One of the following bold phonetic errors is [] A. Huangzhu (hu dang) B. Cuiman (w à n) C

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One of the following bold phonetic errors is

A. Bamboo

B. Cui Man (w à n)

C. "Y"

D. Xihu (x ī)

Clean (ni è)


Chu Er (ch ù)

Weidi (ch í)

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Phonetics: Pinyin. As far as Chinese is concerned, a syllable is usually recorded with a Chinese character, and Pinyin is generally composed of initials, finals and tones. Initials cannot form syllables alone, but finals can. The syllable formed by finals is called "zero initial". Tone can distinguish the meaning of words. There are four tones in Mandarin: Yin Ping (the first tone), Yang Ping (the second tone), Shang Sheng (the third tone), Qu Sheng (the fourth tone).

man 's life is like a dream 2024-06-20 14:52:40

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