How does Android mobile WeChat share music (how does Android mobile WeChat divide itself)

Ice light red
Selected answers

1. Android WeChat: Open the phone settings and enter the settings interface.

2. 2. Click "Application and Notification" in the setting interface to see the setting button of the application entity.

3. 3. Click "Application avatar" in the application and notification interface, and then you can see the applications that can be used for application avatar.

4. 4. Turn on the WeChat split switch in the application split interface. After the application split is successful, there will be two WeChat in the mobile phone.

Floating dream 2023-12-05 12:06:03

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The basic content of Marxist scientific practice view:
1、 The essence of practice:
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2. "The Book of the Later Han Dynasty, Biography of the Wu Han Dynasty": "When you prepare your horse and close the camp for three days, you will not go out. Instead, there will be many flags and trees to keep the fireworks going."
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Synonyms: beacon fire, smoke, fireworks.
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