What subjects do you need to take when you upgrade to a computer major

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The subjects to be examined for upgrading from junior college to undergraduate in computer science are as follows:

Examination subjects:

English, advanced mathematics; Synthesis I: operating system principle, microcomputer principle and interface technology; Synthesis 2: data structure, C language.

Some schools of computer major in the college entrance examination will require courses such as advanced mathematics, English, C language, data structure, operating system and microcomputer principle, while others will only take courses such as C language programming, data structure, microcomputer principle and interface technology.

How to prepare for the self-taught college entrance examination:

1. Overcome mental fatigue:

In the review stage before the self-taught college entrance examination, some examinee friends often reflect that they want to review and have time to study. They just feel sleepy when they pick up books, and are accompanied by boredom and irritability.

This is the specific manifestation of mental fatigue in the process of reviewing for the exam. Mental fatigue can not be recovered through energy supplement and rest, as can be seen from the phenomenon of life covering and physical fatigue. Its elimination mainly depends on psychological adjustment.

2. Have a clear learning purpose:

Learning is like pumping water from a river. The more power, the greater the water flow. Motivation comes from the purpose. Only by setting up a correct learning purpose, can a strong learning motivation be generated. Many examinee friends' experiences and lessons show that whether the purpose of learning is clear or not, and how powerful the motivation of learning is, have a tremendous impact on mental fatigue.

3. To develop a strong interest in learning:

The formation of interest is related to the excitement center of the cerebral cortex, and there is a positive emotional experience with pleasure and joy. The psychological fatigue is caused by the negative emotions inhibited by the cerebral cortex. Therefore, the key to cultivate their own interest in learning and overcome psychological fatigue is. With interest, learning will have enthusiasm, self-consciousness, initiative, and make the psychology in a good competitive state.

4. Pay attention to the diversity of learning:

Book learning itself is boring and monotonous. Repeated learning of a certain course or chapter content may lead to inhibition in the cerebral cortex, psychological saturation and boredom.

Self recommended examination subjects for upgrading from junior college to undergraduate in Shandong

1、 Enrollment target

(1) In 2021, the college graduates of ordinary colleges and universities in our province will be fresh.

(2) Retired college student soldiers with provincial household registration.

2、 Application conditions

Candidates must meet the following conditions at the same time:

(1) Comply with the laws and regulations of China.

(2) Good health.

(3) There is no disciplinary sanction of demerit recording or above during junior college study, or there is disciplinary sanction of demerit recording or staying in school for inspection, but the disciplinary sanction has been lifted before application for examination.

(4) By the end of August 2021, obtain the junior college graduation certificate of general loss or gain.

(5) New college graduates must obtain the college recommendation qualification through the comprehensive quality assessment of the graduating university, or obtain the candidate self recommendation qualification through the professional comprehensive ability test of the university; Candidates from newly registered poverty-stricken families (certified by poverty alleviation institutions at or above the provincial level) are qualified for the examination; Former college student soldiers (refer to college students or graduates who have retired after being enlisted for compulsory military service) should have the qualification to apply for the examination.

3、 Candidate qualification

(1) The college recommendation qualification was obtained.

1 If you meet one of the following conditions, you can obtain the recommendation qualification of colleges and universities.

(1) The overall quality evaluation score during the school period is not lower than the top 40% of the same grade and major. If different talent training programs are used for the same specialty, they can be sorted by training programs.

(2) Students who have won the third prize or above in the skill contest of vocational colleges at or above the provincial level or the professional skill contest of students in normal universities at the provincial level. The students shall submit the application and certification materials to the source universities, which shall be responsible for the examination and approval.

2 Comprehensive quality evaluation. Colleges and universities of student origin should formulate a comprehensive quality assessment plan in accordance with relevant requirements and take the initiative to make it public to ensure that the assessment standards are clear, the procedures are standardized, the process is strict, and the results are fair. The comprehensive quality assessment score consists of the course learning score (credit point) and comprehensive performance (including ideological and moral status, innovation and entrepreneurship ability, etc.), of which the course learning score (credit point) accounts for no less than 80%. If students change their major during school, their comprehensive quality evaluation standards are the same as those of other students. The comprehensive quality evaluation results shall be publicized throughout the school for at least 5 working days to ensure openness and transparency.

