Which dynasty was it in 1187

bright moon and cool breeze
Selected answers

Plantagenet Dynasty - England

There were eight official kings of the Plantagenet Dynasty, ruling England from 1154 to 1399. After the death of Richard II in 1399, England was ruled by the Lancaster Dynasty and the York Dynasty, two branches of the dynasty. The two families broke out the Rose War in the second half of the 15th century because of their contention for the throne.

During the Goldfinch Dynasty, English culture and art gradually took shape. Geoffrey Chaucer, the poet who best expressed the spirit of medieval literature, was in this era. Gothic architecture prevailed during this period. The famous Westminster Cathedral and York Cathedral were rebuilt according to this architectural form. Political and social forms are also developing. For example, the influential Magna Carta in the constitutional history was signed by King John. The Parliament of England and the Model Parliament originated from that dynasty. More specialized educational institutions have also been established, including Oxford University and Cambridge University.

Which dynasty was it in 1187

Southern Song Dynasty.

1187 was the 27th year of Qianyou's 18th annuity in the Western Xia Dynasty and the 14th year of Chunxi in the Southern Song Dynasty.

The Southern Song Dynasty (from June 12, 1127 to March 19, 1279) was the second period of the Song Dynasty. Lin'an (now Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province) was the capital. It was called the Southern Song Dynasty in history, with nine emperors and 152 years of national enjoyment.

Although the Southern Song Dynasty suffered a lot from foreign aggression and its rulers preferred a corner, its economy was highly developed in foreign trade. Its focus completed the historical southward movement of thought, academic, cultural and artistic development. The formation of Neo Confucianism established its orthodox status and spread overseas, forming the "Confucian cultural circle" in East Asia.

Which dynasty was it in 1187

The year 1187 is the year of Dingwei (Year of Sheep) in the lunar calendar, the 27th year of Qianyou's 18th annuity in the Western Xia Dynasty, the 10th year of Tianxi in the Western Liao Dynasty, the 14th year of Chunxi in the Southern Song Dynasty.

In 1187, Saladin mobilized 20000 troops from all over the country to form an Arab coalition, and issued the call of "Allah is great, drive the Franks out of Jerusalem", which opened the prelude to the "holy war".

On July 4, the main forces of the Arab Allied Forces and the Crusaders met in the Hedian Heights. The two armies are close in number and close in strength. The whole highland was filled with fierce cries, swords and swords. Because Saladin had a good command, he lured the enemy into a tight encirclement and ambushed all around, which made the enemy panic and confused, and destroyed the main force of the crusaders at one fell swoop. Except for a few knights who were able to escape, all the generals headed by Sartion were captured.

Saladin himself executed the villainous Sation. This battle made the Crusaders tremble and lose every step since then, finally ending the evil history of the Crusaders' eastward invasion.

Diamond Old Man 2024-05-07 16:50:12

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Original text:
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