Introduction to Nutrition and Health Care Specialty of Zhengzhou Health School in 2023

Sugar Plum
Selected answers

The nutrition and health care specialty cultivates applied talents of nutrition and health care specialty with nutrition and health care knowledge and sales skills, the ability to carry out nutrition matching, nutrition complementarity and nutrition balance, and the formulation of nutrition recipes. Cultivate professional talents with nutrition and health care knowledge and sales skills, with the ability to carry out nutrition matching, nutrition complementation and nutrition balance, the skills to formulate nutrition recipes and dietary nutrition evaluation, familiar with food laws, regulations and standards, master food inspection technology and food production quality safety control technology and sales skills.

Main courses

Oral and written expression in Chinese, computer application, human anatomy, basic biology, food chemistry, basic nutrition, basic Chinese medicine, pharmacology, physiology, basic biochemistry, pathological basis, population nutrition, common diseases, disease nutrition, food nutrition, maternal and child health care, public nutritionist, basic acupuncture, food regulations Common disease diagnosis and treatment and first aid, basic nutrition, clinical nutrition, Chinese medicine and diet, food hygiene, food nutrition and processing, community and school nutrition, nutrition and health care, health care and other related medical courses.

Admission requirements

1. There is no gender limit for each enrollment major.

2. There is no additional examination and oral examination requirements for each enrollment major.

3. The nursing specialty requires that the height of male students should not be less than 1.68 meters and that of female students should not be less than 1.58 meters.

Admission principle:

1. In the process of enrollment, Zhengzhou Health School will appropriately increase or reduce the local enrollment plan according to the enrollment situation and the need to implement the enrollment plan in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Ministry of Education's Regulations on Enrollment of Ordinary Colleges and Universities.

2. Strictly implement the relevant national policies and the relevant regulations of the province (autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government) of origin, including policies such as adding points to file.

3. Enrolled students: meet the requirements for college entrance examination and pass the political examination and physical examination (in accordance with the unified national standards); Candidates who meet the requirements of professional enrollment subject examination, and whose college entrance examination scores meet the requirements of the province (autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government).

Training objectives

The nutrition and health care specialty cultivates high-quality application-oriented talents with nutrition and health care knowledge and sales skills, with the ability to carry out nutrition matching, nutrition complementation and nutrition balance, the skills to formulate nutrition recipes and evaluate dietary nutrition, familiar with food laws, regulations and standards, and master food inspection technology, food production quality and safety control technology and sales skills. Cultivate applied talents in nutrition and health care with nutrition and health care knowledge and sales skills, nutrition matching, nutrition complementarity and nutrition balance ability, nutrition recipe customization and other skills.

Employment direction

Nutrition and health care majors mainly train nutritionists and health masseurs. After graduation, you can obtain the qualification certificates of nutritionist, public nutritionist, dietician, etc. Graduates can work in community health service centers, schools, kindergartens, companies, hotels, and enterprise departments as nutritionists, dieticians, and health managers. He can also be engaged in food nutrition guidance, quality management, food marketing and other work in food enterprises, health product companies, health examination centers and other industries, as well as nutrition and health care guidance in nutrition and food safety service departments and nutrition catering departments of the catering industry.

Nutrition and health professional knowledge

Assistance for stabbing suicide

To cut and stab oneself is to commit suicide with a knife and other sharp tools. The bleeding of such suicides should be stopped quickly. In case of severe bleeding, sterile gauze can be filled into the wound, and then the side upper limb can be raised above the head as a scaffold for unilateral pressure bandage. Large bleeding of limbs can be stopped by ligating tourniquet.

When using a tourniquet to stop bleeding, attention should be paid to: for arterial bleeding or mixed arterial and venous bleeding, the tourniquet should be tied at the proximal end of the injured limb, for simple venous bleeding, the tourniquet should be tied at the distal end of the limb; Loosen the tourniquet every 30 minutes to prevent limb necrosis. Finger pressure hemostasis can also be used, that is, press the proximal end of the injured artery to prevent blood flow.

If the forehead and scalp bleed, the British artery at the lower collar joint in front of the ear should be compressed; In case of facial bleeding, press 1.2 cm in front of the lower collar corner; In case of upper limb hemorrhage, the subclavian artery should be compressed at 1/3 of the superior clavicular fossa, or the femoral artery should be compressed; In case of lower limb hemorrhage, the femoral artery located at the middle point of the lumbar femoral ligament should be compressed. After initial hemostasis, the patient should be sent to the hospital for further treatment.

I'm here to hold you on the other side 2024-05-20 13:02:56

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1. Go.
2. Personal pronouns. Substitute for people or things (limited to objects).
3. Personal pronouns. It is used in vain and has no reference.
4. Demonstrative pronoun. This; That.
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"Jiang Lang Cai Quan" can describe himself. "Jiang Lang Cai Quan" is a Chinese idiom, which originally meant that Jiang Yan had few literary names, and there were no good verses in his poems and essays in his later years; Later, he often compared the decline of talent and thought. It comes from the poem "Poetry · Qi Guanglu River Yann" by Zhong Rong, Liang, of the Southern Dynasty: "At the beginning, after Yancheng had left Xuancheng County, I stayed in Yeting, dreamed of a beautiful husband, called himself Guo Pu, and said," I have had a pen in your place for many years, and I can see it again. "Yan explored his arms and got a five color pen to give it to him. Later, as a poem, there was no idiom, so he passed on his wisdom to me."
Sentence making:
1. He has run out of ideas in literary creation.
2. Some writers can not write good works. It is not that they are at the end of their talents, but that they have no life experience.
3. A talented person will one day run out of ideas and talents if he is arrogant and unwilling to do mechanics.
4. Writers will inevitably run out of ideas and ideas.
5. He began to panic. He was afraid that he would lose this melody and then run out of ideas.

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The thin water blue gauze refers to the atmosphere.
This sentence comes from the text "Only One Earth": "According to the introduction of the astronauts who were lucky enough to fly into space, when they looked at the earth in the sky, they saw a crystal ball, with blue and white markings interlaced, and a thin layer of water blue 'gauze' wrapped around it."
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Then it is proved by the research results of scientists that when the earth's resources are exhausted, human beings cannot move to a second suitable planet; Finally, tell the reader: human beings should carefully protect the earth and protect the ecological environment of the earth.
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