How to clean the blackened silver (the simplest way to deal with the blackened silver)

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How to clean silver when it turns black

1. Use toothpaste and toothbrush: first squeeze a small part of the toothpaste to the blackened area of the silver ornaments, and then brush the silver ornaments with a toothbrush with soft bristles.

2. Use vinegar or tea soaked water: use sour vinegar or tea soaked water to scrub the blackened silver jewelry several times.

3. Soak in cola: As long as silver jewelry is soaked in cola, it can achieve a certain de blackening effect. This method is more suitable for silver jewelry that is not easy to brush.

How to clean the silver when it turns black

1. Toothpaste

We put this toothpaste on this silver jewelry, and then take out the toothbrush to brush this jewelry like this. The toothpaste contains sanding agent and whitening agent, which can effectively clean the jewelry and make the jewelry instantly regain its luster. After brushing, we can rinse it with water several times. Let's see if the silver is new now.

2. Use alcohol or ammonia

In fact, silver can also be scrubbed with alcohol or ammonia after blackening. But these two materials are usually not prepared at home, so if they are not available at home, you can use some other methods, such as overnight tea, which is also very useful.

3. Soak in Coke

We pour some daily cola into it and soak it. This is more suitable for those silver bracelets that are not easy to clean. There are many patterns that can't be brushed, so we use this method to soak them for a period of time and then clean them.

4. Use alkaline detergent or alkaline surface

Add an appropriate amount of alkaline washing powder or alkaline surface into a container, then add an appropriate amount of water, wait for the washing powder or alkaline surface to completely melt, and then put the silverware into the container to soak. After about half an hour, the silverware can be taken out, and then the water can be wiped clean with cotton cloth, and the silverware can become white.

How to clean silver when it is black?

The blackened silver can be solved by using toothpaste toothbrush, vinegar or tea, professional silver wiping cloth, alcohol or ammonia, and ashes to brighten the silver. Details are as follows:

1. Toothbrush with toothpaste:

Squeeze a little toothpaste on the silver jewelry, add some water, knead it properly until white bubbles appear, and then rinse it with clean water to restore brightness. It is a very common method.

2. Coke:

Soak the blackened silver jewelry in cola for a long time, and then wash it properly.

3. Overnight strong tea:

Prepare an overnight thick tea, keep the tea, soak the silver jewelry for a long time, and then scrub with the tea several times.

4. Use alcohol or ammonia:

You can also use alcohol or ammonia to scrub and react to black oxide. However, these are not the things that ordinary people usually have in their homes. People who have conditions can also try them.

matters needing attention:

1. Try not to use silver washing water to clean silver jewelry. Because the silver washing water will remove the protective layer of silver jewellery when it leaves the factory, it will be easier to oxidize and discolor in the future.

2. After the silver jewelry is cleaned, use a paper towel to absorb the water, and then apply a layer of nail polish on the silver jewelry, which can completely ensure that the silver jewelry is bright for a long time.

How can silver turn white after being black?

There are mainly the following methods:

1. Toothpaste: This is the easiest way, because toothpaste has a powerful cleaning function. Take a bit of household toothpaste and wipe it on silver, gently wipe it back and forth with a toothbrush, and then wash it with clean water.

2. Coke: Coke is a carbonated drink with powerful functions. It is also helpful for cleaning silver. You can put the blackened silver into Coke and soak it for a while, which can remove the black.

3. Vinegar: Household white vinegar is also a good and simple way to clean the blackened silver. Dip a cotton cloth in white vinegar, and then wipe it back and forth on the silver. It will soon turn white.

4. Overnight tea: tea has the effect of decontamination. You can soak silver into the strong tea overnight, and then scrub it with tea several times to clean it.

5. Alcohol: Dilute 75% alcohol and use it to scrub silver. The silver will be white and bright soon.

How to wash the silver when it is black

When silver turns black, it can be washed with toothpaste, correction solution, white vinegar and other methods to make it white.

1. Toothpaste

Blackening of silver jewelry is a normal phenomenon, which can be treated with toothpaste. Toothpaste is an alkaline substance that can dissolve the dirt on the surface of silver jewelry. After wiping the silver jewelry with a soft brush and toothpaste, rinse it with clean water to make it white and bright.

2. Correction fluid

The purchase of correction liquid can also be used to deal with the blackened part of the silver jewelry surface. When the coating liquid contacts with the black substance on the silver jewelry, it can be wiped with a clean soft cloth to remove the stains on the silver jewelry and become white and bright.

3. White vinegar

The blackening of silver jewelry is due to the oxidation of the surface to produce silver sulfide. Soaking silver jewelry with white vinegar can dissolve silver sulfide in weak acid. After soaking for one night, silver jewelry can be restored to bright white, bright and clean as new.

Precautions for wearing silver jewelry

1. Don't wash with silver jewelry

Wearing silver jewelry in the bath will accelerate the oxidation of silver jewelry, which will gradually make the color of silver become dull. Moreover, silver jewelry can also directly absorb the toxic substances in the bath water, so it is not suitable to wear it when bathing.

2. Avoid exposing silver jewelry to sulfide or spring water

If silver jewelry is exposed to sulfide or spring water, the surface will change significantly, and these substances will directly corrode silver jewelry. And silver jewelry will also absorb these harmful substances, making it dull.

How to wash silver when it is black

The silver cleaning method is relatively simple. If the silver surface oxidation is not very serious, you can use a silver cloth to clean it.

Several suggestions for maintenance:

① When wearing 925 sterling silver jewelry, do not wear other precious metal jewelry at the same time to avoid collision deformation or scratches.

② Avoid 925 sterling silver jewelry from contacting water vapor and chemicals, and avoid swimming, especially going to the sea.

③ After wearing 925 sterling silver jewelry every day, wipe it with cotton cloth and put it in a jewelry box or bag for sealing and preservation.

④ 925 sterling silver jewelry has oxidized and become black. You can use a soft bristle brush dipped in toothpaste to scrub it. You can also use hand rubbing soap or detergent to scrub it. If you can't clean it, you can scrub it with silver washing water. After washing, 925 sterling silver jewelry should be wiped dry with cotton cloth.

Thinking alone in the snow 2024-05-08 10:57:05

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