Template of Catering Cooperation Agreement

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If you want to operate the catering business, what national laws and regulations should be observed, and what kind of cooperation agreement should be signed when many people cooperate? The following editor will bring you the catering cooperation agreement

Model essay

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Catering Cooperation Agreement

Model essay

Partner (Party A): Name Date of Birth Address

ID card No.

Partner (Party B): Name Date of Birth Address

ID card No.

Partner (Party C): Name Date of Birth Address

ID card No.

Partner (Party D): Name Date of Birth Address

ID card No.

Partner (Party E): Name Date of Birth Address

ID card No.


The parties agree to jointly invest in and operate the "" catering brand. In order to clarify the rights and obligations of each party, the parties conclude a partnership agreement based on the principles of fairness, equality and mutual benefit as follows:

Article 1 Business purpose of catering:.

Article 2 Partnership project, store name and main business address:

Article 3 The term of the partnership. From June, to, for a total of years.

Article 4 Amount, method and time limit of capital contribution.

The partners make capital contributions in cash, amounting to RMB.

The partners make capital contributions in cash, amounting to RMB.

The partners make capital contributions in cash, amounting to RMB.

The partners make capital contributions in cash, amounting to RMB.

The partners make capital contributions in cash, amounting to RMB.

The total contribution of the Partnership is RMB. During the partnership period, the capital contribution of each partner is a common property, and shall not be divided or withdrawn at will.

Article 5 Surplus distribution and debt bearing.

All partners shall jointly operate, work, bear risks and bear profits and losses.

1. Surplus distribution: based on the amount of capital contribution, it shall be distributed according to the proportion of capital contribution.

2. Debt undertaking: the debts incurred in the course of operation shall be repaid with the partnership property first, and when the partnership property is insufficient to repay, the partners shall jointly undertake the debts. After either party makes repayment to the other party, the other parties shall pay off the part they should bear to the other party within 10 days according to the investment proportion.

Article 6 Joining the partnership, withdrawing from the partnership and transferring the capital contribution.

(1) Join the gang.

1. The admission of a new partner must be agreed by both partners;

2. Acknowledge and sign this partnership agreement;

3. Unless otherwise agreed in the partnership entry agreement, the new partner and the original partner shall have the same rights and bear the same responsibilities. The new partners shall be jointly and severally liable for the debts of the partnership before their admission.

(2) Withdrawal

During the term of the partnership, a partner may withdraw from the partnership under any of the following circumstances:

1. The reason for withdrawal as agreed in the partnership agreement occurs;

2. Withdraw from the partnership with the consent of other partners;

3. The partner is difficult to continue to participate in the partnership.

If a partner withdraws from the partnership without authorization and causes losses to the other party's partnership, he shall compensate for the losses.

After a partner withdraws from the partnership, several partners shall settle accounts with the withdrawing partner according to the property status of the partnership at the time of withdrawal.

(3) Transfer of capital contribution.

Allow partners to transfer all or part of their property shares in the partnership to other partners. Without the consent of all partners, no partnership shares may be transferred to anyone other than the partners. If other partners do not agree to accept the transferred shares, the settlement shall be made by withdrawing from the partnership.

Article 7 The partner in charge and the execution of partnership affairs.

Several partners are jointly elected as the partner in charge. The person in charge on the business license.

Several partners are elected to be responsible for the financial affairs of the partnership store.

Several partners are elected to be responsible for the operation of the partnership store.

The rules of procedure will be formulated separately and signed by several partners after they discuss the major issues of the partnership store.

Article 8 Rights and obligations of partners.

(1) Rights of partners:

1. The right to manage, decide and supervise the partnership affairs, and the business activities of the partnership shall be jointly decided by the partners;

2. Partners have the right to distribute partnership interests;

3. Partners shall distribute partnership interests in proportion to the amount of capital contribution, and the property accumulated by the partnership operation shall be shared by the partners;

4. Partners have the right to withdraw from the partnership.

(2) Obligations of partners:

1. Maintain the unity of the partnership property in accordance with the partnership agreement;

2. Liabilities for sharing the operating losses of the partnership;

3. Assume joint and several liability for partnership debts.

Article 9 Prohibited acts.

