Representative figures of humanism
Don't forget when you are at peace
2022-02-22 10:32:21
The representative figures of humanism include William Shakespeare, Francois Rabelais, Dante Aligieri, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Moore, etc.
1. William Shakespeare: English Renaissance playwright and poet.
2. Francois Rabelais, one of the French humanist writers in the Renaissance, is also an outstanding educational thinker. Rabelais's main work is the novel The Giant. The Biography of the Giant is divided into five volumes. It is based on French folklore, and mainly describes the activity history of three generations of giants, namely Grongoje, Gao Kangda, and Pang Da Gu Ai.
3. Dante Aligieri: a medieval Italian poet, the founder of modern Italian, and the pioneer of the European Renaissance, he is famous for his epic Divine Comedy. Dante is the greatest poet in Europe and one of the greatest writers in the world. Engels commented that "the end of the feudal Middle Ages and the beginning of the modern capitalist era are marked by a great man, Dante, an Italian, who was the last poet in the Middle Ages and the first poet in the new era".
4. Leonardo da Vinci: Italian Renaissance painter, scientist and inventor. Modern scholars call him "the most perfect representative of the Renaissance". He is a unique all-round talent in human history. His greatest achievement is painting. His masterpieces, such as Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, reflect his exquisite artistic attainments.
5. Thomas Moore: the founder of the early utopian socialist theory in Europe, a talented humanist scholar and experienced politician, who was famous in history for his famous book Utopia.
Inquisitive education
2022-02-22 10:32:21