How do parents deal with children's mistakes

Raise a fire and burn the sky
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People who are not sages are infallible. Even adults will continue to make all kinds of mistakes, let alone children. Some parents will only take the form of beating and scolding when they face their children's mistakes, but they do not know that this behavior will not only affect their children's correction of errors, but also affect their children's concept of dealing with things.

How do parents deal with children's mistakes

1. Relieve children's emotions in time. After the child calms down, the parents should relieve the child's emotion in time. Parents need to understand the situation in detail and find out the reasons and solutions for the formation of emotions with their children. Help him analyze where the key point leading to emotional collapse is, and who is the problem that makes him lose his temper, and ask the child to make up for the consequences of losing his temper after making mistakes, such as apologizing or bearing the consequences, so that they know that no matter what they do, they will pay for their own behavior.

2. Parents also need to talk with their children. In this process, parents should learn to show weakness, learn to thank and apologize, and express enough sincerity. Parents should patiently talk with their children about their feelings, and tell them the bad effects of losing their temper casually, so that they can know that mistakes are not terrible, the terrible thing is that they dare not admit it, and the truth of the truth can not be concealed even if they lose their temper with bravado. If the child makes a mistake and loses his temper because of the parents' problems, then the parents should sincerely apologize to the child. Let them feel the sincerity of their parents, which can often make the problem simple.

3. Encourage children to face their mistakes bravely. When children make mistakes, they need to learn to take their own responsibilities. A child who has the courage to face his own mistakes can turn back in time even if he deviates from the path of life.

4. Teach children to take responsibility. If a child makes a mistake, encourage him to take responsibility bravely. Parents and children can learn how to take responsibility by making up for their mistakes together. In addition, in the process of criticism, the child can be allowed to explain the event, but also let him understand that the explanation is not to shirk responsibility, but to let him know where he is wrong. Criticism is right. Only by letting children know the boundaries and right and wrong can they help them grow up.

5. Parents should make rules for their children. Parents should not bully or seduce their children, but should set rules for them. Always tell children to do what they think is right, and don't do what they think is wrong. If you don't know what is right or wrong, you must consult adults. Whatever you do, you must bear the consequences. In this way, children will have their own preliminary judgment and guidance of potential rule awareness in mind before doing things, to a large extent, to avoid the occurrence of problems.

6. Teach children how to solve problems and correct mistakes. The experience of growth is accumulated from mistakes again and again. Children are constantly moving forward in the wrong direction. The more they move, the more firm they will be and the more successful they will be. So parents make full use of the learning opportunity of children's mistakes to teach children to grow. Help the child analyze where the mistake is, how to solve it, and how to save it. In this process, children will form problem-solving thinking. When encountering similar problems, children know how to avoid them; When encountering other problems, children know how to use their own ability to actively solve them.

Finally, it is normal to make mistakes. Both adults and children grow up in constant mistakes and corrections. As a parent, it is important to look at this problem correctly. Don't let children feel like the sky is falling down when they make mistakes. It is important to know that children are constantly learning and growing wisdom through mistakes.

Old Hunter 2024-06-16 11:08:12

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