What should parents do when their children are wayward and angry

The more quiet you think
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The child is usually too headstrong and has a big temper. Parents should seriously reflect on the way they educate their children. If it is their own way of education that is inappropriate, they should correct it in time. They should not let the child develop bad habits and characters. What should parents do if the child is headstrong and has a big temper?

What should parents do when their children are wayward and angry

1. Don't spoil the child too much

The child is capricious and has a big temper. The parents must give him strict education, because most families now spoil their children, resulting in his fearless character. I feel that I am the boss at home, so when talking about parents, you should be serious or serious. You should firmly believe that indulgence cannot cultivate a good child. If you treat him too well, you will not blame him for anything he thinks he does.

2. Ask the child to explain his/her behavior clearly

When a child who is a little older (over 4 years old) puts forward any request, he should explain the reason why he needs to meet it. Give satisfaction that is reasonable (considering the actual situation of the child), and refuse to be unreasonable. In this way, children are guided to develop rational will, restrain irrational impulses, and learn to make rational adjustments to their own behavior.

3. Make use of one's plan to make children change their behavior

When a child is wayward and spiteful, parents can ask the child to do what he used to do as a means of coercion (such as crying, lying, spitting, etc.). For example, if a child wants to sit on the ground and kick his feet, adults might as well take the initiative to place (not push) him on the ground and order him to kick his feet and cry. In this way, children will realize that they used to be a threat, but now they will become self executing and accept punishment. The result is that children are asking for trouble, and irrational will behavior may be self restrained.

4. Learn cold treatment

For children who are angry, parents are advised not to scold their children when they are angry, and should learn to deal with them coldly. When the child's mood calms down, parents can timely persuade them to relieve their tension by touching and hugging the child, and understand the reasons for the child's temper, so as to fundamentally solve the problem of the child's wayward and angry; In addition, parents should set a good example for their children to avoid quarreling in front of them and create a good family environment; Usually, parents can lead their children to go out more for outdoor sports, make new friends, and participate in more activities to distract children's attention.

5. Compassion and encouragement

Children's psychology is very simple and simple, but it is also very fragile and can not withstand a little attack. For example, some children put their heart into the puzzle, but after a long time, they failed; Or I worked hard to build a building block house, and when I built it very high, it suddenly collapsed. At this time, children will feel that they are not as capable as they imagined, and they will be depressed, even cry loudly. At this time, parents should tell him that other children may have experienced similar situations and cannot complete this task, making the baby feel that "many people have encountered this thing", which can relieve the child's psychological pressure and self blame. The expression of parental sympathy can shorten the distance with the child, and the comfort effect will be better when the distance is shortened.

What should parents do when their children are wayward and angry? Parents should set an example, learn to cool down properly, and don't spoil their children too much.

Foil 2024-06-11 16:07:56

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