(2) Candidates get the qualification of self recommendation.

1 Students who have not been recommended by colleges and universities can participate in the professional comprehensive ability test of the colleges and universities that recruit students, and can obtain the qualification to apply for the university after passing the test.

2 Professional comprehensive ability test. The colleges and universities that enroll students shall publish the test plan of different majors through the official website of the university within 3 days after our department issues the enrollment plan for 2021. The professional test includes two examination subjects, each of which should cover one or two professional basic courses, which are determined by the recruiting university according to its professional characteristics and talent training requirements. Skills test is the main test method for arts and sports majors, and written test is the main test method for other majors. Admitting colleges are allowed to adjust the courses and number of examination subjects in different years according to talent selection. The test standards are determined by the enrollment colleges and universities according to the learning needs of relevant majors at the undergraduate stage, and the test results are divided into "qualified" and "unqualified". The professional comprehensive ability test results of each enrollment university can only be used to apply for the relevant majors of the university.

The professional comprehensive ability test of colleges and universities that recruit students in the province will be conducted from March 9 to 15, 2021, and the specific test time of colleges and universities that recruit students will be determined and announced by the school itself. Self recommended candidates should log on to the website of the enrollment university before March 1, 2021, and register for the test as required. If more than one university enrolls students in the same major, the self recommended candidates can choose to participate in the test of one or more universities according to the test schedule of the enrollment universities.

(3) Candidates from poverty-stricken families who have filed cards.

The candidates who have been identified by the poverty alleviation institutions at or above the provincial level should apply to the colleges and universities of origin before March 1. The colleges and universities of origin should collate and summarize the application, and submit the list to the Provincial Education Admission Examination Institute. After the review of the Provincial Department of Education and the Provincial Poverty Alleviation Office, the Provincial Education Admission Examination Institute will organize the application.

(4) Examinee of retired college student soldiers.

Retired college student soldiers with provincial household registration need to go to the municipal recruitment and examination institution in the city where the examination is held from March 18 to 19 for qualification examination. During qualification examination, candidates need to bring their original and copies of ID cards, the original and copies of junior college (higher vocational) graduation certificates (new candidates need to bring their student registration issued by the school and the certificate of public foreign language courses during the junior college) The original and photocopy of the soldier's retirement certificate, as well as the certification materials of having the household registration in the jurisdiction of Shandong Province (such as the original and photocopy of the household registration book or the household registration certificate with photos, etc.).

(5) Publicity and list submission.

1 List publicity. The list of candidates who have been recommended by colleges and universities or self recommended by candidates to apply for the examination shall be publicized on the website of colleges and universities of origin and colleges of enrollment respectively, and the list of candidates who have the qualification of filing poor families shall be publicized on the official website of the Provincial Education Admission and Examination Institute for a period of not less than 5 working days.

2 List submission. After the announcement of no objection, the university of student origin and the university of enrollment shall respectively pass the list of candidates from poor families who have the qualifications of college recommendation, candidate self recommendation, and filing through the information platform for college to undergraduate examination of general higher education in Shandong Province (hereinafter referred to as the "information platform", the website is>

The list of candidates recommended by colleges and universities shall be submitted by the colleges and universities of origin from March 1 to 4, 2021. Candidate information shall include the name, gender, ID card number, junior college graduation college, graduation major, language of public foreign language courses during junior college, photos (collected by the colleges and universities of origin), etc.

The list of self recommended candidates shall be submitted by the university of enrollment from March 22 to 25, 2021. Candidate information shall include the name, gender, ID card number, junior college graduation college, graduation major, language of public foreign language courses during the junior college, undergraduate colleges that have obtained the qualification to apply for the examination, undergraduate majors that have obtained the qualification to apply for the examination, photos (collected by the university of enrollment), etc.

The list of candidates from poverty-stricken families who have filed their cards shall be submitted by the colleges of origin from March 1 to 4, 2021. Candidate information shall include the name, gender, ID card number, junior college graduation college, graduation major, language of public foreign language courses during the junior college, photos (collected by the colleges of origin), province where the cards are filed, etc.

