Good looks describe old people or young people
2022-03-02 10:22:15
"Good looks" describes an old man. It means to describe a person's appearance as a kind person. From Lao Zhang's Philosophy: "A round face, a silver gray beard, kind eyebrows and good intentions."
Sentence making:
1. We were all deceived by her kindness.
2. Grandfather is kind, he must be a good man.
3. Grandfather Sun has a kind face and likes to tell us stories, so everyone likes him very much.
4. The old lady is kind and purposeful. She feels very close when she sees her.
5. The old man always has a smile on his face, looking kind and purposeful.
6. Xiaocao looks up at the sun with great respect.
Inquisitive education
2022-03-02 10:22:15