What are the enrollment conditions of Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences in 2023 (enrollment brochure of Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences in 2023)

imbued with supreme heroism
Selected answers

01. Enrollment teacher of Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences


02. Can five-year college students apply for the civil service examination

You can apply for qualified positions, and should meet all other conditions of the announcement and the position table. Five year short-term universities can participate in public education. Meet the following conditions. 1) Age: 18-35 years old 2) Education: junior college degree or above, self-taught, party school, and other nationally recognized education. However, if there is no special job description, full-time higher education qualifications 3) Household registration: the national general examination is not limited to household registration. The local examination is generally required to have a local residence, except in Shenzhen, Guangzhou and other places. 4) Profession) There are also positions that do not limit the profession. The competition for positions that do not restrict majors will become fierce. Please refer to the position table for specific majors and positions. What kind of position can a major apply for: each major basically corresponds to a position, but this position does not recruit every year, which depends on the position table.

03. Can I upgrade from junior high school to five-year school

It's OK, but pay attention to academic qualifications. Those who want to become above majors in the future may choose a "five-year short-term university" to prepare for future undergraduate, graduate, or even doctoral programs. Even if they just want to learn "one skill" to solve the employment problem, the secondary vocational school, higher vocational school and five-year college also cultivate highly skilled talents, but the school running situation is different, and the professional focus is slightly different. Parents should follow the future development direction of their children

04. Will you regret your five-year college education

◇ The one-year short-term university started from the middle school graduation, so it lacks the high school part. Although high school is hard and tired, it is the most precious memory in life.

◇ Advantages of school running: compared with the three-year medium and large classes, the five-year short and large classes have solid theoretical knowledge, strong professional skills, certain theoretical knowledge and practical skills, extensive employment channels, and are well received by employers;

◇ You graduated from junior high school are still young and have a lot of time to study. How important it is to master technology is that you cannot master multiple skills. It depends on what you want to learn. Find a professional technology school. The campus environment is good, technology plus education, distribute graduation packages, and use computers to make money in the future.

◇ Judging from the current trend, it is a good trend for middle school students to enter five-year short-term universities. I believe that more and more parents and students will choose this path. After all, the benefits are self-evident.

05. Registration requirements

1. Healthy body and mind, good personality. (Click the "Enrollment Information" at the top of the article to find more information about the enrollment of our school.)

2. Abide by discipline, be upright in conduct, have all bad behaviors, and be self-motivated.

3. Candidates, former junior high school and senior high school graduates or those with the same educational background;

Wake up 2024-05-19 14:04:26

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2. "Official Memorial to Madame Qi": "A woman is heroic, graceful and graceful."
3. "Six Chapters of Floating Life: Leisure and Fun": "either slim and graceful, or flying and oblique."
Sentence making:
1. In the past few years, the elder sister has become a graceful girl.
2. A few years later, the little girl in the neighborhood has grown into a beautiful girl.
3. Look, that little girl is very slim and beautiful.
4. She is a graceful and beautiful girl.
5. She is a slim and graceful woman. Although she is over sixty years old, she has white hair and childlike appearance and is very young.
6. After several years' absence, she has grown up to be graceful and beautiful.

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