For retired college student soldier candidates, the municipal recruitment and examination institution shall submit the list of retired soldier candidates that have passed the examination to the Provincial Education Recruitment and Examination Institute before March 24, 2021. The candidate information includes the candidate's name, ID card number, gender, soldier retirement card number, graduation certificate number, language of public foreign language courses during the junior college, graduation school, graduation specialty, and photos.

4、 Enrollment Plan

(1) The college recommends the enrollment plan for candidates. It shall be comprehensively determined according to the basic situation of the enrollment colleges and the source of students (the specific enrollment plan will be notified after being issued by the superior department).

(2) Self recommended enrollment plan. The enrollment plan will be separately added for the self recommended examinees who have taken the unified examination for college to undergraduate promotion and have met the admission standards of the same major of the same school.

(3) Special plan for retired college student soldiers. Retired college student soldiers are promoted to junior college students in a separate plan. The enrollment colleges and planning arrangements are determined according to the 10% increase in the proportion of candidates recommended by colleges and universities of the same specialty, and 40% if the proportion is less than 40% after the increase.

(4) The special plan for college graduates from poverty-stricken families to graduate students. A separate plan will be implemented for the special plan of college to college upgrading of graduates from poverty-stricken families who file cards. The enrollment colleges and planning arrangements will be determined according to the 10% increase in the proportion of candidates recommended by colleges and universities of the same specialty, and 40% will be implemented if the proportion is less than 40% after the increase.

5、 Unified examination registration

Candidates with application qualifications (including candidates recommended by colleges and universities, self recommended candidates, retired college student soldiers candidates, and those from poor families who have filed cards) will log on to the "information platform" from April 6 to April 9, 2021 (website:

If you apply for a medical major to be upgraded from junior college to undergraduate, your medical major should remain the same (except for the specialty of TCM bone injury, which corresponds to the undergraduate specialty of TCM at the time of upgrading).

6、 Unified exam arrangement

In 2021, the provincial unified examination for upgrading from ordinary college to undergraduate will be held on April 24 and 25. The examination subjects are four public basic courses, including English (the public foreign language course during the junior college is the political examination of non English), computer, college Chinese, and advanced mathematics (divided into advanced mathematics I, advanced mathematics II, and advanced mathematics III). The examination time for each subject is 120 minutes, with a full score of 100 points, and a total score of 400 points. The Provincial Education and Enrollment Examination Institute has unified proposition, unified examination and unified grading. The public basic courses shall be organized and put forward in accordance with the Examination Requirements for Public Basic Courses of the 2021 College Entrance Examination for Ordinary Higher Education in Shandong Province.

7、 Volunteer filling

After the public basic course results are announced, the Provincial Education Admission Examination Institute will draw the line of filling in the volunteer qualification by specialty according to the scores of candidates recommended by colleges and universities and the enrollment plan. College recommended candidates and self recommended candidates who have reached the voluntary qualification line will log in to the "information platform" (>

At the same time, candidates who have multiple application qualifications recommended by colleges and universities, filed poor families, and retired soldiers can independently determine one application qualification to participate in voluntary application and admission, and once it is determined, it cannot be changed.

8、 Filing admission

(1) Candidates recommended by colleges and universities will be put on file according to the parallel volunteer rule by the Provincial Education and Enrollment Examination Institute, which will set the minimum filing line according to the total scores of four public basic courses, the reported volunteers and the professional enrollment plan.

(2) If the self recommended candidates reach the score line of the relevant majors of the university, the Provincial Education Admission Examination Institute will file in accordance with the parallel volunteer rules based on the total scores of the candidates in four public basic courses and their reported wishes, and enroll them by adding plans. Self recommended candidates who fail to reach the score line of relevant majors of the university applying for the examination will not be allowed to file.

(3) The special plan for the promotion of retired college student soldiers to the junior college level should be marked out and enrolled separately. If the enrollment ratio is less than 40%, it should be 40%.

