What does it mean to be full of night
Floating dream
2021-12-02 15:57:25
It means that night is coming, and the night is already deep.
Diffuse is a Chinese word, pronounced m í m à n, meaning full and stirring; Dense distribution and sprinkling; without stop; Distant or diffuse; The branches are numerous and lengthy; Spread; Smoke or water mist is everywhere.
come from:
1. The poem "Picking Lotus" by Wang Changling of Tang Dynasty: "The lake is filled with water, and the Qingjiang River can be crossed at the beginning."
2. Ming Dynasty · Xu Fuzuo's "The Story of Shuttle Throwing: The Upside Festival": "The Yangtze River is filled with thousands of miles, the momentum is meaningful, and the shape of the plate is curved."
3. The poem "Send Wan Maoxian to the north to apply for the army" written by Fang Wen in the Qing Dynasty: "Jilong Mountain is surrounded by mountains, and Qinhuai River is permeated with water."
Synonyms: fill, sufficient, diffuse, smoke column, full, full, overflowing, overflowing, overflowing, overflowing, overflowing, full, enveloping, overflowing.
The opposite: dissipation.
Inquisitive education
2021-12-02 15:57:25