How to clear the format of word? Word has one more blank page that cannot be deleted

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How to remove style and format from Word

Tools/materials: word documents

1. First open the word document with the style and format set.

2. After entering the document, click the Start button above.

3. Then find the style and click the triangle icon behind the style.

4. Then a style menu bar will pop up, and click Clear All.

Where is the word clear format

Where is the word clear format

First open Word and enter text. Then, add a format to the text. Select the text and click the format drop-down button. Click Clear Format. You can find that the text format has changed to the original format. Or select the text to clear the format, click the eraser icon in the Start Font box in the menu, and then click Clear Format.

Another is to use the format auto adjustment and correction function provided by Word. When you copy text into Word, the Paste option function button will appear at the end of the text. Select Keep Text Only to remove all formatting.

The main functions of Word include:

1. Text editing function.

Word software can arrange documents, including editing text, graphics, images, sounds, animation and other data on the document, and can also insert other data source information from different sources. Word software can provide drawing tools to produce graphics, design artistic characters, write mathematical formulas and other functions to meet users' various document processing needs.

2. Table processing function.

How to clear the format of word? Word has one more blank page that cannot be deleted

Word software can make tables automatically or manually. You can create various types of tables, including column charts, line charts, and so on. At the same time, the data in the table made by Word can be calculated automatically, and a variety of styles can be modified.

3. File management function.

Word provides rich file format templates to facilitate the creation of various professional letters, memoranda, reports, official documents and other documents.

How to clear the format of a word document

1. Open the word text document.

How to clear the format of word? Word has one more blank page that cannot be deleted

2. Select ragged text.

3. Click the new button in the selection bar at the beginning.

4. Select Clear Format in the pop-up menu.

Microsoft Office Word is a standard text editing application software of Microsoft China, which is one of the most popular text processing programs. It was first written by Richard Brodie in 1983 to better operate the IBM computer DOS, and later became part of Microsoft Office. Word has shown many special tools for creating text documents that are easy to use. In addition, it has also shown a rich and colorful feature set for creating complex text document applications. In the Macintosh system software, Word was widely accepted after it was released in 1985, especially for Word 3.01 for Macintosh, which was released for the second time two years later (Word 3.00 was quickly discontinued due to serious bugs). Like other Mac phone software, Word for Mac is a real (seeing is believing) online editor. In order to better implement the special function, the program flow has its own unique, and usually complex instruction groups must be memorized by the customer.

How to clear the format in Word

1. First add a header to the document. You can see that there is a horizontal line in the header.

2. Then double-click the header to enter the header editing mode. Right click in the header to find the style.

3. Under Style, we can find the option to clear the format.

4. Click Clear Format to find that the horizontal line of the header has disappeared.

5. Finally, center the text in the header.

How to clear the format in Word

I don't know how to clear the word format. The text copied from other web pages will appear in the word document in a variety of formats, including background color, font format, and paragraph format. These word formats are very necessary. What are the methods to clear the format in Word?

Let me teach you how to clear the format of word:

How to clear the format of word? Word has one more blank page that cannot be deleted

One way to clear the format of word: The way to clear the format of word is to use the format auto adjustment and correction function provided by word. When you copy text into word, the Paste option function button will appear at the end of the text. Select Keep Text Only to remove all the formats.

The second method to clear the format of u3000 u3000word is to use the built-in clear format function of word, select the text to clear the format, and then select the clear format text in the style drop-down box as shown in the figure to remove the format of this text.

The third way to clear the format of word is to use the word format brush tool to copy the edited text format to the text copied from the Internet.

How to clear the format of word documents


First, open the Word document and select the text or paragraph whose formatting needs to be cleared.


Next, click the "New Style" menu button at the top of the software page.


Next, in the open drop-down menu, click to select the "Clear Format" menu option.


Finally, you can see that the text paragraph format you just selected has been cleared, and the normal text display is restored.

How to cancel the original format of a WORD document

After copying and pasting articles from the Internet, we need to reformat them in various formats. Let's learn how to quickly clear the original formats. The specific steps are as follows:

1. For example, this document is copied and pasted from the Internet. It has such a problem that how to set the indentation of the first line will fail. Such problems include documents where shading cannot be removed, documents where line spacing cannot be adjusted properly, or other strange problems. As long as it is abnormal, simply clear the format.

2. For the first time, we need to select all the text in the document (or press the shortcut key ctrl+a to select all).

3. Then click the small triangle next to the "wps" text, select Format → Style and Format and open it. (Word documents also find format → style and format).

4. After "Style and Format" is opened, a window appears on the right side of the interface. We find the "Clear Format" command and click it.

5. We will find that all the document formats are cleared and the default state is restored.

6. Now try to solve the problem. Select all the text, right click and select "Paragraph" and "Indent the first line". I found it OK.

have experienced all sorts of hardships 2024-05-07 11:57:12

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Original text:
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It is said that once the war starts, even the gods are worried, and the armies on both sides of the strait have been fighting incessantly for years.
Who said that the Cangjiang River is always peaceful and free from disasters? Recently, the river water has been mixed with blood and rushed to the east.
Two Poems at the Age of 1911 is a series of poems by Cao Song, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. This series of poems is titled Gan Zhi to record the facts and clearly show the critical attitude to reality. The whole poem outlines the profound disasters and catastrophes caused by the war to the people, and penetrates the essence of the feudal war for thousands of years with a cold and profound vision.

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The difference between individual and individual

The difference between individual and individual: different references, different sources, and different emphasis.
1、 Different references:
1. Each: one by one, each.
2. Each: each; All those; One by one.
2、 From different sources:
1. Everyone: From Mao Zedong's "Talk to Editors of Shanxi Suiyuan Daily": "The soldiers in northern Shaanxi have improved their consciousness after training and complaining about their grievances... Everyone is fighting hard and their morale is high, and they won the battle immediately."
2. Everyone: From the first chapter of "Biography of Heroes of Children": "The family members were overjoyed when they heard that the master had got a foreign post."
3、 Different emphasis:
1. Individual: refers to a group or a whole.
2. Each: refers to each specific one.
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1. When we reached the top of the mountain, we were all out of breath.
2. The children are all innocent and lively, how lovely!
"Each" makes a sentence:
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2. The headmaster is responsible for all aspects of the school's work.
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