Function and efficacy of pine pollen (effect of pine pollen on benign prostatic hyperplasia)

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Function and efficacy of pine pollen

Do you know the specific functions and effects of pine pollen? Now, let's introduce the function and efficacy of Xiasong pollen in detail. Pine pollen is the pollen of Pinaceae plants such as Pinus massoniana, Pinus tabulaeformis or other plants of the same genus. It is known and eaten by many people. It is a natural food with high nutritional value. Pine pollen contains more than 200 kinds of nutrients, which can be reasonably matched to comprehensively supplement and balance the nutrients needed by the human body. Its health care function is large and its conditioning range is wide. Users of different ages and constitutions can receive good results in a short time and to varying degrees. It includes 22 kinds of amino acids, 14 kinds of vitamins and more than 30 kinds of trace elements, as well as a large number of active protease, nuclear, flavonoid compounds and other active substances. Pine pollen is rich in protein in the form of free amino acids, which is 5-7 times more than milk and eggs; The content of vitamin C is higher than that of fresh fruits and vegetables, so it is called the king of natural vitamins and a true "health guard". Pine pollen has been a treasure of dietotherapy and beauty since ancient times. Pine pollen has been included in the world's first national pharmacopoeia - New Materia Medica of the Tang Dynasty. Many medical and forestry works also record the role of pine pollen. Because pine pollen has the effect of nourishing skin and life, it has been listed as a tribute to the monarch in past dynasties. Pine pollen has many functions and effects. Taking pine pollen will reduce fatigue and enhance physical strength in a short time; Constipation disappears and digestion improves; The skin is delicate, and the complexion is ruddy; Sleep soundly and feel happy; Energetic, memory improved. The specific functions and effects of pine pollen are as follows.

What are the functions of pine pollen

Pine pollen is a traditional Chinese food. It tastes sweet and non-toxic. Its health care function is great. Let's take a look at the effects and functions of pine pollen

What are the functions of pine pollen

1 Skin care and beauty

Pine pollen is rich in amino acids, all natural vitamins and a variety of enzymes, which can enhance skin metabolism, increase skin elasticity and delay skin aging. The coordinated action of vitamins C, E and B can activate cells, eliminate free radicals, block the production of chloasma and butterfly spots, eliminate skin melanin, reduce and remove acne, and make skin white and beautiful. At the same time, it also has a good effect on bright hair and beautiful hair.

2 Anti aging

The trace elements, flavonoids, arginine, vitamin C, E, carotene and selenium contained in pine pollen all have the effect of scavenging free radicals in the body, which can improve the activity of antioxidant enzymes (such as copper and zinc superoxide dismutase, etc.), inhibit lipid peroxidation, eliminate senile plaques, and delay cell aging. Its diversified active nutrients interact with each other to adjust the whole body function, maintain the youthful vitality of the body tissues, keep the intelligence bright, thus delaying aging and increasing life span.

3 Fatigue resistance

Pine pollen can directly supplement nutrition, and also help the human body to absorb nutrition, supplement energy, increase endurance, and prevent fatigue by improving digestive function. Pine pollen can also adjust the nervous system, relieve mental and work pressure, relieve fatigue caused by various burdens and middle-aged and elderly people. It can reduce the level of lactic acid in the body and is suitable for overtime workers, students preparing for exams, athletes before competitions and other people with heavy labor intensity and mental labor.

4 Weight control

Pine pollen is nutritionally balanced, rich in fiber and low in calories. 72.5% of the fatty acids contained are unsaturated fatty acids, which can adjust human cholesterol in both directions by cooperating with vitamin E, so as to make muscles strong and body symmetrical. The cellulose content in pine pollen is as high as 29%, which can make people feel full, reduce food intake and avoid over nutrition. At the same time, cellulose can promote intestinal function and accelerate fecal excretion. Lecithin also accelerates the burning of body fat, and its diuretic properties also help to lose weight.

5. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular maintenance

The unsaturated fatty acid contained in pine pollen and vitamin E can work together to regulate human cholesterol in both directions. The rich cellulose can inhibit and delay the absorption of cholesterol and triglycerides. At the same time, pine pollen also accelerates the excretion of feces and expels excess fat from the body. The experiment confirmed that pine pollen increased the excretion of cholesterol in feces by 0.8 times, the excretion of triglycerides by 2 times, and the excretion of more than 10 fatty acids from carbon 12 to carbon 22 by about 7 times at most.

