What are the majors of Nantong Vocational and Technical College

Silence is gold
Selected answers

Building intelligent engineering technology, computer network technology, computer application technology, etc.

According to the relevant data of the college students' must-have website, Nantong Science and Technology Vocational School Qiaolaban College offers several majors, including: building intelligent engineering technology, computer network technology, computer application technology, logistics management, tourism management, hotel management, air crew, accounting, e-commerce and so on.

Nantong College of Science and Technology is a full-time public college of higher learning, which is organized by Nantong Municipal People's Government and approved by Jiangsu Provincial People's Government.

Nantong Vocational University Ace Major

The majors of School of Economics and Management of Zhengtong Vocational University in Nanyang are: accounting, accounting and statistics, marketing, logistics management, international economy and trade (cross-border e-commerce), e-commerce; Humanities College majors include: hotel management and management, tourism management banquet management; The major of the art school is (I can't remember clearly): interior design, advertising, etc!

How about Nantong Vocational University 3+2

Nantong Vocational University trump card major: construction engineering technology.

Founded in 1973, Nantong Vocational University is located in Nantong City, Jiangsu Province, where rivers and seas meet and people gather together. It is a comprehensive full-time ordinary university with the approval of the provincial government and the Ministry of Education and has a history of engineering, culture, management and art National construction type skilled personnel training pilot universities, the first batch of national modern apprenticeship pilot units.

According to the official website of the school in September 2022, the school has two campuses, Chongchuan and Haimen; The total area of the campus is more than 1000 mu, and the building area is more than 400000 square meters; It has 12 colleges and more than 50 specialties; There are more than 800 teaching staff, including 511 full-time teachers, and nearly 18000 students at all levels.


The school emblem generally reflects the vigorous development trend and positive spirit of Nantong Vocational University, and aims to provide qualified talents for local economic construction and social development.

Color: The main color is blue. Blue represents prudence and preciseness. Blue is the color of the sea, which means that the school has a broad mind like the sea and can accommodate countless students. The secondary color is gold. Gold symbolizes elegance. Gold is a noble color, implying that the school has the confidence to strive for first-class and build first-class vocational colleges.

Modeling: It is a semi closed circle with a traditional and open outline, which gives birth to the aura. The transformation of the English "NTVU", the main system of the logo, sets off the dynamic feeling with character modeling, symbolizes vitality and vitality, and forms a strong visual impact.


Nantong Vocational University Score

Nantong Vocational University 3+2 is a higher vocational education school with reliable quality, high academic level and strong teaching staff. It enjoys a high reputation in higher vocational education in various provinces and cities across the country. The disciplines and specialties of the university cover economic management, finance and accounting, computer, information science and technology, electromechanical, culture and art, foreign languages, law, etc. It is a comprehensive university with coordinated development of multiple disciplines. The teaching quality of Nantong Vocational University 3+2 is extremely high. The proportion of teachers, students, friends, and teachers are first-class. The curriculum is very distinctive, providing students with a perfect learning system. The school is also committed to providing students with high-quality and comprehensive employment services, providing them with comprehensive employment information and helping them realize their career dreams.

How about Nantong vocational education?

The score of Nantong Vocational University is about 400.

Introduction to Nantong Vocational University:

Nantong Vocational University, founded in 1973, is located in Nantong City, Jiangsu Province, where rivers and seas meet and people gather together. It is a comprehensive full-time ordinary university with the approval of the provincial government and the Ministry of Education and has the functions of engineering, culture, management and art. It is one of the higher vocational colleges with the longest history of running a school in China, a pilot college for training national construction skilled talents in short supply, and one of the first batch of modern apprenticeship pilot units in China.

In September 2022, according to the official website of the school, Xianmazhixian, the school has two campuses, Chongchuan and Haimen; The total area of the campus is more than 1000 mu, and the building area is more than 400000 square meters; It has 12 colleges and more than 50 majors; There are more than 800 teaching staff, including 511 full-time teachers, and nearly 18000 students at all levels.

The school has 12 colleges, including mechanical engineering, electronic information engineering, medicine and environmental engineering, construction engineering, automobile and traffic engineering, art design, economic management, international cooperative education (foreign language), technicians, Haimen, continuing education, Marxism, etc; There are more than 50 majors, forming a professional pattern of "giving priority to work, and simultaneously developing literature, management and art".

(1) How about Nantong Vocational College of Science and Technology

Nantong Vocational College of Science and Technology was formerly referred to as Nantong Agricultural College, but later changed its name

(2) How about Nantong Vocational University!

