What are the benefits of eating wild turtle

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Selected answers

Wild turtle is a kind of cosmetic food. It contains a lot of collagen and various amino acids. These substances can promote the metabolism of skin cells, and also promote the regeneration of skin cells. Regular consumption can achieve obvious cosmetic effects.

The wild turtle is especially suitable for pregnant women. It can not only promote the secretion of maternal milk, but also improve the quality of milk, which is of great benefit to the development of children. In addition, the wild turtle also contains some nutrients such as keratin, copper and vitamins, which can replenish qi and blood, and also improve the disease resistance of human body.

Wild turtle is a kind of food with high calcium content. People can absorb a lot of calcium after eating it, which can promote human bone development and prevent osteoporosis in middle-aged and elderly people. The wild turtle also contains a variety of trace elements, of which iron is relatively high. It can improve the activity of red blood cells, replenish qi and blood, and quickly improve the symptoms of human anemia.

The years at your fingertips 2024-06-26 11:35:52

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