What are the most popular majors in science? Which majors are good for employment

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Popular science majors in higher vocational single enrollment include: 1. Popular electromechanical majors in single enrollment; 2. Mining engineering with development potential; 3. Computer related majors with good industry development; 4. Survey technology major with good employment situation; 5. Civil engineering majors with high demand for talents.

Popular science majors with good employment in higher vocational single enrollment

1. Popular electromechanical specialty in single recruit

In recent years, electromechanical major is one of the most popular majors in the single enrollment of science majors. This kind of major has also been in a state of continuous growth in the demand for talents in society. Therefore, it is very easy to find a job in terms of employment. The salary will be increased every year, so it is a good choice for science majors.

2. Mining engineering with development potential

With the development and growth of China's mining industry, there is a growing need for some mining related professionals in this industry, including some mining engineering related planning talents and mine design talents. This major has a wide range of employment options, and the salaries provided for mining related technical talents in the social industry are also very high.

3. Computer related majors with good industry development

Computer can be said to be an indispensable tool in our society. This major is also one of the popular majors with good development in the society. We can see a large number of computer talents on various recruitment websites, and it is also the top one in the popular industry in terms of salary. The employment situation is very optimistic.

4. Survey technology major with good employment situation

The engineering surveying technology major has a long history of industry development, and is also one of the hot industries that the country attaches great importance to in recent years. Employment in this industry is very developed, and the choice of employment direction is also relatively wide. We can choose some land engineering management and surveying related work.

5. Civil engineering majors with high demand for talents

In recent years, the demand for professionals related to civil engineering is very high. After all, civil engineering is indispensable in the construction of our society. Civil engineering plays a very important role in all major social construction projects. The demand for civil engineering professionals in society is growing year by year.

What major should be recruited separately for good employment

1. It is a good choice to choose advanced nursing major for single enrollment. From the perspective of China's current social system, with the comprehensive development of social economy, people are increasingly demanding for health and services. However, at present, nursing resources are in short supply in China, and the gap is relatively large, which can not meet the social needs, so it is still better to get employed.

2. With the rapid development of Internet specialty, the welfare and status of technical talents in the computer industry are relatively high. Some large and medium-sized Internet companies also have a large talent gap in software engineering. Especially in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities with relatively large economic development, there is a growing demand for computer software engineers and network information security officers.

3. The engineering construction specialty refers to the professional and technical personnel of the design scheme, materials and engineering construction of the interior and exterior decoration works of engineering buildings. The employment scope of students majoring in architecture is very wide, and the key is in construction engineering companies, decoration companies, architectural decoration design scheme enterprises, real estate industry or decoration design engineering supervision. At this stage, architectural decoration has already become a popular and tasteful field, and students have a broad prospect for employment and development.

Old people don't return 2024-05-24 13:04:12

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