What are the idioms that describe expectations

Sorrow under pillow
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Expectation is a kind of optimistic, positive and beautiful spirit. To treat expectations correctly, we should strengthen our own


Quality, open up your own vision, broaden your mind, so that expectations will be like a beautiful dream, let you be in a colorful world. So, describe the expected


What are they? The following is the description and expectation of Xiao Bian


And explanation, I hope it will help you!

Describe expectant



1. No grudging: No grudging. Don't grudge good things. A modest word that earnestly hopes others to give advice.

2. Raise your head and stand on tiptoe. Described as eager.

3. Paid to Dongliu: Paid to; Eastward: A river flowing eastward. And washed away in the east flowing river. It is used to describe the failure of hope, the loss of achievements and the abandonment of previous achievements.

4. Live up to expectations: fail: fail; People: people; Expectations: Expectations. Live up to everyone's expectations.

5. Hanging over: It means to look forward and hope wholeheartedly.

6. Mind governance: mind refers to desire; Governance: The social situation is stable and has been managed. The people all hope for national stability.

7. Look forward to your child's success: hope: hope. I hope my children can make achievements in their studies and careers.

8. Pride without arrogance: It refers to that although people of high status don't want to become arrogant and arbitrary, they still grow up unconsciously.

9. Life geometry: people's history is very short. It is used to describe that the expected things cannot be achieved.

10. Wait and see: It describes that expectations are urgent. It also means to be sure that something will happen. Same as "wait and see".

11. Desire: Unspecified hope or attempt. It refers to the wishful thinking.

12. Utopia: White hopes on empty words. It refers to empty talk without practice.

13. Count the days and wait. Extremely eager for hope.

14. What popularity belongs to: popularity: popularity; Return: Return. Everyone expected. It refers to gaining the trust of the masses.

15. Unexpected: hope; However: so. I don't want to be like this. It means unexpected.

16. Surprise: hope, expect. Be very happy because of unexpected good things.

17. Dream: dream: sleep. When I dream, I pursue. Described as eager to expect.

18. Bin: A tool for holding grain. The granary is expected to be full. It means that there is great hope for a bumper harvest.

19. The withered seedling looks forward to the rain: it describes eager hope.

20. Enterprise and hope to return: Enterprise: stand on tiptoe. Stand on tiptoe and hope to return. Describe ardent expectations.

21. The general trend: the trend of things. The favorable situation has been lost and there is no hope for the future.

22. Ear and eyes: look up and look at the distance. Describe the look of expectation.

23. Skin looseness and bone itching: It means that the surface is relaxed and the heart is eager to hope.

24. I can see from my eyes that the fish and the wild goose are like letters. It means looking forward to the letter.

25. Wait and see: wipe: wipe; Wait: Wait. Shine your eyes and wait. It describes that expectations are urgent. It also means to be sure that something will happen.

26. Digging one's ears: Seeing others raise their hands and dig their ears, they mistakenly think they are greeting themselves. This is used to describe a person who is eager to achieve his goal.

27. Achieving one's wish: fulfilling and satisfying. Satisfied as expected. It refers to the realization of wishes.

28. Reward of kindness: give favors to others and expect to be rewarded.

29. Dragon Whispering in the Box: The sword makes a sound like dragon singing in the box. Originally, it refers to the magic power of the sword. Later, it means that people with great talent want to use it.

30. Object: refers to people and the public; Material hope: the hope of everyone. Describe what people expect. It refers to gaining the trust of the masses.

31. Feng Shengtanjia: refers to a talented person who does not meet his talent or hopes to get a favor.

32. Buy vegetables for benefit: benefit: increase. Like buying vegetables, I hope it can be increased. It is compared to striving for more and earning less.

33. Looking forward to your heart: look forward to your eyes and miss your heart. It describes the eagerness to miss.

34. The day is just around the corner: the day can be pointed out, which is not far away; Wait: Expect. It is not far away and will be realized soon.

35. Do as you expect: do: complete. Exactly as expected. It means that the result is exactly the same as originally expected.

36. Kangxin Xigu: Kangxin: Tongkang, noble; Anti heart: make the ambition noble; Xi: Expectation. Make yourself noble and follow the example of the ancient sages.

37. Clean water: clean water: metaphor for others; Turbid water: self. There is no hope for meeting after a long distance.

38. Admirable: It means to be admired and admired by others and hope to own it.

39. Viewing the culture and listening to the wind: It means hoping to see good political enlightenment.

40. Hold your head up: Hold your head up: hold your head up. Described as eager hope.

41. Not stingy: stingy: stingy; Grant: Reward; Teach: teach, teach. I am not stingy with my own opinions and hope to give guidance. A polite word for advice.

42. The dead bone is replaced by the flesh: it is like bringing the dead back to life. It describes excellent medical skill. It also means saving things that have no hope.

43. You can't find it if you want to. The original meaning is to eagerly seek, but cannot get. The latter often describes that he is eager to get it.

44. Head up: head up. Raise your head and stand on your feet. Described as eager hope.

45. The hope of moving Joe: Joe: Gao. It refers to the hope of rising.

46. Bring the dead back to the skeleton: bring the dead person or thing back to life. It describes excellent medical skill. It is a metaphor for saving something that seems hopeless.

47. Life saving straw: straw for survival. It refers to the tiny things that people hope to seize to survive when they are in trouble.

48. Dead bones and raw meat: It is also said to bring the dead back to life. It describes excellent medical skill. It also means saving things that have no hope.

49. Expectation from Su: Su: Rest. Get hope of recuperation from suffering.

50. Disappointed: It means that the original hope has been completely lost.

51. Grazing sheep and collecting firewood: refers to the old man who wants to get married and wants to be pregnant so as to get a son in his name.

52. Lifting head and eyes: lifting: lifting; Daimu: Look up. It means looking at the distance and expecting something or eagerly.

53. Phoenix not coming: Phoenix: refers to the phoenix, a symbol of auspiciousness. Phoenix will not come. It means that the world is not peaceful, politics is not clear, and there is no hope.

54. Standing on tiptoe: stand on tiptoe and raise your head. Describe an eager look.

55. Disappointment: refers to the frustration and disillusionment of hope.

56. Disappointment: satisfaction. Not meeting the expectations of everyone.

57. A lifetime of death: there is a great possibility of death, but little hope of life. It means risking your life.

58. Wait until the river is clear: Wait: Wait. Wait for the Yellow River to clear. It is used to describe that the expected things cannot be achieved.

59. Overjoyed: Over: Over; Hope: Hope. The result was better than originally hoped, so I felt very happy.

60. Go to waste: Throw it in the flowing water and wash it away. It is used to describe the failure of hope, the loss of achievements and the abandonment of previous achievements, as if they were washed away with flowing water.

grasp all, lose all 2024-04-18 14:01:47

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Initial consonant: b p、m、f、d、t、n、l、g、k、h、j、q、x、zh、ch、sh、r、c、s、y、w。
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2. Shuzhou Is Called to Try Not to Go to My Book: "It's hard to wear a bowl and look at the sky at the same time."
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2. Teacher Li is kind and open-minded, and is deeply loved by students.
3. He has done good things for the people, and people love him for sure.
4. He is selfless, fearless, upright and deeply loved by the people.
5. Mr. Zhang is an old teacher who is deeply loved by his classmates.
6. From childhood to adulthood, I will always respect and love you.
7. These teachers, who have worked hard and made great contributions, are deeply loved by the broad masses of the people.

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From modern phrases.
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2. The whole. For example, he did not rest this morning.
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