(4) The special plan for college to college upgrading of graduates from poverty-stricken families who have filed and registered their cards will be marked out and accepted separately. If the enrollment ratio is less than 40%, it will be 40%.

(5) In accordance with the requirements of the Notice of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the General Staff and the General Political Department on Further Improving the Recruitment of New Soldiers from the Students of Full time Institutions of Higher Learning ([2002] SLZ No. 1), retired college students who have won the third grade merit or above award during their service in the army can be promoted to relevant majors of undergraduate universities without examination, For specific measures, please refer to the Notice of Shandong Provincial Department of Education on Further Improving the Work of Upgrading Higher Vocational (Junior College) Students from Junior College to Undergraduate College after Joining the Army and Retirement (LJTBF [2016] No. 8).

(6) According to the Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education on Promoting the Admission of Winners of the World Skills Competition by Colleges and Universities (JJT [2020] No. 3), as the contestants of the Chinese national team who won the World Skills Competition hosted by the World Skills Organization, Have the qualification to be recommended to undergraduate universities for further study. The process for colleges to enroll winners of the "World Skills Competition" is as follows:

1 Students who have the qualification to walk shall apply to the enrollment colleges.

2 Enrollment colleges and universities shall review the qualifications of award-winning students who apply for escorting, and organize relevant comprehensive assessment according to the selection requirements of the school, so as to avoid skill assessment.

3 The university will determine the list of candidates to be recommended for admission according to the comprehensive assessment results, and publicize it on the official enrollment website of the university and the "Sunshine College Entrance Examination" information platform of the Ministry of Education. If there is no objection, it will be submitted to the Provincial Education Admission Examination Institute for admission procedures. The list of candidates to be recommended for admission must be submitted to the Provincial Education Admission Examination Institute on March 22, 2021.

What is the college entrance examination for computer majors

There are four public basic courses in the upgraded college entrance examination of Shandong, including English (the public foreign language course during the junior college is the political examination of non English), computer, college Chinese, and advanced mathematics (divided into advanced mathematics I, advanced mathematics II, and advanced mathematics III).

The examination time for each subject is 120 minutes, and the full score is 100, and the total score is 400. The Provincial Education and Enrollment Examination Institute has unified proposition, unified examination and unified grading. The public basic courses shall be organized and put forward in accordance with the Examination Requirements for the Public Basic Courses of the 2020 College Entrance Examination for Ordinary Higher Education in Shandong Province.

Undergraduate Exam for Regular Institutions of Higher Learning:

Referred to as "upgrading from junior college to undergraduate", it is a selective examination for qualified college graduates. The general college entrance examination is a provincial selective examination with unified enrollment standards. It is led by the provincial education departments, organized and managed by the provincial education examination institutions, and organized and implemented by the recruitment institutions in each district and city. The examination is conducted for graduates of vocational colleges (junior colleges) from full-time general colleges. Essentially, it is the connection between college education and undergraduate professional education, which implements the 3+2 model.

After the junior college students of ordinary colleges and universities have finished their courses at the junior college stage, according to the National Enrollment Plan for Ordinary Colleges and Universities and the National Enrollment Plan for Ordinary Colleges and Universities by School and Specialty compiled and reported by the Ministry of Education and the National Development and Reform Commission that year (the number of enrollment plans should be controlled within 5% of the total number of current graduates of ordinary full-time colleges in each province that year).

The general colleges and universities in each province announce the number of students enrolled, and the examination organized by the administrative departments at the provincial level, so as to select outstanding full-time general college graduates to participate in the unified examination organized by the provincial education examination institutions in the second semester of the third grade before graduation (some provinces are undergraduate schools), and the original majors or related majors are promoted to undergraduate colleges (junior) Continue to carry out two-year or three-year full-time undergraduate education (some provinces can be interdisciplinary).

The contents of the college entrance examination for computer majors are as follows:

1. High number. The examination outline of advanced mathematics for computer majors is divided into seven parts: continuity of function limits, differentiation of univariate functions, integration of univariate functions, vector type simple algebra and space analytic geometry, calculus of multivariate functions, infinite series and ordinary differential equations. The importance of the contents varies. The basic rules are: continuous function limit, monovariate function differential calculus, and monovariate function integral calculus. The first three parts are the key contents of the exam, accounting for about 70%, and the last four parts account for about 30%.

