2021 Boys' poor grades, what skills are they good at

How tender is unrequited love
Selected answers

No matter what technology you learn, you must learn what you like. It is not what others say you are good at. No matter what work you do in the future, you must do what you are interested in. Otherwise, it is no use if you have a future but are unhappy. Learning to cook now people's living conditions have improved, and their requirements for food are also constantly improving. The food industry will never be eliminated, so learning a cooking skill can definitely make your future bright.

Everyone knows that there are many people who study architecture to build houses. If you learn this building skill, you will never lose your job, and your salary will be good.

Studying e-commerce is now the Internet era, and e-commerce has become the main platform for people's business transactions. After learning this major, I think you can work without worry. For college selection, major selection and score line review, it is recommended to use Butterfly Volunteer Software to fill in simulated volunteers. The Butterfly Volunteer System uses big data intelligent algorithms to retrieve all the universities that can fill in the scores according to the scores added by the examinees.

As for the future of the automotive aftermarket, I believe we can all see that cars have become as popular as computers. Cars once owned only by the rich have begun to enter the homes of ordinary people.

The future is even more immeasurable, because so far, there is no vehicle that can completely replace the car.

With regard to the profit in the automotive aftermarket, every car needs to be covered, maintained, repaired, insured, etc. The relevant industrial chain is interlinked, and the huge profit only needs to be checked online, and a series of numbers will blind your eyes. A few cents a film can buy hundreds of yuan, not to mention the profit of parts and sheet metal.

In addition, China has a large number of cars, so opening a car repair shop is the best choice for entrepreneurship and learning auto repair recently.

Recalling the past 2024-06-16 17:04:54

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Confucianism, also known as Confucianism, Confucianism, Confucianism, Confucius and Mencius, and Confucianism, is respected by Confucian scholars of all ages. It is a cultural mainstream ideology, philosophy, and religious system that originated in China and simultaneously influenced and spread to other countries in the surrounding East Asia. Treat elders with respect and respect. Friends should keep their promises. Officials should be honest and love the people. They should be self aware and do their own thing. The ruler should be benevolent and love the people. "To govern with virtue, such as Beichen, where all the stars live together". Be loyal to your boss. "When you are a minister, you should be polite, and when you are a minister, you should be loyal.". Be filial to your parents and relatives. "If your parents are here and you don't travel far, you must be wise when you travel.". Founded by Confucius in the first five centuries, it was born out of the ritual and music tradition of the Zhou Dynasty. With benevolence, forgiveness, honesty and filial piety as the core values, it focuses on the moral cultivation of gentlemen, emphasizes that benevolence and etiquette complement each other, attaches importance to the five ethics and family ethics, advocates enlightenment and benevolent government, attacks and attacks government affairs, tries to rebuild the ritual and music order, changes customs, and is rich in the ideal of joining the world and humanistic spirit.

Not only the sage has his heart, but also what the heart means

The meaning of "Shi Xin" in "Not only the sage has a heart" is: nature; It is nature.
"It is not only the virtuous people who have the heart" means that they are not just virtuous people who have this nature. Origin: Mencius' Fish I Want in the Warring States Period.
Excerpt: People are worse than the dead, so why not treat the patients who can be cured! If you are right, you will be born without use; Therefore, we can overcome the problems and do nothing. So what we want is more than the living, and what we hate is more than the dead. Not only the virtuous have their own hearts, but all people have them. The virtuous can not lose their ears.
If people do not hate more than death, then what can be used to avoid disasters will not be used? We can live by adopting this method, but some people refuse to adopt it. This method can avoid disasters, but some people refuse to adopt it. Because there is something more desirable than life, and something more repugnant than death. It is not just that sages have this nature, everyone has it, but that sages can not lose it.
The Fish I Desire is a representative work of Mencius, based on his theory of good nature, which deeply discusses people's view of life and death. It emphasizes that "justice" is more important than "life" and advocates sacrificing life for righteousness. Mencius was kind-hearted. He thought that "everyone has a sense of shame and evil". People should keep their kind-hearted nature, strengthen their cultivation and education at ordinary times, and not do anything against etiquette. Mencius believed that this thought was the essence of the traditional moral cultivation of the Chinese nation and had a far-reaching impact.
Mencius first made an analogy with the specific things that people are familiar with in life: fish is what I want, and bear paws are also what I want. In the case that both cannot be obtained at the same time, I would rather give up fish than bear paws; Life is what I cherish, and righteousness is also what I cherish. In the case that the two cannot be obtained at the same time, I would rather give up life for righteousness.

Next sentence in his own way

The next sentence of "treat others as they are" is "treat others as well". It is a Chinese word to treat others by their own way, that is, to cultivate others by using their own principles and methods. From the thirteenth chapter of Zhu Xi's Commentary on the Doctrine of the Mean: "Therefore, a gentleman's governance of a person means that he or she should treat his or her own body as well as his or her own way."
The Collection of Notes on the Doctrine of the Mean is Zhu Xi's note on the Doctrine of the Mean. "The Doctrine of the Mean" was originally one of "The Book of Rites of Xiao Dai". The author is Zisi, a descendant of Confucius, who was later revised by scholars in the Qin Dynasty.
Zhu Xi (October 18, 1130 to April 23, 2000), with the character of Yuan Hui, also known as Zhong Hui, was called Hui Temple, and later called Hui Weng. His ancestral home is Wuyuan County, Huizhou Prefecture (now Wuyuan, Jiangxi Province), and he was born in Youxi, Nanjian Prefecture (now Youxi County, Fujian Province). Neo Confucianism, thinker, philosopher, educator and poet in the Southern Song Dynasty of China.
Zhu Xi was a successful candidate when he was 19 years old. He once served as governor of Nankang, Jiangxi, Zhangzhou, Fujian, and governor of eastern Zhejiang. The official worshipped Huanzhang Pavilion, served as an attendant and lecturer, and lectured for Song Ningzong. In his later years, he was banned by the Communist Party of China in Qingyuan, and was listed as the "leader of the pseudo school". He died in the sixth year of Qingyuan (1200) at the age of 71. Later, he was posthumously awarded as Grand Master and Duke of Huiguo, with the posthumous title of "Wen", so he was called Duke Zhu Wengong.
Zhu Xi is a student of Li Dong, the third disciple of "Er Cheng" (Cheng Hao, Cheng Yi), and together with Er Cheng, they are called "Cheng Zhu School". He is the only one who is not a disciple of Confucius and enjoys worshiping Confucius Temple, ranking among the twelve philosophers in Dacheng Hall. Zhu Xi is the epitome of Neo Confucianism and the representative of Fujian Studies, and is honored as Zhu Xi by later generations. His Neo Confucianism had a great influence and became the official philosophy of the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties.
Zhu Xi has written many books, including Annotations to Four Books, Explanations to Tai Chi Diagram, Commentaries to General Books, Annotations to Chu Ci, and later collections, including Zhu Zi's Complete Works and Zhu Zizi's Images. Among them, the Annotations to the Four Books and Chapters became the standard of the imperial examination and textbooks.
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