Advantages and disadvantages of adolescent puppy love

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The word "puppy love" may be the last thing many teenagers' parents want to mention. More parents are afraid of their children's puppy love. In their opinion, puppy love has no advantages but only disadvantages. They think that if two children like each other, they will fall in love with each other. They are afraid that some bad things will happen, such as the decline of children's learning. Indeed, many junior and senior high school students have also fallen in love with each other. So, what are the advantages and disadvantages of adolescent puppy love?

Advantages and disadvantages of adolescent puppy love

The disadvantages of adolescent puppy love outweigh the advantages. Today, let's take a look at the disadvantages of adolescent puppy love.

1. Puppy love is bound to invest a lot of time and energy, which directly affects the normal study and life.

2. Both male and female students in love are emotionally unstable and inattentive, especially when they are frustrated in love, which is easy to induce psychological diseases and lead to unhealthy psychology.

3. The relationship is extremely unstable. It can be said that adolescent boys and girls fall in love with each other when they are physically and mentally immature. In addition, teenagers have no economic foundation, and most of their financial resources depend on their parents. Therefore, this kind of love has no solid foundation, and it is easy to break halfway.

4. Comparatively dress up, date, treat each other, etc., and increase the family's financial burden.

5. At ordinary times, they act affectedly, posturing, or "foolishly" to win the favor of the opposite sex and produce abnormal personality.

6. Relaxation of will affects the general mood. It directly affects the class atmosphere and school atmosphere.

7. It artificially narrows the social circle of middle school students and confines them to the world of two people, which is unfavorable for middle school students to correctly handle interpersonal relationships.

8. Emotional impulse, planting bitter fruit. After boys and girls fall in love, the love scenes will become the focus of their attention and imitation, especially the kissing, cuddling and other actions of men and women in the film and television will stimulate the emotional impulse of boys and girls.

9. Students have conflicts or even fights due to jealousy, which accounts for about 40% of disciplinary violations according to statistics.

How do parents guide adolescent puppy love

1. If you find that children are in love, don't deny it simply or rudely. Don't beat or scold. Children in adolescence are very rebellious. The more their parents oppose it, the more rebellious their children are. You should know that blocking is better than opening up. It is also not allowed to rush to the school, the other party's home, or complain to the neighbors, making the city stormy. This will hurt the children's self-esteem, which is more likely to backfire.

2. We should guide the two children in a timely manner and urge them to make progress with each other. We should not find that children fall in love with each other and feel that it will affect their study. My niece is in high school. She told us that there is a pair of boys and girls in her class who fall in love. They study together at night every day and study together during the holidays. Their performance has not declined, but has improved.

3. Parents should encourage children to actively participate in activities that are beneficial to their physical and mental health to divert their attention and vent their abundant energy. A variety of collective activities on campus, as well as off campus tourism, making friends, and public welfare labor, can not only exercise, but also benefit the mind and nurture the spirit. At the same time, children are encouraged to develop their personal hobbies according to their personal interests, such as collecting stamps, reading world classics, and practicing writing and submitting articles, so as to make their spare time full of fun and happiness. Perhaps, the "puppy love" emotion will be appropriately weakened and transferred.

4. Give children enough time. When some parents find their children have puppy love, they often immediately try to break them up. Such treatment will not achieve the goal, but may strengthen their relationship. Therefore, it is suggested that when dealing with such problems, parents should be reasonable and emotional, not too impatient, but give children enough time to deal with them.

The disadvantages of adolescent puppy love outweigh the advantages. As parents, we should avoid this problem. We can often talk about puppy love with our children, ask them if they have boys or girls they like, and guide them to treat this feeling correctly in a timely manner. Parents can read more books about adolescent children's communication, so as to deal with the problem of puppy love well.

High mountains and flowing water 2024-06-11 16:07:25

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Looking for a cottage in the city, I want to move home at the end of the year.
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Melting snow and frying tea, mixing crisp and boiling chyle. Slouchy greediness is still the same, and happiness is unknown.
The wine is warm and non-toxic, and the sound of the piano is not sad. In addition to the three pleasures of Ronggong, he still makes a little man.
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Guard the deer against hunters, and wait for the chanting monk in the full tea tripod.
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Origin of Xin Qiji's name

The origin of Xin Qiji's name: Xin Qiji's grandfather, Xin Zan, hoped that he would become a great general and admired Huo Qubing, a famous general of the Western Han Dynasty, so he named him "Qi Ji". Xin Qiji has practiced martial arts and swords since he was young, and has read poetry and books. He has always regarded Huo Qubing as his idol.