2. English, including listening, vocabulary, reading comprehension, translation, writing.

3. Basic computer subjects: such as data structure, introduction to computer, C language, etc. The subjects in this part are set separately by the school applying for the exam. Generally, before the exam, the school will release the exam scope, which can be focused on.

Methods of preparing for the examination of self taught junior college students

1. Review of materials for purchasing the upgraded version of the previous year

The students who review by themselves need to find the right review materials most. Because their target schools are different, their focus on the exam is different. If students do not choose the correct review materials, it will increase the difficulty of landing. If students don't know which review material to choose, they can contact the seniors and sisters of the direct department who have successfully upgraded from junior college to junior college in the past years to ask them what to buy and what to pay attention to during the exam.

2. Report online class review

Some students have applied for online courses, which is equivalent to spending money to buy some review materials and review according to the progress. However, when reviewing online exams, we attach great importance to the learning environment around students. If the surrounding environment is noisy, it will have a great impact on students, so many students choose to rent their own houses to study. While following the review progress of online lessons, these students should also make plans suitable for themselves. For example, they are not good at math and focus on planning math review.

have a blurred vision 2024-06-14 18:57:36

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It's hard to go uphill. Inspiration through poetry

It refers to a poem that is difficult to walk uphill. Inspiration:
1. Qu Yuan (Pre Qin)'s Lisao:
In terms of seeking truth, I have a long way to go. However, I will not be afraid of obstacles and try my best to realize my dream..
The road ahead is far and long. I will pursue my ideal from top to bottom.
2. Li Bai (Tang Dynasty), Difficult Travel - One of Them
Ten thousand bottles of sake, ten thousand jade plates, ten thousand dollars.
Stop drinking and throw chopsticks, you can't eat, draw the sword and look around blankly.
If you want to cross the Yellow River and block the river with ice, you will climb the Taihang Mountains with snow.
When I was free to fish on the green stream, I suddenly took a boat to dream of the sun.
It's hard to walk, it's hard to walk, how many different paths, where is today?
I will mount a long wind some day and break the heavy waves, and set my cloudy sail straight and bridge the deep, deep sea.
A bucket of good wine in a gold cup costs ten thousand yuan, and the dishes in a jade plate are worth ten thousand yuan.
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To cross the Yellow River, ice and snow have frozen the river; If you want to climb Taihang Mountain, the mountain has been closed by the wind and snow.
Like Jiang Shang fishing streams, waiting to rise again; It is also like Yi Yin's dream of passing by the sun by boat.
How hard the road of life is, how difficult it is; Where are you now?
I believe that the time will come to ride the wind and waves, and then we must set sail and cross the sea!
3. Li Bai (Tang Dynasty):
Oh, dear, how dangerous it is!
It is more difficult to climb the Shu Path than to reach the sky!
Silkworm and Yu Fu, what a loss to start the country!
Erlai is 48000 years old and has no connection with Qin Sai.
There is a bird path in Taibai of Xidang, which can defeat Emei Peak.
The collapse of the earth and the destruction of the mountain killed the warrior, and then the ladder and stone stack were linked together.
There is a high mark of six dragons returning to the sun on the top, and a reverse wave returning to Sichuan on the bottom.
Alas! What a lofty shore!
It is difficult to climb the Shu Path, and it is simply difficult to climb into the sky.
It is said that Cancong and Yufu founded the Kingdom of Shu. The founding time is too long to talk about in detail.
It has been about 48000 years since then. Qin and Shu have never communicated with each other since they were blocked by the Qinling Mountains.
In the west, Taibai Mountain is so high that only birds can fly over it to the top of Mount Emei in Shu.
The mountain collapsed and the earth cracked, burying five heroes who started the mountain. In this way, the high and dangerous mountain road and the plank road will be connected with each other later.
In the middle of Sichuan, there are mountains blocking the Six Dragons of the Sun God, and under the mountains, there are great rivers draining with waves.

