The difference between cinnabar nevus and white moonlight

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What do white moonlight and cinnabar nevus mean?

1. Point to different

The difference between cinnabar nevus and white moonlight

Zhang Ailing said in her book Red Rose and White Rose that maybe every man has two women like this, at least two of them have married Red Rose;

(1) As time goes by, there is mosquito blood on the wall, but red is a cinnabar mole on the heart;

(2) The white Chongxin still married the white rose by the bright moonlight in front of the bed, and the white is a grain of rice on the clothes.

2. Different meanings

(1) Eileen Chang has already made it clear that no matter who she marries, she always has regrets, and once she gets it, she will always have losses. In our whole life, the so-called white moonlight is the people we can't reach, such as the studious Yanpeisheng we secretly liked when we were young;

These good students are very gentle and pure, and may also be very introverted. At this time, female students are the white moonlight that we can not reach. Vermilion stains and the loose date wheel are enthusiastic and unrestrained, which stir our hearts in every move. When we are with everyone, we feel very happy, but at the same time, there is a strong sense of degradation.

(2) If you choose White Moonlight, as time goes on, the original White Moonlight will probably become an old woman, and then you will miss the cinnabar nevus.

On the contrary, if we choose the experience of our youth, we will find that with the development of time, the original cinnabar nevus will gradually grow old, and suddenly feel that the white moonlight of that year should still shine with wisdom.

Extended data

Most men, before entering the society, would like people who are fresh, elegant, and very literary. These people often learn well and will lead the other side to the right path. Because this kind of woman has never entered the society, her personality is very simple and straightforward, and there will be no deception.

When two people fall in love, boys often have a good commitment to girls, saying that they only love girls in their life, and that they are willing to give everything for girls. This kind of love is just like the love in college. In the ivory tower, you don't need to worry about food, rice and salt. Not all people say that first love is the most beautiful, so the white moonlight is our beautiful yearning for love.

But when I stay with the white moonlight for a long time, I will feel that it is as thin as water, and I may regret being with it

The difference between white moonlight and cinnabar nevus

The difference between white moonlight and cinnabar nevus is as follows:

1. Different definitions. The white moonlight refers to the green and pure love, which is generally met when the love sinus begins to rise. It is a beautiful thing that has never been obtained but is unforgettable, while the cinnabar nevus refers to the person who once owned and made himself unforgettable.

2. Different meanings. The white moonlight symbolizes beauty and yearning. The person whom I miss in my heart is like a gentle and white moonlight hanging in my heart forever; The implication of cinnabar nevus is a regret code belt. The person Yu Mousui finally lost is like a bright red cinnabar branded in the bottom of my heart, which is unforgettable in this life.

What's the difference between cinnabar nevus and white moonlight?

What's the difference between cinnabar nevus and white moonlight? Which is more difficult to forget? Please note that the so-called cinnabar nevus and white moonlight here are not a kind of real object, but a symbol. Xing Sheng is a symbol of people's quick love at a specific stage.

Men have different aesthetic and requirements for women at different ages and stages. They are getting more and more familiar with the opposite sex and gradually understand which kind of girl is the ideal type who wants to marry eventually. At the beginning of love, I felt the feeling of looking at each other, reddened my cheeks, confused my heart, secretly liked looking around, and secretly chatted with each other endlessly. I was afraid that others would find the secret, or that she would not know it, at that clean and pure age.

Because when I met her, the whole world bloomed flowers. Ordinary, subtle, bitter youth was no longer difficult. I loved her deeply. I was extremely greedy and unforgettable. Over time, I became a cinnabar mole on my chest. As the years went by, the color gradually faded, but when I looked down, I always missed every man's first love, In his heart, he was always so unforgettable that no matter how many women he met later, the cinnabar nevus on his chest always left a mark. In other words, cinnabar nevus often represents unrequited love.