Nantong Vocational University, as a whole, is good. It is one of the V9 members of the National Alliance of Higher Vocational Colleges (the most practical and oldest alliance of higher vocational colleges); It is a quality school in Jiangsu Province (one of the 20 quality schools selected for development in 2017); The school now has not only domestic students, but also foreign students - Namibian President's "Revitalization Plan" - foreign students are the chosen Nantong Vocational University. So, do you think Nantong Vocational University may be bad

⑶ Which colleges and universities are there in Nantong

Nantong colleges and universities include:

1. Jiangsu Shipping Vocational and Technical College, located in Nantong City, Jiangsu Province, is a full-time ordinary college approved by the people of Jiangsu Province. It is an excellent college in the evaluation of the talent cultivation level of higher vocational colleges by the Ministry of Education, and is one of the first batch of construction units of Jiangsu exemplary higher vocational colleges, the first batch of national transportation vocational education demonstration colleges National key construction unit of high vocational colleges.

The college was founded in 1960, formerly known as Jiangsu Nantong River Transport School, renamed as Jiangsu Nantong Shipping School in 1989, and upgraded to Higher Vocational and Technical College in 2000.

2. Jiangsu Engineering Vocational and Technical College, located in Nantong, Jiangsu Province, known as "the first city in modern China", is a public full-time ordinary college in Jiangsu Province and one of the 100 national demonstration higher vocational colleges in China.

The school running history of the school can be traced back to the Nantong Textile and Dyeing Institute, the first textile specialized school in China founded by the famous patriotic industrialist and educator Mr. Zhang Jian in 1912; In 1999, it was independently upgraded to "Nantong Textile Vocational and Technical College";

2. In 2014, it was officially renamed as Jiangsu Engineering Vocational and Technical College, and in 2018, it was identified as the construction unit of high-level vocational colleges in Jiangsu Province.

Network - Jiangsu Shipping Vocational and Technical College

Network - Jiangsu Engineering Vocational and Technical College

Network Nantong Vocational University

Network - Jiangsu Vocational College of Commerce and Trade

Network Nantong Vocational College of Science and Technology

⑷ What are the colleges and universities in Nantong

List of Nantong colleges and universities:

Nantong University

(5) How about Jiangsu Nantong Vocational University

From the perspective of vocational schools, it is good. Here are some brief introductions about Nantong Vocational University. You can learn about it

The campus of Nantong Vocational University covers a total area of more than 1000 mu, with a building area of more than 400000 square meters. There are more than 800 teaching staff and nearly 18000 students at all levels.

At present, there are 11 colleges in mechanical engineering, electronic information engineering, chemical and biological engineering, construction engineering, automobile and traffic engineering, economic management, art design, international cooperative education, technicians, continuing education, Haimen, etc; It has 58 specialties; It has 9 provincial brands and characteristic specialties (construction sites), 12 national and provincial quality courses, 17 provincial quality textbooks, and 3 provincial excellent teaching teams; There are more than 100 professional training bases and laboratories, including 4 national training bases and 4 provincial vocational training bases. The university is also a training base for skilled talents in short supply in the construction industry jointly determined by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Construction, and an innovative experimental base for talent training mode of higher education in Jiangsu Province.

Among full-time teachers, the proportion of full professors and associate professors reached 418%, ranking first among vocational colleges in the province; The proportion of young teachers among masters and doctoral students has reached 6938%, which is equivalent to the level of ordinary undergraduate colleges; Nearly 90% of teachers have the quality of "double teachers". Relying on the "famous teacher project" and "professor project", the university has cultivated and gathered a group of famous teachers, experts, academic leaders and high-level talents with outstanding contributions. The school has successively won the titles of "Advanced Unit for the Construction of Teachers' Failure Team in Jiangsu Province", "Advanced Unit for Talent Work in Nantong City", etc.

(6) Jiangsu Nantong Secondary Vocational School

The school.

It is a national key secondary vocational school

Jiangsu four-star secondary vocational school

Jiangsu Provincial High level Demonstration Vocational School.

The first batch of national secondary vocational education reform and development demonstration schools.

pretty good.

Rural students are free of tuition.

The state also subsidizes living expenses for needy households.

Good luck.

(7) Is Nantong Vocational and Technical College of Science and Technology worthwhile

I don't know this school, but no matter which school you go to, you should have your own goals. Without goals and directions, even the best school has no value and significance.

As the saying goes, every three hundred and sixty lines makes a champion. Whether there is value or not should be considered according to our own situation, and we should establish a correct view of learning.

(8) Which is better, Jiangsu Vocational College of Commerce and Trade or Nantong Vocational College of Science and Technology

Jiangsu Vocational College of Commerce and Trade, of course.

