Reading answers to Ancient Shu Plank Path

Old Lane Old Man
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"There is an abandoned attic road high, which is as broken as a short shaft". The poet also saw the abandoned ancient Shu plank road, which is broken and scattered. Here is the "Ancient Shu Plank Road" brought to you by Xiao Bian


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Ancient Shu Plank Path

Liu Xiaofang

Open the ancient map, we will find that Chencang Road, Baoxie Road, Tangluo Road, Ziwu Road from Guanzhong to Hanzhong, and Jinniu Road, Micang Road, and Lichi Road from Hanzhong to Sichuan are like a large net that is exquisitely woven in the Qinling Mountains and Daba Mountains, connecting the ancient land of abundance of Qinchuan and Sichuan Basin.

Central Qin has been the capital of emperors since ancient times. Guanzhong, as the political, economic and cultural center of the country for a long time, is facing the contradiction between the sharp increase of population and the shortage of means of production and living. Sichuan Basin is rich in resources, so the communication between the two places is inevitable. According to the Records of the Historian, Biographies of the Merchant Colony, (Qin Dynasty) Zhao governed Xianyang because of the Han capital, the Chang'an mausoleums, and the gathering of people from all directions. The place was small and the people were numerous, so the people were more skillful than ever. In the south is Bashu. Bashu is also a fertile land. It is made of Zhidi, Jiang, Dansha, stone, copper, iron, bamboo and wood. But four plugs. For the ancestors of ancient Shu, occlusion became the biggest obstacle to their development. Guanzhong area was the most economically and culturally developed area, and the attraction from the north was huge. In the north, Micang Mountain and Daba Mountain in the east-west direction became the first natural barrier connecting the north and south, and Qinling Mountain in the north of Hanzhong became the second barrier. Therefore, only by crossing Micang Mountain, Daba Mountain, and then the Qinling Mountains can Bashu ancestors communicate with Guanzhong. Therefore, the key to Shu Road is to open up the traffic line in the north.

the warring states

In order to open the road from Shaanxi to Sichuan, the State of Qin began to build the Baoxie Plank Road in 267 BC. Starting from the Xieshui Valley, which is 15 kilometers southwest of Meixian County at the northern foot of the Qinling Mountains, to the Baoshui River Valley, which is 5 kilometers north of Baocheng County at the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains, this 200 kilometer long plank road is formed by cutting mountains and rocks on steep cliffs, drilling holes, erecting trees and planking on them. Gunpowder had not been invented at that time. Under the natural condition that the top was a precipice and the bottom was a torrent, the ancestors first used the method of burning fire and water to break mountains and rocks, and then chiseled holes 30 cm square and 50 cm deep on the rock wall, which were divided into three rows: the top, the middle and the bottom. Wood piles were inserted, and then a canopy was built on the top row of wood piles. The middle row of wood piles was paved with boards to form a road, and the bottom row of wood piles was supported with wood, It was finally completed in 259 BC, lasting eight years. According to local conditions, builders have created various types of trestle roads, such as standard type, stone accumulation type, thousand beams and no columns type, slope erection type, groove type and multi-layer column flat beam type. All these reflect the wisdom and sweat of the ancients in the process of building the ancient Shu plank road.

With the passage of Shu Road, a large amount of money and taxes were continuously transported from Sichuan to Chang'an, and the Zhou, Qin, Han and Tang dynasties, which had successively established their capitals in Chang'an, gained a solid and rich foundation for governance and management. The country is rich in Bashu, which is the treasure of Tianfu. From Longyou and Hexi prefectures, military funds, postal posts, and business travelers all received them from Shu. At the same time, the advanced mode of production, social civilization and management system in Guanzhong region also continued to enter Sichuan, and then extended from Sichuan to Guizhou, Yunnan, Qinghai, Tibet and other places in the more western part of China, providing great intellectual support for the development of ancient western China. Throughout the ages, countless stories have been left by people who come and go on the Sichuan Road, which have been precipitated into the cultural heritage difficult to count and condensed into the cultural landscape like stars. These stories, heritage and landscapes are always warming our spiritual homeland and nourishing our culture.

(Selected text is deleted)

8. From which aspects does this article mainly introduce the ancient Shu plank road? Please briefly summarize. (4 points) 9. In the second paragraph, what is the role of quoting the words in Records of the Historian · Biographies of the Merchant Colony? (2 points) 10. What do these refer to in the last sentence of the third paragraph? (4 points) 11. One of the following statements that is consistent with the original content is () (2 points)

a. The Ancient Shu Plank Path consists of Micang Path, Baoxie Path, Tangluo Path, Ziwu Path connecting Guanzhong and Hanzhong, and Jinniu Path, Chencang Path and Lichi Path connecting Hanzhong and Sichuan.

b. For the ancient ancestors, if they came to Guanzhong from Bashu or from Guanzhong to Sichuan, they had to cross the Micang Mountain, Daba Mountains, and then the Qinling Mountains.

c. The north and south starting points of the Baoxie Path in the ancient Shu Plank Path are respectively the Xieshui Valley 15 kilometers southwest of Baocheng County at the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains and the Baoshui Valley 5 kilometers north of Meixian County at the northern foot of the Qinling Mountains.

d. Due to the passage of the ancient Shu plank road, the advanced production mode, social civilization and management system in Guanzhong region provided great intellectual support for the development of ancient western China.

Reference answer:

8. Overview, construction reasons, construction methods and functions of the ancient Shu plank road.

9. It shows that the communication between Guanzhong and Sichuan is inevitable; Enhance the persuasiveness of the article; In structure, it also plays a role of connecting the preceding and the following (transition).

10. The method of burning fire and stirring water is used to open mountains and break rocks, drill holes, frame timbers and lay boards on them; Construction duration; A variety of plank road shapes have been created.


Know yourself 2024-04-19 13:01:44

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