What should be paid attention to in 2023 Henan sports majors' unified examination date

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The 2023 provincial unified examination for sports majors in Henan is planned to be held from March to May. The time, place and organization of the 2023 provincial unified examination for sports majors in Henan will be notified separately according to the situation of epidemic prevention and control.

2023 When is the time for Henan sports majors to take the unified examination

The 2023 provincial unified examination for sports majors in Henan Province is planned to be held from March to May. The time, place and organization will be notified separately according to the situation of epidemic prevention and control.

The subjects and scores of the 2023 provincial unified examination for sports majors in Henan Province are still subject to the 2022 policy. That is, the physical fitness test is a required subject, with 3 items in total (standing long jump, 100 meters, and shot put in situ), 40 points for each item, with a full score of 120 points; Full score of special technology: 30; The total score is 150. Due to the need of epidemic prevention and control, the special technical examination will be suspended, and the full score of this item will be included in the total score.

The calculation method of Henan sports professional provincial unified examination results: notify Henan sports unified examination candidates that their professional scores are integers. After the total scores are combined, the decimal places are rounded to the nearest ten.

Precautions for 2023 Henan Sports Majors Unified Examination

According to the relevant requirements of the Ministry of Education, each sports examinee is allowed to have only one examinee number, and the examinees who apply for sports training, martial arts and traditional national sports (hereinafter referred to as "sports single recruit") or high-level sports teams must participate in unified registration. Relevant requirements are as follows:

(1) Physical education examinees who only apply for "sports single move"

You must register according to the liberal arts (science) section of the general college entrance examination and select the option of "apply for sports single move concurrently". Candidates do not need to take part in the unified examination of physical education and college entrance examination culture in Henan Province, but must take part in the national unified examination of "sports single enrollment" culture course. The specific arrangements will be notified later.

(2) Sports examinees who only apply for high-level sports teams in colleges and universities

You must register as a liberal arts (science) subject in the ordinary college entrance examination. The examinee does not need to take part in the unified examination of physical education in Henan Province. The type of taking part in the culture course examination should be determined by the enrollment college according to the sports skill level of the examinee, and the specific arrangement will be notified later.

(3) Sports examinees of part-time newspaper type

If the "sports single recruit" candidates or high-level sports team candidates participate in the "provincial unified examination for sports majors", they must register according to the "college entrance examination sports category" (the "sports single recruit" candidates must still choose the "also apply for sports single recruit" option), and participate in the provincial unified examination for sports majors and the college entrance examination culture examination in Henan Province.

Untroubled ronin 2024-05-25 12:04:05

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