Can I take the undergraduate exam without graduating from junior college? How to register

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The junior college is not able to take the undergraduate examination on its own after graduation, but it needs to provide a college diploma when graduating. Candidates who take the self-study examination are not restricted by gender, age, nationality, race and education level, and do not have to pass the entrance examination.

Can I take the undergraduate exam without graduating from junior college

If you haven't graduated from junior college, you can take the undergraduate examination. You can choose to take the self-taught undergraduate examination to improve your undergraduate education. There is no limitation of student status for applying for the self-taught examination, which is very suitable for college students to register. The candidates study at school themselves, take the examination within the specified time, and can apply for a graduation certificate after passing all professional examination subjects. When applying for a graduation certificate, you need to have a nationally recognized college education.

How to register for self-taught undergraduate

The self-taught exam is divided into three links: online registration, review and confirmation, and registration and payment.

Online registration: log in to the self-taught examination registration system within the time announced by the Education Examination Institute, click New Student Registration, fill in personal information, and apply for naturalization;

Audit and confirmation: complete the identity verification according to the system prompts. There are two situations here. Some regions have achieved online verification, while others still need to carry data to the site for confirmation;

Payment of registration fees: After the examination is approved, you will obtain an examination permit. At this time, you can enter the system to select the self-taught course to be registered and pay the fees for the current examination.

Note: When registering, try to register in the place where you live so that you can take the exam nearby to avoid fatigue. Secondly, when registering, you should first think about what major you want to apply for. Don't choose a field you are not good at on a whim. The exam will be very painful at that time. Try to choose a major related to your work.

What's the use of self-taught undergraduate

(1) Examining civil servants: civil servants have stable work, higher salary, less pressure, and power. Now many people want to be civil servants, but the Ministry of Personnel stipulates that civil servants need to pass the civil service examination. Now most civil servants are required to have a bachelor's degree or above to be eligible for the examination. Usually only grass-roots and difficult jobs are reserved for junior college students.

(2) Postgraduate Entrance Examination: Junior college students can only apply for the postgraduate entrance examination with the same academic qualifications two years after graduation from the junior college. Although the state regulations allow them to apply for the postgraduate entrance examination with the same academic qualifications two years after graduation from the junior college, many universities are actually unwilling to enroll junior college students. They will set obstacles in many aspects, ask for papers, and what level of English they can reach.

(3) Textual research: Many national professional qualification certificates require a bachelor's degree or above. For example, the conditions for applying for the judicial examination of notaries, lawyers, judges and prosecutors must be a bachelor's degree or above, which is recognized by the state, regardless of their majors. For example, many lawyers are not law majors, but Chinese, economic, chemical, and any other majors.

Falling Snow Palace Dust Lingyun Envy 2024-06-04 12:41:27

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Gorky's masterpiece

Gorky's representative works include "Haiyan", "On Earth", "Eagle Song", "Mother", "My University", "Melody of Spring", "The Life of Klim Samkin", "Small Citizens", "Italian Fairy Tales", "On Earth", "Russian Fairy Tales", etc.


Maxim Gorky (March 28, 1868 June 18, 1936), formerly known as Alexei Maximvich Bishkov, is a Soviet proletarian writer, poet, critic, political commentator and scholar. Gorky was born in a woodworking family in the town of Nizhny Novgorod on the Volga River.

At the age of 4, his father died, and he spent his childhood with his mother at his grandfather's house.

At the age of 10, he began to make a living independently, and successively worked as an apprentice, porter, doorman, baker, etc.

In 1884, he joined the Populist Party Group, read the works of Populist Party members and Marx, and devoted himself to revolutionary activities. In 1905, Gorky joined the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party.

In 1906, Gorky was entrusted by Lenin to carry out revolutionary activities in the United States from Finland, and published his novel Mother in the United States. Later, he settled in Capri, Italy.

In 1913, Gorky returned from Italy to work as a proletarian cultural organization and presided over the literary column of Pravda.

In October 1921, Gorky went abroad for recuperation. In 1928, Gorky returned to the Soviet Union. Under the arrangement of Stalin, he made two long-distance tours in Russia and decided to return to China to settle down.

In 1934, he was elected chairman of the Soviet Writers Association. After returning home, Gorky, as a banner of the Soviet cultural circle, did a lot of work for the cultural construction of the Soviet Union.

But in the 1930s, various problems in the Soviet Union kept him away from Stalin and realistic politics. On June 18, 1936, Gorky died of illness at the age of 68.

Creation characteristics:


Gorky's early realistic works are mostly based on his experience of life at the bottom. In addition to strongly accusing the evils of capitalist society, these works also try to reveal the pain in the hearts of vagrants and the struggle between old and new consciousness, capture the characteristics of the times of the working people's life, and their purpose is still to arouse people's positive attitude towards life.

