Application conditions for master's degree in supply chain at Vienna University of Economics, Austria

Love for a long time, love for a long time
Selected answers

1. Bachelor's degree or equivalent in economics, management or technology;

2. English level reaches level B2 of Common Reference Framework for European Languages (CEFR);

3. Provide a complete report on supply chain management;

4. Attend an interview to demonstrate personal ability and experience;

5. Provide recommendation letter;

6. Provide personal resume;

7. Provide application fee.

In Austria, it usually takes several years to study for undergraduate and master degree

First, the University of Vienna

School Profile:

The University of Vienna is the oldest university in Austria and one of the oldest universities in German speaking countries. Founded in 1365, it is the alma mater of 27 Nobel Prize winners. The University of Vienna currently has eight departments. She is also the largest university in Austria and one of the largest universities in Europe, with 80000 students. The university has more than 80 campuses scattered in various districts of Vienna.

Second, Vienna University of Economics

School Profile:

Founded in 1898, Vienna University of Economics is a comprehensive university with a long history of more than 100 years. It enjoys a high international reputation in the field of economy and business administration. Registered student

To prepare for the application for studying in Austria, you also need to understand the basic school system and semester arrangement, and confirm your study abroad goals, so as to better adapt. Next, let's take a look at how many years do you need to study in Austria for undergraduate and master degrees?

Education system

1、 Schooling arrangement

In Austria, the undergraduate study usually lasts four years. The first two years are basic study, and the next two years are professional study. According to different majors, there are different requirements for graduation credits.

The issuance of the two certificates is strictly in accordance with the credits. As long as the requirements for credits are completed within the specified time, you can apply for graduation. If you are preparing for further study, you can also directly use credits to apply for graduate study without preparing for examinations.

2、 Term arrangement

As in China, two semesters of study are arranged every year, namely the summer semester, from the beginning of March to the end of June; In the winter semester, from the beginning of October to the beginning of February of the next year, there is a big time difference in the arrangement of holidays.

There are three relatively long holidays every year, namely Christmas according to the length of time, and the vacation time varies from 8 to 20 days according to the arrangement of the school; Winter vacation usually lasts from February to the whole month; The summer vacation starts in July and ends at the end of September.

3、 Public vs private

In terms of the classification of schools, we also need to understand in advance, especially the differences between public and private universities. We should be clear that public universities are free of tuition fees, and if we can apply successfully, a large amount of fees will be reduced.

Of course, there are different requirements for students. The public school requires students to take periodic examinations and have a certain language foundation; Private schools will be more relaxed because they will provide language training.

4、 Specialty selection

For the choice of specific majors, you should consider your interests and plans comprehensively, because in the learning stage, you need to be interested in learning better, and employment directly determines your achievements in studying abroad.

Therefore, we must treat this aspect carefully, especially pay attention to our own opinions and not be influenced by others.

College recommendation

University of Vienna

1 School Introduction

Founded in 1365 AD, it is the oldest and largest German language university in existence and one of the largest schools in Central Europe.

In the latest Times Higher Education Supplement's ranking of world universities, the University of Vienna ranks 115th in terms of overall performance and 55th in terms of university research.

In the university ranking carried out by Shanghai Jiaotong University, the University of Vienna was rated as the best university in Austria.

2. Department

The University of Vienna has 15 colleges and 3 research centers, namely, Catholic Theological College, Protestant Theological College, Law School, School of Economics, School of Information, School of History and Culture, School of Language and Culture, School of Philosophy and Education, School of Psychology, School of Society, School of Mathematics, School of Physics, School of Chemistry, School of Geology Geography and Astronomy, School of Life Sciences Translation Research Center, Sports Research Center, and Molecular Biology Research Center.

vienna university of technology

1 Detailed introduction

Vienna University of Technology is located in Vienna, a big city in the heart of Europe. This is a very multicultural city. Since its establishment more than 200 years ago, its service has promoted progress. Vienna University of Technology is one of the most successful technical universities in Europe and the largest scientific research and teaching institution in Austria.

Founded in 1815, Vienna University of Technology, formerly Imperial College of Technology, is the earliest technical university in German speaking Europe. Today, the Vienna University of Technology has been recognized domestically and internationally for its high-quality teaching and scientific research, and also highly valued by innovative enterprises. The Vienna University of Technology has eight schools, namely, the School of Mathematics and Geographic Information, the School of Physics, the School of Process Chemistry, the School of Information, the School of Civil Engineering, the School of Architecture and Regional Planning, the School of Mechanical Engineering and Business Sciences, and the School of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, covering classic engineering disciplines. Although basic research takes priority in the Vienna University of Technology, it also engages in applied research. In addition, it also provides high-tech problem solving, inspection and identification related services for enterprises and the economy. Innovative enterprises are very willing to cooperate with the Vienna University of Technology because it has high-quality high-tech research and meets economic needs.

2. Department

School of Architecture and Planning

College of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

School of Information

College of Technological Chemistry

The Vienna Institute of Higher Economics not only has first-class teaching, but also has a very close relationship with enterprises

The Vienna Institute of Higher Economics, founded in 1994, is located in the beautiful capital of Austria, Vienna, which is one of the largest schools in Austria in the field of management and communication. Eighty percent of the teachers here have not only made achievements in their teaching, but also have successful practical work experience related to their own teaching subject theory, and hold real projects, In addition, suitable internship positions are provided for students.

There are undergraduate, master's degree, and continuing education subjects, among which, continuing education subjects also have master's degree (MBA) courses. Their main courses include: financial management, real estate economy, news and media management, communication management, market and marketing management, personnel and knowledge management, tourism management, and enterprise management. In addition, Vienna Higher Vocational College of Economics not only provides daytime teaching, but also provides night teaching for special professions. It also provides in-service staff with the opportunity to apply for graduation certificates within a few semesters. The school also specially sets up night teaching and weekend teaching for them.

Modul University Vienna

Modul University in Vienna (hereinafter referred to as MODUL) is a private higher education institution in Austria, which was established in 2007. The research and education fields of the school are tourism management, new media technology and public management. The University of Modur in Vienna was established by the Austrian Chamber of Economy and Commerce and approved by the Austrian Accreditation Committee. The school constantly tries to combine traditional disciplines with emerging academic subjects, and is committed to creating the best academic environment, gradually becoming a top school in Austria. The school not only emphasizes multi-disciplinary research, but also pays attention to the cultivation of professional skills and the improvement of personal ability and quality.

The University of Modur in Vienna now has four different majors: tourism and hotel management, tourism management, new media technology management and public management. Each year, 18 excellent freshmen are allowed to enroll. The basic teaching philosophy and objectives of Modul University are to challenge life, embrace change, cherish human thoughts and creativity, be prepared to deal with complex things, support the principles of fairness and justice, and respect diverse cultural concepts.

Since the last century, MODUL, located in Vienna, the "music capital of the world", has been an important university for training professionals in the tourism and hotel industry. Vienna's international environment and the superior geographical location of MODUL University have become the institution that many students aspire to. MODUL University is an international university that focuses on the research and teaching of students' expertise and skills in tourism, new media and public relations. It is run and managed by the General Chamber of Commerce of the Vienna Municipal Government.

Eight rose 2024-06-16 17:01:22

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