What should I do if I fail my sophomore study in the UK?

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Regardless of the top ranked schools, what should we do if we fail in the first year of studying in the UK?

If you haven't passed the make-up exam once, you will be asked to take it again for a year, but you don't need to take every subject again, just those subjects you haven't passed. But the tuition will not be paid for a whole year, but only for half a year. Then you will take the exam with the students in the lower grade, and you can continue to study after that. But these are based on the requirements of each school.

The policy of failing to complete the required courses in British universities

No matter how high the ranking is, there will inevitably be students who fail, as is the case in British universities. Generally, there are two ways to save those who fail, namely, re examination and re study. However, we should pay special attention to that the success rate of re examination in British universities is not very high. Because it is not based on the examination results, it will continue to be determined according to the students' personal attendance, status and examination scores. Therefore, in case of failure, we must master the relevant regulations of the institutions in advance. Generally, there will be a student handbook, You can check or consult relevant personnel, and then I will take you to learn some information about the failure of freshman study in the UK!

1、 Fail the language class

The language class means that applicants who have not yet met the entrance requirements for the IELTS test must take the language course for a period of time and pass the final exam before they can directly study the main course. If the language class immediately failed, of course, you can not enter the reading calibration class. Therefore, applicants must strive to improve their language skills and successfully complete the test.

2、 Fail the college preparatory course

Some college preparatory courses are not qualified enough to apply for undergraduate courses. Students will first select two years of courses and then directly enter the university after graduation. If they fail in the preparatory courses, they usually have a chance to retake the exam. If they can seize the opportunity to successfully complete the exam, they can also enter the undergraduate program, which is not easy to do great harm to their exam results. If the re examination is not based on carelessness, it may be necessary to change to another school to see if it can accept the results of the college preparatory examination at this stage. You must communicate with the school before this.

3、 Undergraduate and first-year failed courses

There are many factors in the way British universities assess students, including tests, classroom assignments, classroom lectures, journal papers, etc. Therefore, failure cannot determine everything, but it is not all without impact. Different types of colleges and universities have different needs for failing. For example, some colleges and universities require freshmen who fail the course to retake the course immediately before they can study for the second year; Generally speaking, the standard credit system for British undergraduate students every year is 120 credit system. If there is a good opportunity to retake an examination and retake a failed freshman course, we must cherish it. Generally, most schools have only one opportunity to retake an examination. If we fail to retake an examination, we have to retake it. If we retake it, we may face delayed graduation or even serious dropout.

Above is some information about studying in the UK as a freshman. Generally speaking, failing is a relatively common situation. Just combine with the relevant regulations of the school, put your mind right, and prepare for the exam diligently. Generally, you will apply. In particular, there will be a lot of time and energy for re examination and re study at the beginning of freshman college.

British education is obvious to all. It not only has a pure English natural environment, but also can accept first-class cultural education and broad development prospects. Therefore, thousands of students at home and abroad favor British universities every year. However, there are also many students who want to pursue famous British universities, and their own conditions cannot meet the school application requirements. Some overseas study institutions are competent to help these students achieve their aspirations. Generally, this kind of organization will provide an admission guarantee service. This kind of service is based on the long-term partnership or certain interpersonal relationship between the institution and some foreign schools to guide students to get the internal recommended quota for exemption. The students do not need to give corresponding transcripts to apply for such service items, but they will still moderately investigate the students' comprehensive qualities. However, the difficulty coefficient has been reduced too much compared with the general application processing, so the quota of studying abroad obtained based on the relationship must be quite expensive in cost, Generally, the charging standards of organizations that can provide such services are tens of thousands or even millions. Students with ordinary economic conditions have to choose carefully. The actual service specifications and related matters need to consult the government departments. Here I wish that we can all be employed by the ideal school.

If the number of failed courses exceeds 60 credits in a semester, they can be retaken.

If you want to retake a failed course in the next academic year, you need to pay the tuition and other fees of the course. The exam scores and grade scores are the upper limit.

Repair process:

Students who have retaken the course should first re register for the subject they failed in and complete all assignments and other related content.

Re method:

It is different from make-up examination, because the content and outline of teaching may change every year.

If you want to retake it, you should take the exam according to the new teaching content.

Replacement course:

After being approved by the teacher, the students who have retaken the course can apply for other elective courses to replace that course.

This kind of replacement can replace 30 credits at most in a semester, and 60 credits at most in the whole university degree.

However, replacement courses can only give pass grades at most.

Twilight song 2024-06-19 13:59:56

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