Gorky's literary creation started from romanticism. Gorky has been exploring the relationship between individuals and history all his life to find a reasonable social life. The protagonists in his works are often full of fierce inner conflicts, and actively participate in revolutionary activities to explore ways to transform reality. Gorky was arrested, supervised and exiled by the tsarist government more than once, but he still carried out his revolutionary and literary activities consistently.

Gorky's creation is full of praise for a positive attitude towards life, yearning to awaken the people's passion for creating a new life, arouse people's pride in themselves as human beings, and despise pity and gifts. In Gorky's view, human beings have the power and the power to create a life commensurate with human beings. Compassion and gifts are demeaning and degrading to human dignity.

Gorky has two conflicting personalities. The first is the tragic experience of the reality and the pain of disappointment that caused human alienation in the real society; The second is the love of people and society, as well as the understanding of future idealism. Gorky, before the first bourgeois democratic revolution, was full of love and belief for the great proletarian revolutionary cause in Russia, and he went to meet the bright future with great enthusiasm. The writer's creation here describes the miserable life of the laboring masses before the revolution, expresses his eagerness to change the reality, and calls for a new life master in the future.

Artistic features:

In terms of creating artistic images, Gorky emphasized that vivid images should be created through typical techniques to reveal the essence of life, and at the same time to show the future prospects of social development. His realistic creation was also integrated with the optimistic and confident characteristics of positive romanticism, giving people a strong artistic appeal.

Gorky advocated that writers should use the method of realistic typification to shape the image, so as to make the artistic image real and vivid. The authenticity of literature's reflection of life depends on the extent of the writer's feelings of life, which inevitably shows the writer's aesthetic attitude. Gorky's authenticity of literature reflecting social life also reflects his new aesthetic view. With keen observation, he realized that the real essence of life was a huge social change that had never happened before. The main force that set off this social change was the awakened working people, whom he called "new people". Therefore, the authenticity of his literary creation and the concept of art typification made it clear that art is to shape these "new people" who are constantly striving for social change.

Gorky's realistic literature is essentially different from traditional realistic literature. Traditional realism only reflects the real situation of society, which is mostly manifested as the conflict between individuals and society. Its essence is the negation and criticism of society through the destruction of human nature.

Character influence:

Nearly half a century after the writer's death, people's interest in him continued to rise. In Europe and the United States, there is a "Gorky fever" from time to time. Gorky's plays, in particular, are constantly being put on the stage of various countries, or made into television and movies. In the 1960s and 1970s, "At the Bottom" and "The Enemy" were staged or broadcast in the United States, and "The Enemy" was considered by critics to be "the best play in the programs that have been broadcast". In the Federal Republic of Germany, Gorky's "Vasa Ileznova" was performed, and the performance of "The Summer Vacant" was praised by critics as a grand event since the Renaissance. In France, Britain, Spain and other places, Gorky's plays have also been staged.

The influence of Gorky's creation on American progressive writers cannot be ignored. In particular, the themes of "individual social vitality" (referring to the creativity of individuals to change themselves, change society and change nature) and "death enslaves living people" in his works, as well as the artistic style of dealing with such themes, have aroused their strong interest.

Gorky's works, full of revolutionary passion and revolutionary optimism, are loved by Chinese readers. They educate and inspire our people to fight for the elimination of the system of exploitation and the construction of a new society.

What is the meaning of night heart

"Heart every night" means that the fox repents every night because it is alone. From Chang'e by Li Shangyin of the Tang Dynasty, the original text:
The mica screen has a deep candle shadow, and the long river is gradually falling and the stars are sinking. Chang'e should regret stealing the elixir.
Through the screen decorated with mica, the candle shadow gradually faded. The Milky Way is also quietly disappearing, and the morning star is sinking in the dawn. I'm afraid Chang'e in the Moon Palace regrets stealing Houyi's elixir of life. Now only the blue sky and blue sea accompany her with a lonely heart.
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The sense of loneliness expressed in the poem and the emotion of "regretting to steal the elixir" caused by it are integrated into the poet's unique feeling of real life, and contain more rich and profound implications. Surrounded by the dark and dirty reality, the poet tries to get rid of the mundane world and pursue the lofty realm in spirit, but the pursuit results in a more lonely situation. The twin of aloofness and solitude, as well as the subtle and complex psychology of self appreciation and self injury caused by it, being unwilling to change their mind to follow the custom, and being unable to bear the suffering of loneliness, are successfully expressed by the poet in subtle and rich language. This is a kind of beauty with a strong sense of sadness, which is easy to arouse widespread resonance among the lofty scholars in the old times. The typical meaning of poetry is also here.

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3. Grandfather Sun has a kind face and likes to tell us stories, so everyone likes him very much.
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5. The old man always has a smile on his face, looking kind and purposeful.
6. Xiaocao looks up at the sun with great respect.
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