Reasons for teenagers' addiction to the Internet

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Internet addiction is caused by the lack of support from the family system and the poor communication between teenagers and their parents. Under the influence of adolescence, the psychological development of adolescents is in an unbalanced state, and adolescents feel painful and confused due to the germination of sexual consciousness, the enhancement of self-consciousness, and the unbalanced psychological development. Social pressure, the society has put forward more and higher requirements for young people. School entrance, employment, parents' expectations, role models, etc. have brought them great pressure and crisis awareness. Here are the reasons why teenagers are addicted to the Internet.

Reasons for teenagers' addiction to the Internet

1. Have strong adult awareness. When teenagers enter adolescence, their adult consciousness becomes stronger and they think that they can handle everything by themselves, but in real life, they often cannot solve the difficulties they encounter. A small setback will cause their emotions to fluctuate. At this time, when they are faced with problems that cannot be solved and frustration is unstable, they will unconsciously look for the network, a virtual world that can make them completely escape from reality and fully vent their emotions.

2. A longing for friendship. Due to the current intense academic competition environment for young people, they need the understanding, recognition and support of others. However, in real life, due to the constraints of some factors, it is difficult to meet various needs such as interpersonal relationships, social support and self realization. At that time, the network, with its unique way and rich content, showed people a new virtual social environment, which undoubtedly provided teenagers with the best stage for their own needs. In online games, they found themselves, realized themselves, and gave them space and objects to talk about.

3. Lack of ability. Teenagers are in a period of psychological maturity, and their self-control is weaker than that of adults. At this time, when something makes him happy or satisfies his needs in some way, they will be extremely eager to have it again. At this time, online games, online chats and pornographic and violent information on the Internet met his sensory and psychological needs to a certain extent. In order to further obtain or sustain such satisfaction, they ignored learning, blurred right and wrong, and plunged into the so-called "happy kingdom". Often this repetitive behavior is not well controlled, and when it reaches the level of uncontrollable, they become addicted.

4. Lack of communication. Today's teenagers are facing the pressure of entering a higher school and studying, so many students cannot communicate well with their parents. It is often said that parents are the best teachers for children. When children are in this period, they especially need correct guidance from parents. However, due to the lack of patience, many parents are accustomed to guiding their children in the form of "parental orders", thus ignoring the rebellious psychology of adolescents, thus causing the situation that adolescents tend to confront their parents.

How to deal with teenagers' addiction to the Internet

1. The reason why children are obsessed with mobile phones is that no one plays with them, plays games with them, or reads with them. Mobile phones almost include these functions. Therefore, parents should spend more time with their children, not let them make "boring" and "no one plays with me" sounds at home, and not let them feel lonely in mind, so as to seek comfort from their mobile phones.

2. Read extracurricular books and take children to do more outdoor activities. Once the child has become addicted, don't be too anxious. Help the child to quit slowly. Try to distract children's attention. For example, give them lots of interesting books, take them to read stories together, or take them to outdoor activities, let them make friends, and slowly cultivate their other interests. In this way, children's interest in playing mobile phones, ipads and other electronic products will gradually decline.

3. To cultivate children's self-control, parents should pay attention to cultivating children to control current temptation and accumulate positive experience brought by delayed gratification; Cultivate children's ability to wait actively; Cultivate children to restrain existing ideas and behaviors, and adjust corresponding new ideas, attitudes and behaviors according to new rules; It is necessary to provide children with certain external control and constantly improve their executive ability. With self-control, children can self control their Internet behavior and take the initiative to quit their addiction to mobile phones.

Parents must be clear about the reasons why teenagers are addicted to the Internet, so as to suit the remedy to the case. In response to this problem, I personally prefer to strengthen communication with children, and appropriately take children to participate in some family entertainment activities, to dilute the impact of the Internet on children. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen children's systematic learning of learning methods and time planning, so as to catch up with the normal learning progress in a short time.

Unique rabbit 2024-06-14 13:07:23

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