The History of Shells as Money

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The second volume of primary school Chinese for the second grade is the first time for pupils to recognize the story of "shells", and also let children learn the history of the development of shells in China. The process of shells from being decorations to slowly developing into money has brought convenience to people's lives, and also marked social progress.

The History of Shells as Money

In the ancient times of our country, in the primitive society about four or five thousand years ago, because of the low productivity and extremely lack of material wealth, a tribe or a family did not have many surplus products that could be used to exchange other urgently needed goods. The occasional exchange between tribes or families was just barter, and there was no money or money at that time.

With the development of productive forces and social progress, social material wealth has also become relatively rich, and people's demand for material life has been expanding. The way of barter has become increasingly unable to meet the needs of social life, so people use shells as the medium of exchange.

In the late Neolithic Age, the primitive shells of which metal was unknown were the most precious materials. Shells were shellfish grown in the shallow waters of the tropical and subtropical regions. They were small, colorful, durable, and became a favorite decoration of primitive residents. Because of their moderate size, they were easy to carry and count. Later, With the development of social economy and the formation of commodity society, it is natural for shellfish to act as a medium of exchange, and natural shellfish gradually acts as the general equivalent of commodity exchange.

The unit of measurement of shell coins is "Peng". The ancient word "Peng" originally means a string or two connected "Beis", which later evolved into a unit of measurement. " Generally, two strings of five shellfish or two strings of ten shellfish are considered as "one friend".

The original shell coin was produced in the Shang Dynasty three thousand years ago. It is the ancestor of the coin. It is a kind of shell coin made of natural seashells. It was unearthed in Fuhao Tomb of Yin Ruins in Henan Province and other places. It was from the 19th century to the 16th century BC, more than 3500 years ago. The processed natural shell coins have grooves on one side. The shell coins are smooth, beautiful, small, durable, and easy to carry. These sea coins are mainly produced in the East China Sea, the South China Sea, and other places in China, reflecting the commercial exchanges of the Shang Dynasty.

Its emergence marked the development of social productivity at that time. After the stage of original barter, there are more and more exchangeable commodities. At this time, shell currency appeared as an intermediary in the process of commodity exchange.

Before the middle of the Shang Dynasty, shell coins were of high value. It would be a great honor for your officials to get the reward from the king of the Shang Dynasty. With the development of commodity economy at that time, the supply of natural shell coins gradually exceeded the demand, so there were many imitation shell coins at that time, such as stone shell, bone shell, clam shell, green pine shell, etc. These shell coins were small in shape, with a length of about 1.2cm to 2.4cm. In the late Shang Dynasty, copper coins also appeared in the form of seashells.

The copper shell was unearthed in the tombs of the late Shang Dynasty in Anyang, Henan Province and Baode, Shanxi Province. It was about the 14th to 11th century BC. The copper shell can be called the earliest metal currency in China. Among them, one kind of copper coin with gold on its surface was used as a large amount currency, and there are very few existing ones. The clam shell is easy to be damaged once it is unearthed, and few are well preserved.

In the late Shang Dynasty, with the development of the commodity economy, the trading scope continued to expand, and the supply of southern seashells in northern China was in short supply because it was difficult to obtain a large number of southern seashells. At this time, people came up with the method of using other materials to prevent seashells, such as pottery, stone, bone, jade, copper, gold, etc., of which the invention of copper imitation seashells was the beginning of Chinese metal coinage.

Which unit is the story of Bei

From the second grade Chinese literacy published by the People's Education Press, the third "Story of" Bei ".

This article introduces the origin, evolution and development of the word "bei", and also uses four pictures to vividly show how the word "bei" evolved, guiding children to guess the meaning of Chinese characters by using the side, so that everyone can feel the characteristics of Chinese characters.

The article has two paragraphs. The first paragraph of the text mainly tells us that the word "shell" evolved from the opening of the shell.

The second paragraph of the text mainly introduces the reasons why people like to wear shells on their bodies. First, they are beautiful, and second, they are precious.

What is the main content of Bei's story

This paper introduces the origin, evolution and development of the word "Bei", which has two natural paragraphs. The first natural paragraph leads to the word "Bei". The second natural paragraph mainly tells that because the shells are beautiful, precious, easy to carry and not easy to damage, people use them as coins. Therefore, most of the words beside the shells are related to money. From a simple "Bei" character, a series of Chinese characters with "Bei" as a side element are introduced, and from the meaning of "Bei", the general meaning of a series of Chinese characters with "Bei" as a side element is pointed out.

imbued with supreme heroism 2024-06-12 15:04:31

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