Do licensed pharmacists admit in the hospital? What can they do

Old friends don't return to the city
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The licensed pharmacist admitted it in the hospital. Those who have passed the professional qualification examination for licensed pharmacists shall be issued the Professional Qualification Certificate for Licensed Pharmacists by the human resources and social security departments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government. This certificate is uniformly printed by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and sealed by the State Food and Drug Administration and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and is valid nationwide.

What can licensed pharmacists do

1. Licensed pharmacists in hospital pharmacies need to cooperate with doctors to review prescriptions and dispense drugs. Drugs should be dispensed strictly according to the requirements.

2. It is necessary to be responsible for the supervision and classification of drugs. Any drugs with quality problems or expired drugs need to be handled in a timely and centralized manner.

3. The licensed pharmacists in the hospital pharmacy are divided carefully, including Chinese pharmacists and western pharmacists, who have their own responsibilities, and they are divided more carefully when dispensing drugs.

What are the responsibilities of licensed pharmacists

1. Licensed pharmacists must abide by professional ethics, be devoted to their duties, be responsible for the quality of drugs, and take ensuring the safety and effectiveness of drug use by the people as the basic criterion.

2. Licensed pharmacists must strictly implement the Drug Administration Law and the national laws and policies on drug research, production, management and use. Licensed pharmacists have the responsibility to suggest, stop and refuse to implement the behaviors or decisions that violate the Drug Administration Law and relevant laws and regulations, and report to the superior.

3. Licensed pharmacists are responsible for the supervision and management of drug quality within their scope of practice, participate in the formulation and implementation of total drug quality management and the handling of their own violations.

4. Licensed pharmacists are responsible for reviewing and supervising prescription allocation, providing medication consultation and information, guiding rational drug use, conducting clinical pharmacy work such as therapeutic drug monitoring and drug efficacy evaluation.

Know yourself 2024-06-09 18:13:30

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Translation extract:
Oh, how lofty and magnificent! It's too difficult to climb the Shu Path, and it's too difficult to reach the sky.
It is said that Cancong and Yufu founded the Kingdom of Shu. The founding time is too long to talk about in detail. Since then, about 48000 years ago, Qin and Shu have never communicated with each other. In the west of Taibai Mountain, there are trails that can be crossed by birds. You can cross the top of Mount Emei from that path. The five heroes of Shu were crushed to death, and the two places began to connect with each other.
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