Are Chinese Characters Syllable Characters

Chinese characters are syllable characters, and Syllabary characters are a kind of phonographic characters, which are syllable based characters. The representative ones are Japanese kana. Like kana, it is not a combination of phonemes, and syllable characters with individual syllables are rare in the world.
Vowel difference:
If two syllables have the same initial, the vowel affixed words will have the same base word, and different affixes indicate that there are different finals in the syllable; The syllabic characters do not have the same sign. For example, syllables (ka) and (ki), Japanese katakana writing カ and キ are two different characters, so they are syllable characters, while Hindi writing क and क have the same basic character क, so they are vowel tagged characters.
Phoneme difference:
Korean (proverbs) combines the letters that represent phonemes into a square character according to syllables, but in fact it does not belong to the syllabic characters in academic definition, but belongs to the whole phonemic characters like Latin letters, except that its letter arrangement is not linear spelling, but according to the syllabic block spelling.

Can I register for college entrance examination only by computer

You can fill in the application form on your mobile phone or on your computer. However, the mobile phone is prone to garbled codes, resulting in errors. The computer is easy to operate and is not prone to data errors. Because there are different systems for filling in volunteer forms with mobile phones, it is easy to make mistakes in filling in the forms. For more intuitive and convenient volunteer forms, it is recommended to use computers.
Notes for filling in the voluntary form:
1. Carefully prepare for filling in the volunteer form, carefully consider and accurately fill in the volunteer pre fill form. Candidates can use the "Volunteer Assistance System" to generate a volunteer pre fill form for parallel volunteering in the summer college entrance examination.
2. The candidate's wish is an important basis for filing and admission. It must be filled in by the candidate himself/herself and cannot be replaced by anyone. Schools and teachers shall not set up unified application passwords on behalf of students, interfere with candidates to fill in their applications, fill in their applications on behalf of candidates, or accept candidates' entrustment to fill in their applications.

The teacher of the Marquis of Qi and the Marquis of Chen, and Qu Wancheng's translation

Duke Huan of Qi asked the troops of the vassals to spread out their positions and take a chariot with Qu Wan to watch the military appearance. From Zuo Qiuming's "Duke Huan of Qi Attacks Qu Wan of Chu League" in the pre Qin period, this article, as a historical prose recording diplomatic struggle, has also reached a perfect artistic realm in the use of language.
Extract from the original text:
Xia, Chu Zi made Qu Wan like a teacher. When the division retreats, it is inferior to Shaoling. The Qi Marquis and the Chen Marquis are the masters of Qu Wan. The Duke of Qi said, "What is the purpose of the Valley? The good of the first monarch is the same as the good of the Valley. How about it?" The Duke said, "You can benefit the country of our city, humiliate the few monarchs, and I have no wish for you." The Duke of Qi said, "If you fight with these people, who can resist them? If you attack the city with this, what city will not be conquered!" The Duke said, "If you appease the princes with virtue, who dare not obey you? If you use your strength, the square city of Chu is the city, and the Han River is the pool. Although there are many people, it is useless! "
When describing the diplomatic struggle between Qi and Chu in the Spring and Autumn Period, this article does not use narrative language to describe its process, but places "appearance" characters in the conflict between the two sides. Through their own personalized language and "confrontation", they gradually deepened the diplomatic struggle until the two sides reached a compromise and concluded an alliance. In this way, even if we understand the nature and process of this diplomatic struggle, we can also see the four historical figures with different characteristics. The two envoys of the State of Chu, especially Qu Wan, as the "special and plenipotentiary representative" of King Cheng of Chu, impressed us with his calm, unassuming diplomatic demeanor, his resolute, resolute and unyielding diplomatic demeanor, and his diplomatic wisdom of quick witted and random response. As a politician, Guan Zhong's diplomatic talent, which is familiar with history, accident, and unreasonable, and the hegemonic image of Duke Huan of Qi, who is arrogant and overbearing, but does not lose his identity, are also unforgettable. In a word, reading and appreciating this article is not like reading history, but rather like watching a drama of diplomatic struggle with many highlights.
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