How much is the annual tuition for each major in Shanghai University of Technology

Elegant and indifferent
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Due to the different nature of running a school and different majors, the charging standards of each university are different. Among them, public universities have the support of national financial funds, and the cost is relatively low, generally at 4000-6000 yuan per year; Private universities have a high cost, which is generally 10000-18000 yuan per year. The following small and medium-sized compiles the details of the charging standards of various majors of Shanghai University of Technology!

Tuition Fee Standard of Shanghai University of Technology

College professional tuition (per year) Year Schooling System: Shanghai University of Technology Electrical Engineering and Automation 1500020194 Shanghai University of Technology Business Administration 1500020194 Shanghai University of Technology Optical Telecommunication Information Science and Engineering 1500020194 Shanghai University of Technology Mechanical Design and Manufacturing and Automation 1500020194 Shanghai University of Technology English 1500020194 Shanghai University of Technology German 500020194 Shanghai University of Technology Electronic Information 500020194 Shanghai University of Technology Environmental Science and Engineering 500020194 Shanghai University of Technology Machinery 500020194 Shanghai University of Technology Economics and Trade 500020194 Shanghai University of Technology Japanese 500020194 Shanghai University of Technology Mathematics 500020194 Shanghai University of Technology Journalism and Communication 500020194 Shanghai University of Technology English 500020194 Shanghai University of Technology German 5000_20194 Shanghai University of Technology Electronic Information Science and Technology TBD 20194 Shanghai University of Technology Business Administration TBD 20194 Shanghai University of Technology Exhibition Economy and Management TBD 20194 Shanghai University of Technology Mechanical Design and Manufacturing and Automation TBD 20194

Shanghai University of Technology Scholarship Arrangement

In order to train college students to develop morally, intellectually and physically in an all-round way, the university attaches great importance to the work of awarding, loaning, and helping students, and has formed a "green channel" and "awarding, loaning, and helping, supplementing, and exempting students" aid system.

Our school has student study scholarships and special scholarships. Each semester, the students will be assessed according to their moral character and academic performance, and the number of awards will exceed 50%, with a total amount of up to 5 million yuan, including 6000 yuan of special scholarship annually. Both the degree and scope of rewards are among the best in colleges and universities. The school also has scholarships and grants for various majors, specialties and ethnic minority students, such as Qingsong Scholarship and Ethnic Minority Scholarship.

The school fully implements the national student aid scholarship, Shanghai Municipal Government student aid scholarship and charity student aid, provides thoughtful guidance and services for students from poor families to apply for national student aid loans, and constantly opens up work study posts and builds work study base. Each year, it can provide more than 9000 person times of work study positions for students, and the total amount of labor remuneration received by students each year is more than 1.6 million yuan. The school provides tuition relief and various subsidies to students with special financial difficulties, amounting to more than 1 million yuan every year. It is a solemn commitment of the school not to let a student drop out of school due to financial difficulties of his family.

The school actively strives for social resources and has set up a number of scholarships and grants, such as "Yang Lin", "Sony", "Baosteel", "Micro Innovation and Motivation", "Huihua", "Komori Printing", "Howei" and other scholarships, as well as "Junli", "Tingya" and other grants; Relying on the "integration of three districts and coordinated development", it has established 30 social practice bases outside the school, more than 60 private entrepreneurs with Yangpu District as the main body have funded more than 100 outstanding poor students, and some units and individuals including Yangpu United Front System have also set up "love grants" in the school. In addition, the school has also set up English listening and speaking tutorial classes, computer training and other skills assistance projects for freshmen to help them improve their learning skills and enable them to adapt to college life as soon as possible. The school regularly organizes students with financial difficulties from families to carry out activities such as freshmen's visit to Shanghai, team counseling, inspirational education, and public service, so as to integrate education into the whole process of helping the poor, and ensure that students with financial difficulties from families can successfully complete their studies and grow healthily.

Rain like sorrow 2024-05-24 12:59:21

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