Computer Postgraduate Examination: Classification of Computer Postgraduate Examination Majors

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In the postgraduate entrance examination, computer science and technology belongs to the first level discipline in the engineering category, which is divided into three secondary disciplines: computer system structure, computer software and theory, and computer application. Each secondary discipline is divided into several research directions, and the relevant information is as follows:

1. Computer system architecture Computer system architecture secondary discipline studies parallel distributed computing, new computers, computer networks and communications, embedded systems, integrated circuit design, information storage, trusted computing and fault tolerant computing.

2. Computer software and theory Computer software and theory mainly include the theory, method and technology involved in the process of software design, development, maintenance and use, and explore the theoretical basis for the development of computer science and technology. The research scope of computer software and theory is very wide, including system software, software automation, programming language, database system, software engineering and software reuse technology, parallel processing and high-performance computing, intelligent software, theoretical computer science, artificial intelligence, basic theory of computer science, etc. Students of this major should have a solid foundation in modern mathematics, master the theory and method of software development and maintenance, and basic knowledge of computer system structure and computer application.

Research direction: software engineering, system software, software automation, new programming languages, distributed systems, database systems, parallel computing, intelligent software, software theory. The main courses are modern mathematics, new software technology, advanced mathematical logic, algebraic algorithms, combinatorial mathematics, software development environment, object-oriented technology, new programming languages, software methods, distributed systems and computer networks, advanced operating systems, new database technology, artificial intelligence, parallel processing, formal languages and automata, advanced computer system structure, Algorithm design and analysis, man-machine interface, graphics and image processing. Competent for teaching, scientific research and software research and design in colleges and universities.

Computer application 1) Scientific computing and intelligent image processing Main research: medical image processing and compression technology; Medical image registration and fusion technology; Research on DICOM30 medical image transmission standard. 2) Computer network technology and application mainly study new network communication protocol, network interconnection and routing, network planning and design, network performance analysis, network management, network and information security technology, network information retrieval and service system, directory service, distance education and other network application systems. 3) Expert system and artificial intelligence mainly study artificial intelligence technology, expert system theory and development technology, intelligent monitoring technology, etc. For large and complex problem fields in the real world, the method of artificial intelligence is used to solve cooperative problems. It involves automatic reasoning technology, process planning and scheduling, parallel processing and collaborative planning, and management of distributed knowledge base. 4) Information retrieval is based on language, text and multimedia materials, especially the Internet information, to extract, filter, analyze, identify, organize, retrieve, classify and mine knowledge of images, sounds, graphics, images and other information. 5) Data mining mainly studies data mining model modeling technology, data preprocessing technology, mining algorithm selection and design, and mining results evaluation technology. 6) The distributed computing model mainly studies resource management in grid environment. 7) Workflow system technology mainly studies workflow model, workflow running architecture, workflow concurrency control mechanism, etc. 8) Database system and its application mainly study database system implementation technology, multimedia database, object-oriented database, Internet related database technology, database security, distributed database. 9) Data flow management studies the schedulability of real-time data flow tasks, the adaptability of real-time data flow query processing, and the operability of data flow for special applications. 10) Information security mainly studies data privacy protection algorithms for data sharing, data publishing and data mining.

Do you want to learn embedded system

First of all, there is no best. Embedded systems are hard or soft, depending on whether you like electronics (low level hardware, involving IC design) or software development (but not pure software, or hardware design, but not knowing too much about IC principles). But I can be very responsible to tell you that embedded systems are very miscellaneous, and most people will learn both software and hardware, from upstream to downstream.

Tsinghua's high score, of course, is also good. The University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (Chengdu) is hard, and the University of China Science and Technology of China is soft (in the School of Software, and has an embedded national laboratory)

Books are the four books (Principles of Computer Composition, Operating System, Data Structure and Computer Network) of the Computer Unified Examination. The specific school reference books are different, but they must be the four major categories, that is, different publishers and different writers.

Suggestion: first check the general situation of your favorite school on the Internet, or post a post on the postgraduate entrance examination forum for help (such as the freekaoyan forum) to find out whether someone else's embedded system is your favorite (that is, hard or soft), and how the school's reputation is. Then you can determine the school and review hard.

The characteristic of embedded system is that the target system it controls is a practical system with actual functional performance requirements, which requires close integration with the physical world to complete real-time tasks. At the same time, because of the wide range of applications, high cost performance ratio is required, and the system composition is subject to many constraints. Therefore, an excellent embedded system designer needs to master various technologies to obtain information from the real physical world, and at the same time must have a relatively comprehensive knowledge system and good comprehensive ability. For example, information processing, human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, and various related practical technologies and devices that apply the processing results to the real physical world.

According to the current curriculum distribution of ordinary colleges and universities, the basic knowledge system required for embedded systems is basically satisfied in the undergraduate teaching of electronic information technology, automation technology, communication engineering technology, and electromechanical integration technology, rather than the learning content arranged for graduate students. Therefore, learning embedded systems does not require postgraduate entrance examination.

However, as the 'best processing method' needed to complete the actual task, it is mainly reflected in the software. Whether running in a general computer based on standard hardware resources or an embedded computer system based on dedicated hardware resources, it is the purpose of guiding the computer system to perform tasks. Therefore, the further study of processing technology, method and theory requires graduate level study.

The 'processing method' does not depend on the hardware of the computer system. Although, in some embedded systems, in order to meet the requirements of performance indicators, some dedicated hardware resources are used to assist the "implementation method", which is the implementation means. The same means can also be used for standard computer systems, so the learning content of graduate students is not only for embedded systems.

To sum up, graduate study can help deepen the application of embedded systems, but it is not necessarily related.

Look left and right 2024-06-15 17:59:07

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