadow in the historical background. In fact, Zhu Ling in history not only has outstanding combat achievements and is deeply loved by soldiers, but also has the wisdom of knowing people and the high moral integrity of selflessness for the public, quite a style of famous generals. Chen Shou also wrote a biography of Zhu Ling together with Zhang Liao, Le Jin, Yu Jin, Zhang He and Xu Huang in the Three Kingdoms Annals. It can be seen that later generations still highly recognize Zhu Ling. According to the Records of the Three Kingdoms, Zhu Ling first served as an official in Yuan Shao, and later was loaned to Cao Cao's camp when Cao Cao crusaded Tao Qian. After the battle, Zhu Ling saw that Cao Cao was a boss who could achieve great things. Therefore, he resolutely changed his job from Yuan Shao, the old boss who had "four generations and three grandfathers" and was also occupying the business of Jizhou at that time, to Cao Cao who was in the entrepreneurial period, And because he was loved by the soldiers, he also brought his own team to Cao Cao's command. And the later historical development also proved his unique vision. At the beginning, Zhu Ling, a Qinghe man, was General Yuan Shao. Tao Qian, the leader of Taizu's expedition, and Shao envoy Ling Du's three battalions helped Taizu, who made great contributions to the war. All the generals sent by Shao left home, and Ling said, "There are many people in Lingguan, none of whom is like Cao Gong. This is the true Ming Lord. Now that we have met him, why?" So we couldn't stay. All the soldiers and soldiers who admire them follow the spirit. In addition to his unusual vision, Zhu Ling was able to stand the test of personal feelings at the critical moment, which is now said to be "keeping a clear head in front of major issues of right and wrong". When Zhu Ling was still playing in Yuan Shao's camp, Ji Yong of Qinghe betrayed Gongsun Zan. Yuan Shao sent Zhu Ling to crusade, and Gongsun Zan also sent troops to assist in defense. The two armies fought in the "Yucheng". During the battle, Gongsun Zan captured Zhu Ling's family from the city and seduced Zhu Ling to surrender. Zhu Ling was very sad and angry, but she still said loudly, "My husband, once born with a family background, can't care for his family!" Then she fought hard to pull out the city and captured Ji Yong alive. But by this time, Zhu Ling's family had been killed. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, when the concept of "filial piety and fraternity" was very strong, it was not easy to make such a choice. At the beginning, Ji Yong of Qinghe betrayed Yuan Shao and surrendered to Gongsun Zan, who sent troops to guard him. Shao sent his spirit to attack him. Ling Family was in the city. Zan placed Ling Mother and Brother in the city to lure Huling. Ling Wangcheng wept and said, "When a husband comes from a family, he will not care about his family." So he fought hard to pull out the child, and gave birth to bird Yong, while Ling's family died. Zhu Ling's talent and loyalty were recognized and rewarded by Cao's father and son. During the period of Emperor Wen, Cao Pi granted Zhu Ling the title of Marquis of the High Tang Dynasty in recognition of Zhu Ling's contributions over the years. Emperor Wen ascended the throne, granted Lingdang Marquis and increased his household capital. The imperial edict said: "The general assisted the former emperor, and the military has been exemplary over the years. His power has exceeded that of Fang and Shao, and his achievements have exceeded that of Jiang and Guan. What is the beauty of the picture books? I accept the mandate of heaven. The emperor has domestic, Yuan Gong generals, and officials of the state. All of us celebrate with our fellow citizens, and it has been handed down to countless people. Today we are granted the title of marquis. Wealth and honour do not return to our hometown, like embroidering clothes at night. If we want to do what we want, it should not be hard to say." Ling Xie said: "Gaotang is the place where we stayed." Therefore, he was granted the title of Gaotang Marquis, Honghong, with the posthumous title of Wei Marquis.

Precious old friends 2024-04-20 11:54:08

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