How to make a study plan for the Chinese language of individual enrollment in higher vocational colleges

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How to make a study plan for the Chinese language of individual enrollment in higher vocational colleges

As a compulsory basic subject in the single entrance examination, Chinese, which accounts for 150 points, is of great importance to students. However, many students, especially those majoring in science, often subconsciously regard Chinese as an adjunct course, ignoring the importance of Chinese in their daily study. When the simulation examination or even the single entrance examination in higher vocational colleges is over, they look at their poor Chinese scores, It's too late to repent. Therefore, it is essential to make a review plan. Then, how can we make a study plan for Chinese in vocational colleges?

When making plans, we should first have some principles:

1. The planned time cannot be set too tight, otherwise some accidents will not be completed. For example, Monday night 8:00-10:00 to learn English; 10: 00-11:00 Learn Chinese; 11: If you are ready to go to bed at 00-11:30, it is better to change to 8:00-9:30 to learn English. In this way, if some content is not completed by 9:30, you can extend 15 minutes. If it goes well, students can freely use these free time.

2. Allow time for accidents. The weekly plan should allow time for accidents. For example, if the school occupied on Tuesday night, it needs to arrange time to make up the plan for Tuesday. Originally, the plan for this month had been made, and new content was found during the exam. More basic questions need time to be filled. These need to be reserved.

3. Set aside time for summary every week. Check the planned completion time of this week. Don't think that if the plan is finished, there will be nothing for our parents. In our work, don't we also need to plan execute check?

4. The plan should be specific. For example, if we have determined that the key remedial subject this month is history, it must be clear which parts to complete each week. Don't let students spend time thinking about "what to learn tonight".

Afternoon tea fragrance 2024-06-11 16:12:56

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How many initials are there

There are 23 initials, they are b p、m、f、d、t、n、l、g、k、h、j、q、x、zh、ch、sh、r、z、c、s、y、w。 The initial consonant is the consonant before the final, which forms a complete syllable together with the final.
According to the Chinese phonetic scheme, y and w are respectively zero vowel syllables with rhymes, and the rewriting of rhymes i and u, for example, the syllable yan is the rewriting of zero vowel syllables ian, that is, yan as a whole, so y and w are not counted as initials; However, according to people's habit of spelling, they can use the initial consonant to spell the final, that is, y-an-yan, so y and w are counted as the initial consonants.

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China's inventions include compass, papermaking, movable type printing, gunpowder, Kongming lantern, etc.
1. In ancient times, the compass was called Sinan, and its main component was a magnetic needle mounted on a shaft. Under the effect of natural geomagnetic field, the magnetic needle can rotate freely and maintain in the tangent direction of the magnetic meridian. The south pole of the magnetic needle points to the geographical south pole, and this property can be used to identify directions.
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3. Movable type printing is an ancient printing method, which was invented by the working people of ancient China after long-term practice and research. First, make an embossed and reverse typeface of a single word, then select the words according to the manuscript, arrange them in the font, ink them for printing, and then remove the typeface after printing, which will be used again in the next printing.
4. Gunpowder is one of China's four great inventions. It is a substance that can burn rapidly and regularly under the action of appropriate external energy, and generate a large amount of high-temperature gas at the same time. In the military, it is mainly used as the propellant of artillery shells and the energy source of rockets, missile propellants and other driving devices, and is an important part of ammunition. An outstanding achievement in the history of human civilization. Gunpowder has become one of the important inventions of human civilization because of its lethality and shock power, which can bring to human beings the role of stopping wars and security defense.
5. In ancient times, Kongming lanterns were mostly used for military purposes. Modern people put Kongming lanterns for praying. Men, women, old and young write down their wishes, symbolizing the success of harvest and happiness every year. Kongming lanterns are usually put on during the Lantern Festival, Mid Autumn Festival and other major festivals. The moving direction of Kongming Lantern can not be controlled by people, so it can only be "resigned to fate". Once the wind force, direction is unstable or the lighting is improper after takeoff, the Kongming Light will directly threaten the safety of aircraft, high-voltage power supply equipment, communication facilities, mountains and forests and various buildings, and will do great harm to ground fire safety.

What is the initial consonant?

Initials are consonants before vowels, which together with vowels form a complete syllable. The consonant is the sound produced when the air flow is blocked in the mouth. The process of pronunciation is the process of air flow being blocked and overcoming obstacles.
According to the Chinese Pinyin Scheme, y and w are respectively zero vowel syllables with rhymes, and the vowels i and u are rewritten. For example, the syllable yan is the rewriting of zero vowel syllables ian, that is, yan as a whole, so y and w are not counted as consonants; But according to people's habit of spelling, they can spell yan by using initials to spell vowels, that is, y-an-yan, so y and w are counted as initials.
The ending ng belongs to the nasal consonant, but in the Mandarin pronunciation system, it is no longer the initial consonant, so it is not in the category of the initial consonant of Mandarin, but in some dialects, it can appear in the form of the initial consonant.

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In the fifth year of Taiping's rejuvenation of the country (980), he became a scholar and was awarded the title of "Dali" to evaluate affairs and to know Badong and Cheng'an counties. He was upright, and gradually was put in the important position of Taizong because of many direct advices. At the age of 32, he paid homage to the Privy Council and Deputy Envoy, and immediately became a counselor in politics. After Zhenzong ascended the throne, he served successively in the Ministry of Work, the Ministry of Punishment and the Ministry of War, and also served as an envoy of the Third Division. In the first year of Jingde (1004), he served as the prime minister together with Bi Shi'an, a political adviser (Tongping Zhangshi). In the winter of that year, Khitan (Liao) invaded the Song Dynasty in the south and surrounded Hebei areas such as Chanzhou, which shocked the court and the people; Kou Jun opposed the southward migration and urged Zhenzong to fight in person, thus stabilizing the morale of the army and making the Song and Liao sides conclude the "Chanyuan Alliance". In the third year of Jingde (1006), Wang Qinruo and others left the position because of their exclusion. In the first year of Tianxi (1017), the post of prime minister was restored. Later, because of his participation in the power struggle of the court, he was pushed out by Ding Wei and others, and several of them were relegated. Finally, he joined the army in Leizhou. In the first year of Tiansheng (1023), he died in Leizhou.
In the fourth year of Huangyou (1053), Emperor Renzong of Song issued an edict to erect a monument for him, and personally wrote the word "honoring loyalty" at the head of the monument. He was honored as Duke Lai, and gave a posthumous title of "Zhongmin", so later generations often called him Kou Zhongmin or Duke Kou Lai. Together with Bai Juyi and Zhang Renyuan, they are called "Three Virtues in Weinan". Kou Junshan can write poems, and his seven unique poems have special charm. There are three volumes of Kou Zhongmin's Poems handed down from generation to generation.
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