What is the phonetic order of Zui
Between two smokes and water
2022-02-28 12:10:12
The phonetic order of "Zui" is Z, and the most ancient form of this word is the seal character. The ancient form is composed of the word "You" for wine and the word "Zui" for termination. "Zui" has both phonetic functions. "Drunken" refers to excessive drinking, lethargy, or even loss of consciousness. Extension can refer to an extreme interest in something. It also extends to confusion and stupidity.
1. The Book of Songs, Xiaoya, and the First Banquet of Guests: "When a guest is drunk, he will stop drinking. He will write his number and address his words. He will confuse me with others and dance his attributes repeatedly."
2. "Song of Wine Virtue": "Careless, happy. But drunk, suddenly awake."
3. "Fisherman": "The whole world is turbid and I am pure. Everyone is drunk and I am awake."
Sentence making:
1. Tian Tian's wonderful singing is really intoxicating!
2. The beautiful scenery along the coast intoxicated us.
3. Students are intoxicated with the charming spring scenery.
4. The audience was intoxicated by the wonderful singing.
5. The sheer Beijing opera and Beijing rhyme intoxicated the whole audience.
Inquisitive education
2022-02-28 12:10:12