Xin Qiji (from May 28, 1140 to October 3, 1207), originally named Tanfu, later renamed You'an, and later renamed Jiaxuan when he was middle-aged, was a native of Licheng County (now Licheng District, Jinan City, Shandong Province), Jinan, Shandong East Road. Southern Song officials, generals, litterateurs, bold and unconstrained poets, known as "the dragon in ci". Together with Su Shi, they are called "Su Xin", and together with Li Qingzhao, they are called "Jinan Er'an".

Shandong was occupied by Jin people when he was born. In his early years, Shandong was as famous in the north as Dang Huaiying, known as "Xin Dang". When he was young, he participated in the Geng Jing Uprising, captured and killed the traitor Zhang Anguo, returned to the Southern Song Dynasty, and presented Ten Treaties on Beauty and Celery, Nine Treaties, etc. He successively served as a garrison in Jiangxi, Hunan, Fujian and other places, calmed down the uprising of Lai Wenzheng, a tea merchant in Jingnan, and pushed aside the public opinion to create the Flying Tiger Army to stabilize the Huxiang region. Because of his disagreement with the ruling peace faction, he was repeatedly impeached and went up and down several times, finally retiring from the mountain. Before and after the Kaixi Northern Expedition, Han Tuozhou, a governor, successively used Xin Qiji to inform Shaoxing and Zhenjiang, and recruited him to serve as the Privy Council, Chengzhi and other officials. All of them were dismissed. In 1207, the third year of the New Year, Xin Qiji died at the age of 68. Emperor Gong of the Song Dynasty was awarded a young teacher with the posthumous title of "Zhongmin".

Xin Qiji devoted his whole life to recovery and made great achievements, but his fate was full of difficulties and his ambition was hard to pay. But he never wavered in his belief in restoring the Central Plains. Instead, he expressed his passion and concern for the rise and fall of the country and the fate of the nation in his poems. His poems have various artistic styles, mainly bold and unconstrained. Their style is solemn and heroic, but there is no lack of delicacy and softness. Their themes are broad and they are good at using allusions to express the patriotic enthusiasm to restore national unity, pour out the grief and indignation that it is difficult to pay for their lofty aspirations, humiliate and condemn the ruling people at that time, and there are also many works that recite the rivers and mountains of the motherland. There are more than 600 extant words, including Jiaxuan Long and Short Sentences, which have been handed down from generation to generation.

Main impacts:

1、 Literature:

1. Words:

Xin has more than 600 Ci poems, and is the writer with the most Ci poems in the Song Dynasty. His poems mostly focus on the realistic problems of the country and the nation, expressing his impassioned patriotism. Xin Ci, with its patriotic thought in content and innovative spirit in art, has had a great influence in the history of literature. Chen Liang and Liu Guo, who sang with Xin Qiji in ci, or later Liu Kezhuang and Liu Chenweng, were similar to his writing tendency, forming a powerful patriotic ci school after the middle of the Southern Song Dynasty. In later generations, when the country and the nation are in danger, many writers draw inspiration from Xin's poems.

2. Poetry:

Xin Qiji's poems, according to Xin Qitai's Collection of Jiaxuan, there are 111 poems collected. Deng Guangming edited and collated "Xin Jiaxuan's Copy of Poems and Essays", eliminating the mistakes and adding omissions, and got 124 poems. Later, Kong Fanli's "Xin Jiaxuan Poetry Supplement" added 19 new poems. There are 133 existing poems of Xin. Xin's poems reflect the author's life, thoughts and feelings from different aspects, which can be proved by his words. Among them, "Farewell to Hunan Tribune", a self written political experience, can be read in contrast with "Partridge Sky, Banners and Ten Thousand Men at the Age of Zhuang"; "Sometimes when I think about something difficult to think about, I don't know when I shoot at the broken fence" ("Heming Pavilion quatrains"), lamenting the hero's frustration, I also co shot with "Water Dragon Singing - Climbing the Jiankang Heart Appreciation Pavilion", and "Bamboo sticks and sandals watching the waterfall return, I feel tired in my old age, Cui Wei", "Together with Du Shugao and Zhu Yan to watch the Tianbao Temple waterfall owner stay for two days and drink about the peony drink"), and co shot with "Partridge Sky, Goose Lake Return to Sickness". It is the theme of lyrics chanted repeatedly during leisure time. "There is still a happy atmosphere and strength, but he can still join the army like Bao in poetry" ("The rhyme of seeing and sending with the teacher"), Xin Qiji promised himself with Bao Zhao. His poetic style was elegant, and besides the "Jiangxi" and "Jianghu" at that time, he had his own way of marching. Moreover, some of his anti Japanese poetry, solemn and stirring, may not be under his anti Japanese poetry, but after all, Xin Qiji wrote poetry in addition to his poetry, and his achievements in poetry can not be compared with that of poetry.