6. Treatment of gynecological diseases

Pine pollen can provide enough nutrition, promote the normal endocrine, and promote the normal contraction of the uterus. It has a good preventive and therapeutic effect on gynecological diseases such as irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, blood collapse and climacteric disorders.

7 Regulate gastrointestinal dysfunction

Pine pollen contains nearly one hundred enzymes, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, increase appetite, help digestion, and significantly regulate gastrointestinal dysfunction. Pine pollen is rich in thiamine, which is the main component of decarboxylase. Decarboxylase is an important substance to regulate sugar metabolism, which can enhance digestion and restore normal gastric juice secretion. Pine pollen can also alleviate stubborn diarrhea, enteritis, etc. caused by the proliferation of intestinal pathogenic bacteria, inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria or make them dormant, and make beneficial bacteria multiply quickly. Therefore, in normal circumstances, the first few days after taking pine pollen can obtain quite amazing results. For this reason, pine pollen is called "the police of the intestines".

8 Improve constipation

Because of its good effect on gastrointestinal disorders, taking pine pollen has a significant effect on constipation caused by indigestion and upper gastrointestinal diseases. For constipation caused by intestinal muscle spasm caused by nervous tension, magnesium and vitamin B6 in pine pollen have a good sedative effect on involuntary muscles, thus eliminating constipation.

9 Protect the liver

Pine pollen can promote the activity of liver cells, make bile secretion normal, and prevent the occurrence of liver disease. The protein and amino acid contained in it can help to increase the content of albumin in plasma and promote the detoxification function of liver. Phospholipids and methionine can transfer the fat in liver cells out of the liver, which can effectively improve fatty liver. A large number of experiments have shown that pine pollen has a good protective effect on liver cells.

10 Treatment of skin diseases

The unbroken pine pollen has strong water absorption, which can dry and damp, astringe and stop bleeding. External use can dispel wind, stop bleeding, refresh and diminish inflammation, and has no side effects such as irritation and allergy to the skin; It has a good therapeutic effect on eczema, yellow water sore, skin erosion, thick water dripping, traumatic bleeding, diaper dermatitis, etc. It is especially used for skin care and refreshing of infants and children, and for prevention and treatment of children's skin eczema, with good effect and quick effect. It has significant effect on preventing and treating skin itching of the elderly, and can also prevent and treat bedsores.

Function and Function of Pine Pollen

Pine pollen is a common Chinese medicine, which is the dried pollen of Pinaceae plants such as Pinus massoniana, Pinus tabulaeformis or several plants of the same genus. Pine pollen has many effects. It is the only pollen from the same source as medicine and food, not medicine. What are the effects and functions of pine pollen?

Function and Function of Pine Pollen

1. Fatigue resistance

Pine pollen can directly supplement nutrition, and can also absorb nutrition from food by improving digestion function, so as to supplement energy for the body, increase endurance, and make it not easy to fatigue.

2. Delay aging

3. Beauty

4. Liver protection

Pine pollen can promote liver cell activity, make bile secretion normal, prevent liver disease, and promote liver detoxification function. Many experiments have shown that pine pollen has a good protective effect on liver cells.

5. Weight control

Pine pollen is nutritionally balanced, rich in fiber and low in calories. 72.5% of the fatty acids contained are unsaturated fatty acids. It can adjust human cholesterol in both directions by cooperating with vitamin E, so that muscles are firm and body shape is even. The cellulose content in pine pollen is as high as 29%, which can produce a sense of satiety, reduce food intake and avoid over nutrition.

6. Treatment of constipation

Pine pollen contains rich and complete nutrients, which has a good therapeutic effect on constipation. For example, for constipation caused by dyspepsia and upper digestive tract diseases, pine pollen has a good effect on gastrointestinal dysfunction. After taking pine pollen, such constipation will be improved immediately. For constipation caused by involuntary muscle spasm caused by nervous tension, magnesium and vitamin B6 in pine pollen have a good sedative effect on involuntary muscle, and constipation can be eliminated naturally.

Can't forget 2024-05-09 14:51:47

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