What are the four ways to improve adult education

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There are four main ways to improve adult education, namely, full-time enrollment, self-taught examination, adult college entrance examination and national open university. These four ways are formal ways to improve adult education. The education obtained through these four ways is recognized by the state and can be found on the learning information network. The effectiveness of obtained education is the same as that of full-time education.

What are the four ways to improve adult education

There are four main ways to improve adult education, namely, full-time enrollment, self-study examination, adult college entrance examination and national open university.

Full time enrollment: Full time enrollment means that after passing the college entrance examination, students are admitted to universities for full-time study. After graduation, a full-time diploma will be issued, with a three-year junior college education and a four-year undergraduate education.

Self study examination: You can apply for the self-study examination when you are over 18 years old. There is no pre qualification limit. You can obtain a college diploma before applying for graduation. There are about 6 general examinations in the small self-taught exam, and the other subjects are the school exam. Four examinations a year. One and a half years after passing the exam, you can finish all the subjects and apply for graduation.

Adult college entrance examination: adult higher education, there is an opportunity to register once a year, and the gold content is only self examination. At least 18 years old can sign up. In late August, it was reported online that in September, it was confirmed on the spot that in October, when participating in the National Adult College Entrance Examination, the junior college entrance examination required three more subjects. The undergraduate entrance examination included politics, foreign languages and professional courses, with a total score of 450 points. The admission line of about 120-150, 25 years old or ethnic minorities had bonus points. In March of the next year, students were registered, and there were usually online homework and a final exam every semester. The fixed school system was 2.5 years.

National Open University: full range of majors, simple examination. You can apply at the age of 18. There are many majors to choose from, and the fixed schooling period is 2.5 years. Usually, video learning is the main form of learning. Every semester, there are daily homework and final exam, and the final exam is an organic exam and a written exam.

What are the differences between the four ways of improving adult education

1. Different schools

Full time enrollment: Full time enrollment means that after passing the college entrance examination, students are admitted to universities for full-time study.

Adult college entrance examination: It can be divided into night universities and correspondence classes held by ordinary colleges and universities, and independent adult colleges and universities. In recent years, the policy of adult entrance examination has been constantly reformed. The three forms of education in various colleges and universities have gradually merged into correspondence education, synchronized online teaching, and face-to-face teaching as a supplement to self-study. It is flexible to learn without time and place restrictions. It is easy to graduate, and the number of applicants nationwide is only second to the ordinary college entrance examination.

Self study examination: Self study examination takes ordinary colleges and universities as the main examination school, and trans provincial registration is more limited, so it is difficult to graduate.

Radio and TV universities: Radio and TV universities in various provinces and cities are the main candidates for the examination.

2. Different years of study

Full time enrollment: 3 years for full-time junior college education and 4 years for undergraduate education.

Adult college entrance examination: The learning time depends on the level of enrollment, majors and learning methods. Generally, it is 2.5 years from junior college to junior college, 2.5 years from junior college to undergraduate, and 5 years from senior college.

Self study examination: Self study examination has no educational system limit and can be repeated until all subjects are passed, but the validity period of scores in some regions is 8 years.

Radio and TV University: The credit system is implemented, and the length of study in this college is 2.5 years.

Which of the four ways of adult education promotion is more suitable for in-service personnel

At present, there are four ways for in-service personnel to improve their academic qualifications: self-taught examination, adult examination, modern distance education (network distance), TV University, etc. If you want to improve your academic qualifications, you must choose one that is more suitable for you according to your own situation and your status in the past two years. Each person's situation and abilities are different. What is suitable for you is good!

Full time enrollment: on-the-job personnel cannot take the full-time undergraduate examination, because full-time education is an education method set up for students at school, and it needs to study at a specific time and in a specific classroom according to the rules and regulations of the school, with fixed summer and winter vacations.

Adult college entrance examination:

Advantages: The educational background of the final examination is high in value, requires little cooperation from students at ordinary times, has low tuition fees, and has a short educational system.

The final exam is suitable for public students.

Disadvantages: Only once a year. Those who miss this year will wait for the next year. The policy should be changed again and the system should be improved.

Self examination:

Advantages: flexible learning, high gold content.

Disadvantages: Generally, it is too difficult to take the exam after 3 to 8 years, and it is not recommended to try without a solid foundation.

Self taught examination is more suitable for students at school, recently graduated students or people with strong learning ability to improve their academic qualifications. If you just want a degree and don't want to read, try not to choose self-taught.


Advantages: more formal, simple and easy to test.

Disadvantages: partial to theoretical courses, low practicability, general gold content.

RTVU is also very suitable for in-service personnel to improve their academic qualifications. RTVU enrollment is widely distributed and can be applied for nationwide. There are two opportunities to enroll students a year, and they can enter without examination.

have experienced all sorts of hardships 2024-06-03 13:41:00

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Grasp the features and set them off skillfully. In this paper, the description of scenery is seldom written directly, but by means of side contrast. For example, when writing about the height of Mount Tai, first use the dark point of "more than 7000", and then use the picture of "fog in the middle of the mountain" seen from the top of the mountain and "clouds everywhere" in the Riguan Pavilion to contrast from the side. Another example is writing about snow. In addition to the positive description of "ice and snow" and "snow is knee level", it also uses "bright candles in the south of the sky", "white as", and "red and bright colors" as the lateral contrast, which gives people imagination and is vivid and interesting.
The language is concise and vivid. The full text of this article is only eight or nine hundred words, but it fully shows the special interest of mountaineering after snow. For example, from Jingshi to Tai'an, we only used "from Jingshi to ride the wind and snow, ride the Qi River, Changqing, cross the northwest valley of Mount Tai, cross the limit of the Great Wall, and as for Tai'an". We briefly and vividly listed the seasons and journey, and took care of the first section of the ancient Great Wall. Another example is the case of mountain climbing. It is not only simple, but also vivid to use the phrase "the fog in the road is icy and slippery, and the stiles can hardly be climbed". The last paragraph introduces the natural landscape of Mount Tai, which can best reflect this feature. In a few words, it describes its rocky, loose, snow covered scenery.

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