What's the date of the summer heat in 2021 (what's the date of the summer heat in 2021)

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1. Summer time in 2021: Thursday, July 22.

2. Summer, one of the 24 solar terms, is the last solar term in summer. Every year, between July 22 and 23 of the Gregorian calendar, the sun reaches 120 on the Gregorian calendar, which is the solar term of great heat. Like the extreme heat, extreme heat is a season that reflects the degree of extreme heat. Extreme heat means extreme heat.

3. The ancient Chinese divided the scorching heat into three periods: "the first period was when the rotten grass turned into fireflies; the first period was when the soil moistened the scorching heat; the third period was when it rained." The summer solar term was around the "midsummer" in the "dog days", which was the hottest period of the year, with the highest temperature and the fastest growth of crops. At the same time, drought, waterlogging, wind disasters and other meteorological disasters are also the most frequent in many regions. Harvesting seeds, drought and waterlogging resistance, typhoon prevention and field management are all very important work.

Light up the soul 2023-12-02 15:06:03

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Usage: as attribute, adverbial.
Example: At the seminar, everyone spoke enthusiastically and expressed their opinions.
Synonyms: enthusiastic, active, courageous, courageous.
The opposite: negative.
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