List of China's 985 Universities in 2020

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985 University is the top university in China, and its teaching strength and faculty are at the top level. At present, there are 39 985 colleges and universities in China. The following section summarizes the ranking of 985 colleges and universities in 2020 for your reference.

National 985 University Ranking in 2020

Ranking school name National ranking School running level 1 Peking University 1 World class university 2 Tsinghua University 2 World class university 3 Fudan University 4 World class university 4 Zhejiang University 5 World class university 4 Renmin University of China 5 World class university (characteristics) 6 Shanghai Jiaotong University 7 World famous high-level university (front row) 7 Nanjing University 8 World famous high-level university (front row) 8 Wuhan University 9 World famous high-level universities (top) 9 Sun Yat sen University 10 World famous high-level universities (top) 10 Jilin University 11 World famous high-level universities 11 Huazhong University of Science and Technology 12 World famous high-level universities 12 Tianjin University 13 World famous high-level universities 13 Sichuan University 14 World famous high-level universities 14 China University of Science and Technology 15 World first-class universities (characteristics) 15 Nankai University 16 World famous high-level universities 16 Beijing Normal University 17 World famous high-level universities 17 Xi'an Jiaotong University 18 World famous high-level universities (top) 18 Harbin Institute of Technology 19 World famous high-level universities (top) 19 Shandong University 20 World famous high-level universities 19 Central South University 20 World famous high-level universities 21 Xiamen University 22 World famous high-level universities 22 Tongji University 23 World famous high-level universities 23 Southeast University 24 World famous high-level universities 24 Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 25 World famous high-level universities 25 Northeast University 26 World high-level universities 26 Northwest Polytechnical University 27 World high-level universities 27 East China Normal University 28 World level universities 28 Beijing University of Technology 29 World level universities 29 South China University of Technology 30 World level universities 30 Dalian University of Technology 31 World level universities 31 Hunan University 32 World level universities 32 Chongqing University 33 World level universities 33 China Agricultural University 34 World level universities (characteristics) 34 Lanzhou University 35 world-class university 35 University of Electronic Science and Technology 37 world-class university (characteristic) 36 Ocean University of China 54 world-class university (characteristic) 37 Northwest University of Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology 56 China's first-class university (characteristic) 38 Central University for Nationalities 98 world-class university (characteristic) No national defense science and technology university
World class university (characteristic)

College Profile

Peking University

Peking University was founded in 1898, initially known as the Peking University. It was the first national comprehensive university in China and also the highest educational administrative organ in China at that time. After the Revolution of 1911, it was renamed in 1912. As the center of the New Culture Movement and the birthplace of the May 4th Movement, as the birthplace of the earliest dissemination of Marxism and democratic scientific ideas in China, and as the earliest activity base of the Communist Party of China, Peking University has made irreplaceable contributions to the revitalization and liberation of the nation, the construction and development of the country, and the civilization and progress of society, It has played an important vanguard role in the process of China's modernization. The traditional spirit of patriotism, progress, democracy and science, as well as the style of study of diligence, preciseness, realism and innovation, are constantly passed on from generation to generation.

In recent years, with the support of the "211 Project" and the "985 Project", Peking University has entered a new stage of historical development. It has made remarkable achievements in discipline construction, talent training, faculty construction, teaching and scientific research, and has laid a solid foundation for building Peking University into a world-class university. Today, Peking University has become the cradle for the country to cultivate high-quality and creative talents, an important base for scientific research and knowledge innovation, and an important bridge and window for international exchanges.

Tsinghua University

Tsinghua School, the predecessor of Tsinghua University, was founded in 1911 and renamed Tsinghua University in 1912. In 1928, it was renamed National Tsinghua University. After the outbreak of the Anti Japanese War in 1937, it moved south to Changsha, established the National Changsha Temporary University with Peking University and Nankai University, and moved to Kunming in 1938, renamed as the National Southwest Associated University. In 1946, he moved back to Tsinghua Park, with 5 colleges and 26 departments of literature, law, science, engineering and agriculture.

At present, Tsinghua University has 20 colleges and 59 departments, which has become a comprehensive and research-oriented university with 11 disciplines including science, engineering, literature, art, history, philosophy, economics, management, law, education and medicine.

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