As for the white moonlight, when a person has tried the taste of love and understood the thin coldness and joys and sorrows of love, at that time of grief, a woman with a fresh sense appeared, just like the sunlight shining on the water waves in the morning, so it is called white moonlight. Such white moonlight can arouse the hope of love, heal the scars in the heart bit by bit at night, and in every dull day, interdependence and life. In other words, white moonlight often represents rational love. Whether it is the cinnabar nevus or the white moonlight, their appearance is to open a door in the world, light up a channel full of happiness, and accompany each other in those stubborn journey of looking for Bo Changlao. As for which is more difficult to forget, it seems not so important. As long as we are together finally, it is because of love.

The difference between cinnabar nevus and white moonlight

1、 What is the difference between white moonlight and cinnabar nevus

1. Today, people understand the meaning of these two words. White moonlight refers to a person who has loved in life but will never get it. Like moonlight, he is noble and cold, and has a distance that cannot be eliminated throughout his life. For example, many people's first love is like white moonlight.

2. The cinnabar nevus represents the person who has obtained and owned, but has not treasured it, and can no longer embrace it later. This is the public's definition of these two words, but in fact, in the original text of Eileen Chang, these two words represent the beauty that cannot be obtained.

3. When not available, one is white moonlight, the other is cinnabar nevus. Once obtained, under the erosion of time, one may become rice grain, and the other may become mosquito blood. Whether it's white moonlight or cinnabar nevus, whether it's noble or passionate, burn-in is just an excuse for disloyalty to feelings.

2、 The original sentence of white moonlight and cinnabar nevus

Maybe every man will meet such two women, at least two blind men who marry a red rose. The red one changes into a smear of mosquito blood on the wall, the white one is the bright moonlight in front of the window, the white one is a grain of rice glue on the clothes, and the red one is a cinnabar mole on the heart.

What do white moonlight and cinnabar nevus mean respectively

1. The white moonlight refers to a woman who is almost perfect in her heart and our best imagination of love. It basically doesn't exist in reality, and it also symbolizes a love that can be expected but not expected.

2. Vermilion mole refers to a mark left in the heart after experiencing love, which is unforgettable, and refers to love that is always deeply remembered.

3. The white moonlight gives people a kind of elegant and simple feeling. The cinnabar nevus is a deep impression of love. Zhang Ailing once wrote in "Red Rose and White Rose" that "perhaps every man has had two women like this, at least two. Marrying a red rose means talking about roses. As time passes, the red one becomes a smear of mosquito blood on the wall, the white one is still the bright moonlight before the bed is buried; marrying a white rose means a grain of rice glue on his clothes, and the red one is a cinnabar mole on his heart."

What do men's white moonlight and cinnabar nevus mean respectively?

A man's white moonlight refers to a man who has a person or thing in his heart that he can't reach, but has been in his heart but not around.

The term "white moonlight" originated from Zhang Ailing's novel "Red Rose and White Rose": "Maybe every man has had two such women, at least two. Married to the red rose, over time, the red became a mosquito blood on the wall, and the white was still" bright moonlight in front of the bed "; Marry a white rose, the white one is a grain of rice glue on your clothes, and the red one is a cinnabar mole on your heart. "

Men prefer white moonlight or cinnabar mole:

1. The white moonlight and cinnabar nevus are beautiful things that cannot be owned and forgotten, and the noon wax code is a pain that is missed and not treasured. Both of them are unforgettable regrets for men. However, in comparison, the absence of love is more unforgettable.

2. In addition, there is another saying that white moonlight and cinnabar nevus represent two women with different personalities. The moonlight is gentle and pure, and the cinnabar nevus is warm and beautiful. One seems not to eat people's fireworks, and the other seems to integrate human customs.

3. From this point of view, for most men, cinnabar nevus may be something they will dare to like more. The white moonlight seems to be indelible, which many men are afraid of, while the cinnabar stains are close to their hearts, as if they can reach out to touch the warmth of the banquet.

go to all lengths 2024-05-12 11:45:11

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