Which is better, a good junior college or three books

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A good junior college is better than three books. First of all, the biggest advantage of the three books is that they have bachelor's degree, which cannot be surpassed by the colleges; In terms of job promotion, junior college students are obviously at a disadvantage compared with undergraduate students.

Which is better, a good junior college or an ordinary three books

The common three books are good. First, the three books are undergraduate degrees. Now everyone has the view that education is no longer important. The key is ability. This view is true, but it has to be mentioned that the fact that education is the first door opener has not changed.

Although there are three books, when recruiting graduate students, civil servants, public institutions, state-owned enterprises, banks, etc., they can enjoy the same treatment as one book and two books, that is, they are qualified to apply. However, the situation of the junior college is quite different, and it is rejected directly. For ordinary families, there is no chance to change their fate if they go to a college.

In terms of job promotion, junior college students are also obviously at a disadvantage compared with undergraduate students, which is more obvious in state-owned enterprises and institutions. Now it is no more than 20 years ago, when there were not many undergraduates, and the main force of the cadre team is junior college and technical secondary school. After the expansion of university enrollment, the undergraduate students have become rotten, and the junior college is not worth mentioning. Therefore, when promoting cadres, there is a hard lever that is "full-time undergraduate graduation". In conclusion, the minor editor suggests choosing three colleges.

What are the advantages of the three universities

1. The three colleges are full-time undergraduate colleges with bachelor's degrees, but not junior colleges. Most enterprises and institutions require full-time undergraduate students to apply for recruitment, which reflects the importance of education. 2. The educational system of the three colleges and universities is four years, with relatively in-depth professional study and short junior college educational system. 3. Look at the quality of students. In fact, more than ten years ago, the quality of students in junior colleges may be generally higher than that of students in three schools; But now this gap has narrowed a lot. Most of the students of the three books have good family conditions, have a wide range of knowledge and strong comprehensive ability since childhood. Before, I always felt that the students of the three books would not have a good quality. Later, I found that this worry was unnecessary. These children have seen a lot of the world since they were young. They are very easy to get along with and have a strong entrepreneurial philosophy.

A curtain of dreams 2024-05-24 12:53:40

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