Poems that do not associate with the common customs
2022-02-15 14:02:48
The verses that do not associate with the secular world include:
1. The whole world is turbid and I am pure. Everyone is drunk and I am awake—— Unknown "Fisherman"
2. The caged bird is nostalgic for the old forest, and the fish in the pond is nostalgic for the old abyss—— Tao Yuanming's "Returning to Garden and Field, One of Them"
3. Go out with a big laugh. We are not Penghao people—— Li Bai's Farewell to Children from Nanling Entering Beijing
4. Picking all the cold branches and refusing to live, the lonely sandbar is cold—— Su Shi's "Bu Tuan · Residence in Huangzhou Dinghui Academy"
5. Anneng is a powerful person, which makes me unhappy—— Li Bai's "Sleepwalking Tianmu Sings Farewell"
6. A thousand hammers and ten thousand chisels out the deep mountain, and the fire burns like idle. I'm not afraid of being crushed to pieces. I want to remain innocent in the world—— Yu Qian's Lime Chant
7. Hold fast to the green mountain, and stand in the broken rock. A thousand grinds and ten thousand strikes are still strong. The wind is blowing from east to west, north to south—— Zheng Xie's Bamboo Stone
Inquisitive education
2022-02-15 14:02:48