(1) Without the consent of all partners, no partner is allowed to conduct business activities in the name of the partnership; If the profits obtained from the business belong to the partnership, the losses caused shall be compensated according to the actual losses.

(2) Partners are prohibited from participating in the business competing with this partnership;

(3) Unless otherwise agreed in the partnership agreement or agreed by the other partner, the partner shall not conduct transactions with the partnership.

(4) Partners shall not engage in activities that damage the interests of the partnership.

Article 10 Continuation of partnership business.

(1) In the event that one of the partners withdraws from the partnership, the other partners have the right to continue to operate the original business under the original business name.

(2) In the event that a partner cannot continue to operate due to other objective circumstances, his property can be settled and other partners can continue to operate according to the partner's written authorization or legal choice; With the consent of the other partners, the direct relatives and spouses designated by them can also be accepted as new partners to continue their business.

Article 11 Termination and liquidation of the partnership.

(1) The partnership is dissolved due to the following circumstances:

1. The term of the partnership expires;

2. Both partners agree to terminate the partnership;

3. The partnership affairs are completed or cannot be completed;

4. Cancelled according to law;

5. Other reasons for the dissolution of the partnership stipulated by laws and administrative regulations occur.

(2) Liquidation of partnership:

1. After dissolution of the partnership, liquidation shall be carried out and creditors shall be notified.

2. The liquidators shall be the partners of both parties.

3. If there is any surplus after liquidation, it shall be distributed according to the investment proportion agreed in this agreement.

4. If the partnership has losses and the partnership property is insufficient to pay off the debts during liquidation, each partner shall bear unlimited joint and several liability. If the amount paid off by a partner exceeds the amount he should bear due to joint and several liability, he has the right to claim compensation from other partners.

Article 12 Liability for breach of contract.

(1) If a partner fails to make capital contributions in accordance with this Agreement, he shall compensate for the losses caused to other partners.

(2) If a partner transfers his share of property without the consent of the other partners, he may be regarded as withdrawing from the partnership, and the transferor shall compensate the other partners for the losses caused thereby.

(3) If a partner privately pledges his share of property in the partnership, his act shall be invalid, or he shall be treated as withdrawing from the partnership; If losses are caused to other partners, they shall be liable for compensation.

(4) If a partner seriously violates this Agreement, or dissolves the partnership store due to gross negligence or violation of law, he shall be liable for compensation to other partners.

Article 13


Dispute resolution.

In case of any dispute arising from or in connection with this Agreement, the partners shall negotiate with each other. If the negotiation fails, they may file a lawsuit to the People's Court of Tianxin District, Changsha City.

Article 14 Miscellaneous.

(1) Upon consensus, the partners can modify this Agreement or supplement the uncovered matters; In case of any conflict between the supplementary and modified contents and this Agreement, the supplementary and modified contents shall prevail.

(2) This agreement determines the partnership stores, the Management Consulting Agreement with the company, entrusts the company to provide management consulting services, human resources dispatch, financial management, obtain the trademark license of the company, and pay related fees.

(3) This agreement determines the partnership stores, which shall bear civil liability for individual businesses externally, and determine the responsibilities, rights and obligations of each partner internally in accordance with this agreement.

(4) This


Five copies, one for each partner.

(5) This


It shall come into force after being signed by partners of both parties.






Signed on:

Love yourself every second 2024-04-18 13:51:41

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Original text:
The black clouds are pressing the city to destroy it, and the armour light is turning to the sun.
The horn sounds all over the sky in autumn, and is stuffed with swallow fat to coagulate the night purple.
Half a roll of red flag is near Yishui, and the frost is heavy and the sound of cold cannot rise.
I will report to you on the golden stage and carry the Jade Dragon to die for you.
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