3. Article:

In addition to his achievements in poetry, Xin Qiji's writing style is magnificent and full of pride, which is quite commendable. Xin Qiji's essays, according to Deng Guangming's compilation, are 17, most of which are sulfur readings, except for a few enlightenment notes and sacrificial essays. Such memorials, to a certain extent, revealed the sharp national and class contradictions that existed at that time, and more profoundly reflected the social reality; He also systematically stated Xin Qiji's views and strategies on fighting against the Jin Dynasty and recovering his career, which fully reflected his "heroic spirit" and "strong spirit". Xin Qiji has clearly declared that "the people who talk about the world are the masters of qi" (the second part of the Nine Opinions). The so-called "style of writing is bold, the wisdom is simple, and the power to write is strong" (The Complete Works of Hou Cun, Vol. 98), which reflects the characteristics of Xin Wen. Later generations regarded him as a great writer of political essays in the Southern Song Dynasty, which was only covered by the name of Ci and was not well known.

2、 Calligraphy:

Xin Qiji has a "Calligraphy of Going to the State", which is now stored in the Palace Museum. Paper book, ten lines of semi cursive script, is for correspondence. At the end of the document, "Xuanjiao Lang Xin removed the secret pavilion and revised the right of writing. Jiangnan West Road raised the issue of criminal justice, Xin Qiji, Zhazi". The center uses a pen, stippling rules, and writes smoothly and freely, without losing the appearance of straightness and squareness in the roundness and beauty.

"The Calligraphy of Going to the Country" was once collected by Zhao Mengfu in the Yuan Dynasty, Huang Lin, Xiang Yuanpei in the Ming Dynasty and Yong Europe in the Qing Dynasty, and was described as "Calligraphy and Painting Appreciation".

3、 Military:

1. Military activities:

Xin Qiji is not only an expert in Ci, but also a rare talent of the general. As a general, he can take the lead and capture Zhang Anguo among thousands of troops; He is handsome and can command with determination. He has the merit of pacifying the tea merchant army in January.

Xin Qiji once proposed large-scale cross sea landing operations, which are coordinated with land attacks. His idea is full of military creativity. He said that it has the same effect as Han Xin's idea of bypassing the Central Plains and reaching the same place during the Chu Han War.

2. Military thinking:

Xin Qiji's military theory is mainly embodied in Ten Comments on American Celery. "Ten Treatises on the United States and Celery", also known as "Ten Treatises on the Imperial Army", is a military political paper by Xin Qiji. From the first theory to the tenth theory, the book is all brilliant and has high research value. At the same time, it is also a good military treatise, which states the grand plan of fighting against the Japanese and saving the nation, recovering lost territory and unifying China. After Xin Qiji presented Ten Treatises on Beautiful Celery to Emperor Xiaozong of Song Dynasty, later generations took "Beautiful Celery" as a synonym for worrying about the country, the people and the subversion of the country. The Ten Treatises on Beauty and Celery is divided into ten chapters, which are respectively Shen Shi, Cha Qing, Guan Ri, Autonomous, Shou Huai, Zhi Yong, Fang Wei, Jiu Ren, and Xiang Zhan. They have constructed in detail the national governance strategy from spirit to material and then to military management, and stated the way of employing people and troops. At last, he showed Xiaozong the strategic idea of the Southern Song Dynasty attacking the Jin State step by step, and systematically demonstrated Xin Qiji's strategic policy and foresight, which was enough to reflect his military strategic level and strategy.

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