Folding department specialty

According to the official website of the school in March 2015, the school has five teaching units, namely, the School of Arts and Electronic Information, the School of Economics and Business, the School of Building Management and Engineering, the School of Electronic Commerce and Logistics, and the School of Accounting and Finance, with a total of 18 majors. [2]



Major name


School of Economics and Business Business English, Business Japanese, International Business (Sino foreign cooperation), Customs Declaration and International Freight Transport, International Economy and Trade, Marketing (counterpart single call)


School of Construction Engineering and Management

Project cost and construction management


School of Accounting and Finance International Accounting, Accounting and Auditing


College of Arts and Electronic Information Applied Electronic Technology, Electrical Automation, Computer Application Technology, Software Technology, Internet of Things Application Technology, Computer Decoration Design


College of Electronic Commerce and Logistics

E-commerce, modern logistics

(According to the official website of the school in March 2015: [2])

Folding teachers

According to the official website of the school in March 2015, the college has 340 full-time teachers, 7 foreign teachers, more than 70% of whom have medium and senior professional titles, and more than 70% of whom are "double qualified" teachers; There are nearly 8000 full-time students. [4]

Folding teaching construction

According to the official website of the school in March 2015, the college was awarded the first batch of national logistics vocational education talent training bases, the national supply and marketing cooperative system special skills appraisal center, the first batch of skill education research bases in Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu business talent training service platform, Nantong modern service industry public training base, and Nantong service outsourcing talent training base. [4]

Key Major: Software Technology

Specialty of the school: Customs declaration and international freight

Demonstration major of the school: e-commerce

School level quality courses


Course name

person in charge



Fundamentals of Computer Network

Li Chang

Department of Information Technology


Human Resources Management

Wang Huiqin

The Department of Business Administration


Business processing of international business documents

Ge Xuemei

Department of Trade Economics


Small refrigeration equipment

Cui Jianning

College of Engineering and Technology


Tax Accounting

Dai Guirong

Department of Accounting


speech and eloquence

Huang Qibing

Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

(According to the official website of the school in March 2015: [3])

Fold School Honors

According to the official website of the school in March 2015, the school has successively won the titles of National Advanced Collective of Supply and Marketing Cooperative System, Jiangsu Advanced Collective of Supply and Marketing Cooperation System, Jiangsu Advanced Unit of Innovation and Excellence in Supply and Marketing Cooperation System, Jiangsu Advanced Unit of Vocational Education and Social Education, Jiangsu Advanced Unit of Moral Education, Jiangsu Civilized Campus, Jiangsu Safe Campus, etc. [4]

(9) Annual tuition of Nantong Vocational University

Founded in 1973, Nantong Vocational University is located in Nantong City, Jiangsu Province, where the river meets the sea and there are a lot of talents. It is a comprehensive full-time ordinary university approved by the province and the Ministry of Education and has a history of industry, culture, management and art. It is one of the longest running higher vocational colleges in China. The school enrolls students from eight provinces, including Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Shanxi, Henan, Chongqing, Sichuan and Guangdong. The total campus area is more than 1000 mu, and the building area is more than 400000 square meters. There are more than 800 teachers and staff, and nearly 18000 students at all levels. Tuition: It is charged according to the latest standard of public colleges approved by Jiangsu Provincial Price Bureau. Each student of general majors will get 4700 yuan per year for liberal arts majors, 5300 yuan per year for engineering majors, 6800 yuan per year for art majors, 13000 yuan per year for Chinese foreign cooperation majors (construction engineering technology), and 10000 yuan per year for Chinese foreign cooperation majors (automobile inspection and maintenance technology). The details shall be subject to the announcement of the Provincial Education Department. Accommodation fee: 500~1250 yuan/year.

The school provides awards and grants, national student loans, work study, temporary hardship subsidies, green channels for poor students and other ways to help poor students overcome economic difficulties and complete their studies.

Outside Jiangsu Province

Tuition: It is charged according to the latest standard of public colleges approved by Jiangsu Provincial Price Bureau. For general majors, 4700 yuan for liberal arts majors, 5300 yuan for engineering majors, and 6800 yuan for art majors, which shall be subject to the announcement of provincial education departments. Accommodation fee: 500~1250 yuan/year.

The school provides awards and grants, national student loans, work study, temporary hardship subsidies, green channels for poor students and other ways to help poor students overcome economic difficulties and complete their studies.

(10) What township does Nantong Vocational Education Center belong to

What township does Nantong Vocational Education Center in Jiangsu Province belong to

This is directly under the management of Nantong

Men on Mars 2024-06-15 17:57:59

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Excerpt: People are worse than the dead, so why not treat the patients who can be cured! If you are right, you will be born without use; Therefore, we can overcome the problems and do nothing. So what we want is more than the living, and what we hate is more than the dead. Not only the virtuous have their own hearts, but all people have them. The virtuous can not lose their ears.
If people do not hate more than death, then what can be used to avoid disasters will not be used? We can live by adopting this method, but some people refuse to adopt it. This method can avoid disasters, but some people refuse to adopt it. Because there is something more desirable than life, and something more repugnant than death. It is not just that sages have this nature, everyone has it, but that sages can not lose it.
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Next sentence in his own way

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Zhu Xi has written many books, including Annotations to Four Books, Explanations to Tai Chi Diagram, Commentaries to General Books, Annotations to Chu Ci, and later collections, including Zhu Zi's Complete Works and Zhu Zizi's Images. Among them, the Annotations to the Four Books and Chapters became the standard of the imperial examination and textbooks.
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