How much is the tuition fee for a year of college to undergraduate

Selected answers

Full full-time classes: educational institutions charge 12000 yuan for tuition, universities charge 8200 yuan for two years, and the difference is 3800 yuan. Non full-time classes: educational institutions charge 10800 yuan of tuition, colleges and universities charge 6000 yuan for three years, and the difference is 4800 yuan.

1. Cost for upgrading from college level to college level

About 3400 are for civil affairs and 4800 are for others, but most of them are three person undergraduate colleges. Only students can participate, so the cost will be relatively high. It is also relatively difficult.

2. College entrance examination fee

The tuition for the final examination is basically 1680 yuan/year, the book cost is 400 yuan, and the management cost is 100 yuan. The total cost is about 8000 yuan at the end of two and a half years. Adult examinees need to learn by themselves, and the difficulty is slightly lower than that of the college entrance examination.

3. Cost for upgrading from college to college

Because the subjects of the self-taught exam are slightly different, and the self-taught exam needs to be passed one by one. If the current exam subjects are not passed, you need to re register for the exam. Generally, the fee for each subject of the self-taught exam is 45 yuan.

For some special majors, it is 80~160 yuan, and the highest is 180 yuan. Because the pure self-study exam is a little difficult, the total cost is about 9800 yuan when training fees are added (about 500 yuan for one subject). The exam is slightly more difficult.

4. Cost of upgrading from junior college to college in distance education

Tuition fees are paid by credit in installments, with less economic burden. Tuition fees vary from region to region and school to school. The difficulty of the examination is relatively low.

Details of the charge for upgrading from special edition to standard edition

What is the cost of the college entrance examination?

The charging standard for the college entrance examination of public colleges and universities is the same as that of ordinary undergraduates, and the same fees are paid according to the admission schools and majors. Generally, it is between 4000 yuan and 6000 yuan, of which the tuition fees for normal majors upgraded from junior colleges to undergraduate colleges are relatively low, and the tuition fees for arts majors upgraded from junior colleges to undergraduate colleges are relatively high, while the tuition fees for most private colleges are between 12000 yuan and 30000 yuan.

How much does it usually cost to apply for full-time college entrance examination

1. Registration fee: 150 yuan/person for Jilin college entrance examination.

The cost of taking the college entrance examination varies from place to place. However, compared with other kinds of education promotion examinations, the application fee for college entrance examination is "insignificant". High cost performance, "learning is earning".

2. College to undergraduate tuition: college to undergraduate tuition is divided into private and public tuition. First of all, private colleges and universities, whose tuition fees have been "leading" the whole education industry, have absolute "say" in "high fees", about 10000 yuan per year. There are some specific specialties as "representatives".


1. Major upgraded from junior college to undergraduate with more than 50000 yuan:

Digital media technology, data science and big data technology, radio and television editing and directing, visual communication design, environmental design, broadcasting and hosting art, etc.


1. Major upgrading from junior college to undergraduate:

E-commerce, tourism management, financial management, business English, computer science and technology, engineering management, Internet of Things engineering, law, journalism, economics, accounting, financial engineering, human resources management, hotel management, marketing, logistics management, etc. Let's talk about the public colleges and universities "as long as the scores are high enough, the public colleges and universities will recruit". The tuition fees of public colleges are generally below 10000 yuan.

TOP 1: Medical College to Undergraduate

The average annual tuition of medical students is about 6200 yuan.

Top 2: Science and engineering from junior college to undergraduate

The average annual cost of science and engineering students is about 4800 yuan.

TOP 3: Liberal Arts

The average annual tuition of liberal arts students is about 3500 yuan.

Undergraduate tuition of Beihua University

The details of the charge for the upgrade from the college to the college are as follows:

The cost of upgrading from college level to college level: about 3400 for civil affairs and 4800 for others, but most of them are undergraduate colleges run by three students. Only students can participate, so the cost will be relatively high. Fees for upgrading from junior college to undergraduate: the tuition for the adult examination is basically 1680 yuan/year, the book fee is 400 yuan, and the management fee is 100 yuan. The total cost is about 8000 yuan at the end of two and a half years. Just like ordinary undergraduate students, those who have been upgraded from junior colleges to undergraduate colleges will enjoy the same treatment as ordinary four-year undergraduate students after full-time study and completion of courses and credits.

I want to apply for an ordinary college upgrade. How much is the registration fee?

Generally speaking, the tuition fee for college to undergraduate is about 3000-4500 for one academic year.

Beihua University has upgraded from junior college to undergraduate. Unified college entrance promotion is a full-time undergraduate course of general higher education. It refers to selecting outstanding students from recent college graduates of general colleges and universities to enter the undergraduate level of general colleges and universities for two-year advanced study. After completing the required credits, they will be awarded the undergraduate scientific calendar certificate of general higher education when they graduate. If they meet the conditions, they will be issued a degree certificate, and will be issued an employment registration certificate for the undergraduate course.

At present, China's adult education college entrance examination, adult self-taught examination, online education and open education are the four main methods of adult education college entrance examination. Because these four adult education education methods are different, the tuition fees for college entrance examination are also different. The following small edition takes Beijing as an example to explain the tuition fees of the four education methods. (Because the economic development in Beijing is better, the fees are more expensive than those in other second and third tier cities, so the specific tuition fees are subject to the local ones.).

1. Adult college entrance examination: The annual fee for adult college entrance examination in Beijing is about 5000 yuan, and it usually takes 2-3 years of study, so the total cost is between 10000 yuan and 15000 yuan.

2. Adult self-taught examination: Since self-taught examination is mainly conducted by self-study, which saves some fixed fees such as classrooms and seats, as well as teaching links, there is no need to pay tuition fees for the self-taught examination, as long as the registration fees for the examination are paid. Generally, the registration fee for each examination in Beijing is 45 yuan, and the examination subjects for upgrading from junior to senior accounting majors are 14, In addition, the purchase of textbooks is about 1000 yuan, so the cost of self-taught undergraduate education in Beijing is about 2000 yuan.

3. Online education: The tuition of online education is generally related to the total credits of the major and the unit price of each credit. The general accounting major in Beijing is about 110 yuan per credit, and the upgrading of online education is about 80 credits, so the total tuition is about 8800 yuan.

4. Open education: For the upgrading of open education from junior college to undergraduate, the length of undergraduate education is two years, and the general cost is about 6000 yuan.

As for the payment time of tuition fees for the four adult education modes, except for the self-taught examination, which does not need to pay tuition fees, and the online education, which pays tuition fees once a year for the first time, and then pays tuition fees every semester, the other two education modes pay tuition fees once a semester, that is, once every half a year. So thousands of yuan a year will not cause too much economic pressure for office workers, so you can apply for the exam with confidence.

From the beginning 2024-06-15 18:00:44

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